Hate by K.A Knight

As soon as the door shuts, they come for me. I don’t bother trying to fight back, it would only get me punished and thrown out. No, I need to be here, so I stand there with my head tilted back, eyes defiant as they converge on me.

“Fucking human lover,” one spits, as his fist connects with my jaw, snapping my head around. Spitting my blood onto his boots, I turn back to face the front, a cocky little smile on my lips.

“You are nothing!” one roars, as he stabs me with the point of his wing. I grunt in pain as he pulls it free, my blood clinging to his black feathers.

They surround me, beating, kicking, and punching. Trying to break me, to beat me down. I try to remain on my feet, but there are too many bodies and too many attacks coming from all angles. I fall to my knees then to my side, still smiling even as one eye swells shut and one eardrum explodes so I can’t hear their taunts and insults.

My body tries to heal itself as it breaks and bleeds, but there is too much trauma, and as soon as it starts to heal me, they inflict the same injury again. It’s a never-ending circle of agony. Their faces contort in hate, true hate, as all that emotionlessness dissipates, and they become an army joined in their hatred for me.

The fallen, the mad one. I see their lips forming insults, and they fling them at me like their fists, their golden eyes glaring with angelic indignation.

It’s fucked up, but with each punch, each kick, each broken bone, and blood drop, I start to feel better...more human. As if I’m finally being punished for being born. The pain helps me feel like I can move on...like I’m more. Stronger, because I know now they can’t break my body. They simply can’t. I can survive whatever they throw my way. My madness swirls in my mind, making me laugh even as they crack my ribs.

I will heal.

Get Dawn.

Kill them all.

I repeat it again and again as my eyes blacken and my madness cries at me to get up, to rip them to pieces, and wear their blood like a badge of honour. I can’t see or hear now, and my blood burns with madness and pain. My body is one big wound, every bone is broken, and every organ is bleeding. I should be dead, but my body won’t allow it.

They know it, and it only infuriates them more. I can’t even die properly. Eventually the attacks stop and they leave me on the floor, like trash. I let my mind wander as I feel my body start to heal, my muscles stitching back together, my bones mending and popping. It’s sluggish, since there are so many injuries, and it takes a while. While I wait, I think of Dawn, and the way her blonde hair would fall into her face, that little smile she used to give me that told me she knew something I didn’t. That utter trust she had in me even when I didn’t trust myself. She was always so strong, knowing what she wanted and unashamed to act on her thoughts.

Even that night in the basement when I was vile to her, she simply laughed. Or the night I dropped her from the sky, testing her, she had accepted it, trusting me more than anyone else ever had. To her I wasn’t nothing, not an experiment, not a mistake or trash...I was hers. She wanted me.

I still tested her, touching her and expecting her to cringe away, but instead I found the truth in her body—she really did want me. And when she looked at me, those eyes filled with need and kindness, I knew. I knew I would never leave her side, I would change fate, and not let the past dictate my future. I won’t lose her like I lost my mother, I’ll fight death itself to claim her back.

She is mine.

I can’t wait to watch her grow in this world, to see the true power she has hiding in that tiny, curvy body explode out and rain down on these fucked up people. They will regret taking her, she will make sure of it, and I’ll be by her side watching as she kills them.

Imagining her eyes black, her body covered in blood, has me hard. It’s a strange fucking time to be sporting an erection, but that’s just another factor with my mate. I want her all the time, but when I see her fighting? When I see her covered in blood and power? I want to grab her, throw her onto the nearest surface, and bury myself in her sweet little pussy as she screams my name and fights me.

My eyes pop, making me grunt, and then they open. They ache and the light is bright, causing me to wince as I flip over and get to my knees before pushing to my feet. I waver for a moment before blowing out a breath and straightening to my full height. I give the other men a haughty look. A dare to try it again. A man can only be pushed so far and they keep on pushing that same button.

“Where’s my bed?”

* * *

I’m pretendingto sleep with my arms under my head and eyes closed where I lie on the ground. Apparently a mad bastard like me, a traitor, doesn’t get a bed. I get a square of flooring, but at least I don’t have to make it military neat like the others.

I’ve been here almost a day now and I’m feeling the itch, the one that’s always telling me to kill people, but now it’s telling me to find my mate, so with a sigh I get up and approach the head nephilim, who is sharpening his blade on his bed near the door. All of the ones here are waiting for orders while some are on patrol, some on other duties, and some are out on missions.

I stop near him and he pretends to ignore me, but his eyes flicker up to assess the threat before going back to watch the rhythmic movement of the stone against the metal.

“Give me something to do,” I snap.

He carries on ignoring me, so I narrow my eyes and grab his sword, cutting my hand on it. We both watch the blood mar the steel. “You want to punish me, fine, put me on a shit detail but use me. I’m fucking bored of watching you dicks wank each other off over who’s the furthest up the council’s arse.”

He jumps to his feet, his sword going to my throat as his nostrils flare. Oh, angel boy didn’t like that one bit. But then a strange smile melts onto his face. “You want a job? Fine.” He jerks his head to the left. “Follow me.” He doesn’t take me out the front door, but the one at the end, which opens to reveal stairs that lead down. Without bothering to grab a light he descends the stone steps, and I follow after him, my eyes adjusting to let me see.

It leads down to an underground corridor with cobwebs and old, melted candles on the wall. He strides away from me and I trail after him, taking my time just to piss him off so when he gets to the other end, he has to wait for me, his face crinkling in annoyance.

“Your face might freeze like that if you’re lucky,” I drawl, and with a snarl he turns, yanks open the metal gate behind him, and storms through. Laughing, I follow him and find another set of stairs, which open up into what I’m guessing are the dungeons. That gets my attention, and the thread that pulls me to Dawn seems to be tighter. She’s down here somewhere.

The nephilim stops in a long corridor filled with cells. “Behind you to the left is a janitor cupboard, you are on clean up duty. You can play bitch to the prisoners, make sure they don’t kill themselves and they get fed.” With that he walks away, leaving me here, but it’s the perfect job.

It means I can search for Dawn without being caught. I start straightaway, but over six hours later I realise just how big the dungeons are. The series of corridors make up a maze with thousands of cells. Other than the other poor bastards working down here, I can’t find her. I’m exhausted after all the fighting and healing, so I head back. I’ll get an early start tomorrow and find her.

* * *

I spendthe next two days on meal and clean up duty, my eyes searching every cell for my mate until on the third day, I find her. I wrench open the cell door, ready to clean up the bodies they ordered me to. It chafes at me, so I’m annoyed when I storm inside only to freeze.

My heart slams in my chest, my eyes wide as hope flows through me. My mind settles instantly, the irritation melting away to something darker, something so much stronger. “Vasculo,” I whisper.

She lifts her head, blinking open her eyes, and when she sees me a smile curves her lips, like she had no doubt I would find her. Those blue depths lock onto me as she gracefully leaps to her feet and struts towards me. My eyes drop to her body, not just to satisfy my lust, but to see if she’s okay. There is blood here and there, but I don’t notice any wounds. That doesn’t mean there weren’t any, she could have healed.

Then the smell hits me.

Blood, sex...and fur?

I bristle and my eyes shoot behind her. I blame my excitement at finding her for not noticing the big fucking man leaning back against the wall, watching me with blazing red eyes.

I snarl, “Who the fuck are you?”

Dawn rolls her eyes and stops before me, tilting her head back to gaze up at me. “Really, cutie, that’s the first thing you’re going to say to me? Not even a hello kiss?” she purrs, running her black tipped nails down my chest and making me shiver as my cock hardens further, jerking in my pants to try and reach her.

“Who is that?” I snap, glaring at him…not that she cares. “Did he hurt you?” I demand, searching her eyes, but she giggles and shakes her head.

“Only in the way I like. I missed you,” she tells me, and I melt for a moment before shooting another look at the man. I tug her behind me and cross my arms as I glare at him. I know she fucked him, I can tell, and the possessive way he gets to his feet and steps towards me only confirms it. Hurt and jealousy surges through me. While I was being beaten, almost dying, she was fucking someone else?

I can’t tell what he is, but he’s massive, like a walking, talking tree trunk with a golden nose ring. What a prick. I hate him instantly, and not just because he has muscles where I didn’t know you could have them.

“Who are you?” the man asks, his voice thick and growly.

“Her fucking mate, tree trunk, who are you?” I fire back.

“Her mate, it’s minotaur to you,” he retorts, stepping closer to try and intimidate me.

I let my madness come out as I whirl to see Dawn grinning at me like this is the best news in the world.

“How many goddamn mates do you have?” I yell, throwing my hands in the air. “Is it not bad enough I have to deal with that snobby dragon?”

“Wait, Aska?” she exclaims excitedly, and I narrow my eyes, my hand darting out and gripping her throat harshly. She moans, her eyes flaring in lust.

“No fucking more,” I warn.

I’m flying through the air before I even know what’s happened. Turning, I land on my feet, pulling my blades as I glare at the minotaur who’s now standing defensively in front of my mate like I would ever hurt her. He feels like she needs protecting from me, it makes me see red.

She is mine.

With a snarl I launch myself at him, and he meets me halfway across the cell as we tumble around in a blur of limbs, trying to hurt each other. All this time I’ve been looking for her, worried about her, and here she is shacking up with a fucking minotaur in the dungeon like it’s a love den. It infuriates me and I take it out on the tree trunk. I stab and slash, the scent of his blood filling the air, my mist wrapping around me as I flap my wings to keep us airborne.

He starts to change, his face melting to that of an animal, and his whole body ripples and thickens, which I didn’t think was possible. Suddenly, as quickly as it started, it stops. We are frozen in the way Nos stopped me before, floating in the air. I roll my eyes to see an angry-looking Dawn glaring at us. She flicks her head and we are pushed back from each other and thrown into the cell wall with a grunt, stuck there as she crosses her arms and watches us with black eyes.

Her hair floats around her as her power fills the room, leaking from her body. Her chest heaves with her emotions, but it only draws my gaze to her breasts as I imagine fucking her here, fucking the anger out of her and letting the minotaur watch so he knows whom she belongs to.

“Boys,” she snaps in a bored tone, “if you aren’t getting all that aggression out on me, it’s not worth it. Now stop fighting each other before I kick both your asses.”

“You could try, Vasculo.” I grin. “I might even enjoy it.”

“Might? We both know you would.” She laughs as she strolls towards us, effortlessly holding a fallen and a four hundred pound minotaur pinned to the wall like bugs. Her hand trails across my crotch and then the wall to the minotaur. She looks up at him with a secretive smile, one that’s different from the one she saves for me. I don’t know why that settles me a bit.

“This is Griffin, another of my mates. He can be a bit possessive and quick to anger, but he is a good man,” she tells him like I’m not here. I snort at the ‘good man’ comment and she winks at me. “And when he’s not, when he’s bad, I love it even more.”

Vasculo,” I warn, and she steps back.

“Now, do you promise not to attack each other again? Only then will I let you down.” She frowns.

“I promise, Draya,” the minotaur vows—the kiss ass.

“Maybe,” I mutter, and she laughs, waving her hand, and we both drop to the floor. I notice the minotaur stumbles while I do not.

Striding across the room, I block him as he heads to her. I tilt her head back and press my thumb to her throat as I circle it, without pressure this time. “Dawn,” I murmur, and her eyes light up as she leans into me. “I missed you.”

“Of course you did, angel.” She grins. “I’ve been having some fun here.”

I look around at the bodies piled in the corner. “I can tell.” I smirk. “Want to have some more?”

“What did you have in mind?” she purrs, and my eyes drop to her lips. I groan and step back before throwing the minotaur a glare.

“We’ll be back. Stay here and try not to charge anyone, good bull,” I taunt, then grabbing both of her hands, I hold them behind me like she’s a prisoner and drag her from the cell, shutting it on the enraged snarl of the bull inside, which makes me laugh even as Dawn shakes her head.

“Be nice,” she chides.

Backing her into the cell door, I slam her hands above her, keeping her restrained as I lean in, letting her see the need and anger in my eyes. “You don’t like me nice, Vasculo.”

Her breathing picks up and her mouth parts slightly as she rubs against me. “Then be mean to me, I’ve missed you.”

Growling, I throw her over my shoulder, spanking her as I storm down the corridor. I kick open the door to the bathroom then throw her inside and shut it behind me, locking it as I rip off my shirt and toss it away. She watches me hungrily as I flick open my jeans. “You want mean?” I snap.

She nods, almost moaning. “Yes, Griffin, I want the madness I see in your eyes. Show me how much you missed me.”

Before she can draw in another breath, I throw her against the toilet stall wall. Gripping her throat, I drag her farther up the wood, and she wraps her legs around my waist, grinding against me as I grip her cruelly.

Her breasts brush over my chest, making me groan as I stare at her pouting lips, imagining them wrapped around my already hard cock as I take her here for everyone to hear.

“Griffin,” she whispers, eyes alight with lust as I squeeze tighter, causing her breath to catch in her throat and her hips to jerk against mine.

She likes me when I’m nice, but she loves it when I’m mean.

“Do you want me, Vasculo?” I murmur seductively, leaning towards her as I lick her lips. “Do you want me fucking you, my cock inside you? Reminding you who you belong to?”

“I don’t belong to anyone,” she snarls, fighting in my grasp.

I slam her back into the wood and pin her there with an angry glare. “You belong to me just as much as I belong to you.”

“Fuck you,” she spits, growling and twisting.

“No, I’m going to fuck you,” I taunt, as I shove up her dress and line up, driving into her tight pussy.

She moans, stilling her fighting as she squeezes around me, whimpering, her eyes fluttering closed.

“Good girl,” I coo, kissing her mouth.

I dominate it, and use my body and mouth to prove to her that she does, in fact, belong to me. She kisses me in return, nipping at my lips as I pull out of her clinging heat and drive back inside, forcing her to take me as I fuck her against the wood stall.

She groans before yanking her mouth away, watching me with bruised lips. “Griffin.” She pants my name, making me grunt as I grip her tighter and start to move faster.

“You are mine,” I snarl as I drive into her again and again. “Not his, not theirs, not right now, you are just mine and I can do whatever I want to you and you will like it, won’t you, baby?”

“Yes,” she moans, her head tipping back to expose her throat. “I can take it.”

Pulling out of her, I throw her into the sink, and she grunts when she hits it. I step behind her and kick open her legs before gripping her hair and yanking her head back. I force her to watch me in the mirror, my wings spread out behind me, knowing she likes to see them. She moans and wiggles to push back against me as I keep her there.

Sliding my hand down her back, I play with her wet pussy, watching as a flush covers her face and chest. I dip my fingers inside her, twisting and curling them as she moans, then I fuck her with them before pulling my digits free from her tight channel.

Tracing them across her ass, I slip a finger inside her tight back hole. She groans, watching me in the mirror as I force her to take me. I’m aware we could be caught at any minute, but I’m not fucking her fast, I’m reclaiming her. Let them catch us, I will kill them and fuck her above their corpses.

She pushes back, wanting more, her black eyes locked on my every move, ready to take whatever I offer. My crazy little mate loves my madness, so I paint it across her skin, I fuck it into her and let it claim her as surely as I do.

I force it into her ass, adding two more fingers. She whimpers in pain and pleasure, arching back as I run my other hand down her throat. I tug down her dress until I can see her breasts, the tight rosebud nipples so bright and perfect against her pale skin.

Fuck, she’s stunning.

I grab her throat again harshly as I narrow my eyes on her in the mirror, still fucking her ass with my fingers. “Say it, say who you belong to.”

“No.” She laughs breathlessly.

I twist my fingers and she moans, so I do it again and again, making sure it hurts her, but I feel her cream dripping down her thighs and my hand anyway—my mate likes the pain. My cock jerks from that, and I’m two seconds away from pushing her down and fucking her ass until she screams that she’s mine...in fact…

Shoving her head down, I grip her ass with my hand and slap it a few times to see it pinken with my marks. She gasps my name, asking for more, but I pull my fingers free, and with my cock still wet from her pussy, slam into her ass, forcing past her muscles.

She screams, writhing against me, but I keep her pinned there as I drag my cock out and force it back in, over and over as I continue to smack her. “You are mine, say it.”

“No,” she snaps, pushing her ass back to meet my thrusts. My dirty little girl is wet as hell, her pink, raw pussy dripping for me, her clit engorged and begging for my touch. She won’t get it, I’ll force her to come from the pain of my cock in her ass until she admits it.

“You do, look at you, begging for my cock in your ass. You’ll take me however you get it and you know it. That makes you mine, Dawn.” Licking along her spine, I leave a trail of stinging bites. “Your body, your mind, your soul, and even your dark little heart. It’s all mine.”

“Please,” she begs, her eyes wild, blood dripping from her lip where she bit it. Reaching down, I brush a droplet away tenderly and she whimpers. My touch is a sharp contrast with the harsh way I’m fucking her, getting all my rage, hate, and love out on, I mean in, her.

“Please what?” I snarl, my wings blocking the room behind us. In the mirror I look like an angel of death here to steal her soul, but it’s the other way around. This former little human has my soul wrapped around her finger. I will always come for her, wherever she is, her fucked up angel.

“I need to come so badly,” she implores without shame as she fucks herself on my dick like a good little girl. “I want to feel you filling up my ass.”

Growling, I grip her hips tightly and drive into her repeatedly. She moans in one long string of curses, her ass tightening around me as she explodes. Roaring, I yank my cock out of her ass, not giving her what she desires because she didn’t say what I wanted. Instead, I aim my cock at her red ass cheeks.

I splatter my cum across her ass, watching as it splashes there like a warning. The minotaur will be able to smell it and that makes me grin as I watch it drip down her cheeks to her pussy, mingling with her cream. Using my other hand as she lies there gasping, I cup some of the cum and stick my fingers in her pussy, pushing it deep inside her. I do it several times, and she cries out my name and begins to press back to meet me again, wanting more.

“Yours, yours, yours,” she chants.

“Good girl,” I murmur, dropping to my knees. Uncaring about my cum dripping from her pussy, I drag it to my face and lap at her wet heat.

Licking up her wet center, I taste my saltiness and her sweetness, making me groan as I circle her clit before pressing my tongue inside her. She pushes back into my face, forcing me deeper, her pussy clamping on my tongue.

Humming, I do it again and again, licking and pressing her clit with quick flicks of my tongue before dipping it inside her. Before I know it, she’s coming on my face, her pussy clenching down on my tongue, trying to keep it inside her as she falls forward from the force of her release.

Sitting back, I watch her raw, cream and cum covered pussy as she pants. Her legs are jelly and not offering much stability. She turns and slips to the floor in front of me, her breasts high and tight, nipples hard, mouth red, eyes wide and hazy from pleasure. Dawn looks so fucking beautiful, even more stunning knowing my cum is spread across her pussy and ass.

She reaches over and grips my chin, forcing my gaze to hers. “I missed you, but you need to learn how to share, my love, or at least not kill them,” she murmurs in a playful tone, and then turns serious. “I am yours, Griffin, that’s true, but you don’t own me, you can’t. I promised myself that wouldn’t happen ever again.”

“I promised never to love again,” I blurt out, and then my eyes widen in horror as hers soften, searching mine.

“Your mother?” she asks, and I nod. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry, but I will never leave you, not like that. We are forever, Griffin, so stop trying to fight it.”

“My mother would have loved you. She was a fighter too, even until the very end. Her loyalty got her killed, Dawn, and I fear it will be your downfall as well.” I turn my face away, not wanting her to see the fear there, but she grabs it and draws it back. Her eyes are on fire and alive with purpose, determination, and something beyond even us...destiny.

“I will always be loyal. I will never walk away, even when the path is filled with obstacles, Griffin. We are together now, no one can stop that.” She leans closer and kisses me so softly and sweetly, I feel a crack in my twisted black heart, a shard of light shining in. Pulling away, she rests her forehead against mine. “When you’re ready, I would love to hear about her, about the woman who raised the man I love.”

Vasculo.” I suck in a breath and she grins.

“Don’t tell me the big, bad angel fears love?”

“Yes, don’t you?” I whisper.

“Yes, it terrifies me, but that fear lessens when I look in your eyes, every time you reach for me, and every time you hold me tight. It’s my greatest fear and biggest hope,” she divulges and then sighs. “I guess we should talk about the main thing here though—what’s next?”

I nod, drawing her closer, needing to feel her in my arms. “We have a plan.”

“So do I.” She laughs and pulls back to see my face. “Tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.”

“Dirty girl,” I tease, and she snorts.

I can feel the madness settling at her proximity and it allows me to breathe easier. I outline our idea and she frowns. “How did you get in anyway? Did you kill everyone?” she inquires, and it makes me sit taller that she thinks so much of me.

“I wish,” I grumble. “I had to return and beg to be let back in, told them I wanted to be part of it, the other nephilim were not happy.”

She must read between the lines because her eyes flare black. “They hurt you?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I snap.

“They. Hurt. You?” she says slowly, and I can see her changing before my eyes. My cock hardens instantly, my madness rising to meet her.

“They tried,” I admit, and she snarls, leaping to her feet and storming towards the door. Chuckling, I jump up and wrap her in my arms, stopping her progress as she fights and kicks to get free, ranting about all the horrible things she’s going to do to them for hurting me.

It makes me grin uncontrollably, knowing she cares that much about what happens to me, but I try to hide it as I bury my face in her hair. She’s so angry it’s like holding a wild animal in my grip. “Dawn,” I growl, and she stills. “It’s okay, we will make them pay, but not yet. Now, what was your plan?” I question, trying to bring her back before she goes out there and kills everyone. I know she would.

She huffs.

“If you tell me, I can find Nos outside and tell him, who can then tell Aska,” I offer, and their names make her slump.

“Fine, but I’m killing them,” she warns, and I nod, dropping a kiss on her shoulder.

“Of course, my little demon,” I agree. “Your plan?”

She turns in my embrace, a grin flirting at her lips, and I know whatever it is, it’s going to be crazy, my favourite type.