Hate by K.A Knight

First of all, I want to thank you, the readers. For loving my monsters as much as I do, I hope I have done them justice for you. Dawn is always so much fun to write because I can be totally insane with her and it is never too much (ha) So thank you for always sticking with me, and standing in that dark alongside me.

To Mal and Court, I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you for listening to hours of rambling and incoherent messages while keeping me sane!

To my three-way, for letting me bounce my monsters off them and always giving me the motivation to carry on!

And to my betas, who rode this crazy train with me.

Without them, this wouldn’t exist. Thank you for always going along with my ideas and laughing with me during the crazy parts.

I love you all.

Thank you.