Hate by K.A Knight

Interesting. I knew my little monster would call more mates. She is too powerful not to, she needs them to help balance her, there can be no power without grounding. However, even I did not expect the power of the dragon she has called. To call him forth...the power she holds is incredible.

But none of it matters if we don’t get her back. “Then we can’t fight between ourselves. She is gone, and the longer we take to find her the more damage they will do to her. We do not know what they want, but when I find them, I plan to find out.”

“Then kill them,” the dragon snaps, eyes flaring purple for a moment.

I incline my head and a smile breaks out across his face. “Can’t say I’m surprised she has more mates, but you were both not what I was expecting.”

“Well, whoop-de-fucking-doo,” Griffin snarls and looks at me. “He can sleep on the sofa, I’m not sharing my room. Now stop making pleasantries and let’s get her back.”

Used to the fallen’s grumpy nature by now, and knowing the only one who can make him smile and not kill everything is our mate, I look to them both deciding I need to take charge. Something I don’t enjoy. I like my solitude, my forest, and knowing if something happens to people it isn’t because of me, but for her I will. Someone needs to ensure they don’t kill each other and that individual looks to be me, especially if the daggers Griffin is glaring at the dragon are any indication. I even catch his eyes leaking black as he strokes his blades.

I narrow my eyes at him and he rolls his, but he drops his hand as the dragon starts to stride away, into the forest. Sighing, I call out to him, “Wrong way. Why don’t you follow us?”

He turns and with a lift of his chin, indicates for us to go first. I do, stepping through the forest like I have walked it a million times, which I have. The trees move out of my way and the plants welcome me, all making my journey easier, but I hear growling and swearing behind me and turn to see the dragon struggling over roots and branches, a disgusted sneer on his lips as he glances around before suddenly stopping, his head tilted to the side.

Griffin snorts and storms past me, smashing through the trees without a care. “Do we need a fucking leash for the dragon?” he snaps.

“Be nice,” I warn, and he snarls at me, spinning, his wings flaring out and smacking the trees on either side of us. In his eyes I see the madness from which he hides, one so deep and integral it is a part of him, but I do not fear it. Neither does Dawn, it simply makes Griffin who he is.

“Nice? Fucking nice?” he shouts, stepping closer, mist coating him and wrapping around his form, darkening the forest. The animals go silent, sensing a predator.

“Guys,” the dragon calls out, but we ignore him.

“Yes, nice,” I grind out. “I don’t like it as much as you, but we are going to need all the help we can find to get Dawn back...that is what you want, correct?”

At the mention of her name, he growls, grabbing my throat and slamming me back into the tree. With a flick of my power, I send him sailing through the air, where he smashes through branches and underbrush before he suddenly materialises in front of me again. His eyes are nothing but darkness now, all the blue is gone. I remember how my mate likes him like this, how she can handle it, tame him almost...I cannot. And I can’t kill him, which only leaves talking to him.

“Other mates!” the dragon calls louder, but we don’t break our stare down, knowing if I do, he will strike. He wants an excuse to attack, he is looking for a weakness. He won’t get it from me.

“We have no choice, Griffin. We work together, we will go back to your place and reach out to everyone to see if they know anything and then make a plan. We are getting our fucking mate back,” I snap, his attitude and anger rubbing off on me.

Uncaring about the enraged and slightly mad fallen, the dragon steps between us. “There is a dead body over there, if you didn’t know.”

It makes Griffin laugh suddenly, the sound slightly manic. “Hell yes we do, that’s what happens when you fuck with our mate.”

It breaks the tension between us, and I relax as Griffin’s wings disappear and his eyes bleed back to normal. He claps me on the back as he passes me and follows the dragon, who yet again is going the wrong way. Aren’t dragons supposed to have a good sense of direction? “Let’s get her then.”

Sighing, I send a thought out to my mate, hoping she can hear it.

Little Monster, it will be a miracle if we don’t all kill ourselves before we find you, we need you...without you we are falling apart already...please, little one, come home.