Hate by K.A Knight

Istir, unable to help myself. Something pulls at me. I felt something similar before, but it was weaker, miles away. Almost a world away. I ignored it and went back to sleep, back to my magical slumber we all agreed to when we took our position, sleeping away the ages until we are called forth to serve…and rule.

But this time, I can’t. I can’t ignore it, the pull. It’s filled with pain and rips through the magic and layers of sleep shrouding me like a blanket. Stabbing into my brain and echoing in the prison of my head. It’s female, her mind reaching for mine even across the many miles separating us. I see flashes of what is happening, stabs of electricity moving through her to me. Men in black, flickers of corridors, and then darkness...just the scream remaining.

Screaming for me, even though she does not know me.

I sit up with a roar, my body bolt upright in my tomb, my eyes sealed shut and body weak from years of resting. But not for long. It’s unnatural for me to be awake, it will cause ripples. Problems.

None of it matters.

Not the years of control I learned, not the power I gathered and wielded like a sword. Not my place.

My name.

My position.

Only her.