Hate by K.A Knight

Nos helps me change into a simple, flowing black dress. No court business today, just more talking, like sorting through the dragon problem, discussing who we are considering for the council, and assigning my men roles. I had a break like Aska said, time away to sort my thoughts and prepare, but now I need to be all in.

Choice or not, this isn’t the future I would have ever thought I’d have, but that doesn’t matter now. It’s my future and I have more than most. I have the power and station to change things, to protect people. People once like me. I have a duty to accept that. It’s time to take my place.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, nor does everyone else, but anyone who stands in our way should be scared, very scared. I have some of the biggest, baddest monsters behind me. Change is coming whether they like it or not. They either get on board or they die.

By my hands.

I’ve faced down human monsters, men who’ve tried to kill me. I’ve met a mob boss and been stolen. I’ve been killed, experimented on, trapped, and locked away. Hurt, raped, and tossed out like trash. I’ve seen the worst of this world, but also the best...in those men waiting for me.

Nos kisses me and leaves, allowing me to have a moment to myself, and I smile into the mirror. The good makes the bad all worth it. Every inch of pain, every brutal touch or punch. I would endure it again and so much more to find the happiness and love I have now.

But...these enemies are new, and I have a feeling before this is through, I will see a lot more bad. I’m hoping the good still outweighs it. My hate for the council and what they did is gone, and in its place is a fierce burning of love and strength.

They need me.

The way I once needed them.

It’s time.

A noise startles me from my reveries and I turn as I see a flash in the mirror behind me. I have a split second to see the blade coming towards me. But it’s enough.

I catch the dagger, and it cuts through the skin on my hand, my blood filling the air and only making me act faster. The man’s eyes widen as I jerk on the blade, wounding myself further and yanking it from his hold. I twirl it around and imbed it in his stomach. He falls backwards, his eyes wide as he cups the blade protruding from his body.

He looks down and falls to his knees, blood pouring from the wound. It’s a killing blow, I know. He tumbles to the side, his eyes blinking in shock as I stroll closer.

“What…are you?” he wheezes.

“A monster, baby,” I purr, as I crush my foot into his windpipe. He would have died anyway, and I know he wouldn’t tell us anything. But one thing is for sure—someone wants me dead...how exciting.

Just then the door bursts open, my monsters filling the frame with a snarl. “What happened?” Griffin demands, coming over and yanking me away from the dead man as Nos and Jair kneel at his side.

“He tried to kill me.” I shrug, my grin growing. “I guess someone wants me dead.” A rumble goes through the room, only widening my smile. “Looks like we have a killer to hunt.”

“Why is she smiling like that?” Aska whispers to Dume, who snorts. “It’s both terrifying and a turn on.”

“You have no idea. Just you wait, dragon.” Griffin laughs. “Our mate just realised that she can get her hands bloody, ain’t nothing getting in her way.”

I guess we have more threats to deal with than we thought. The human hunters are still out there, some witches managed to escape, and now someone is trying to kill me...isn’t this going to be fun?

Once a monster, always a monster…just with a crown now.

I hope they run far and fast, and aren’t afraid of the dark...because that’s where I live and I’m coming for them.

They should be afraid, very afraid.