Daddy’s Angel by K.A Knight


Ican’t even move, my limbs don’t want to listen to me. I have never been fucked so thoroughly before. I’m in a state of relaxed bliss. He could do anything, and I would let him. I’m like a purring fucking cat in his big arms as he carries me effortlessly through his house and up the stairs.

It’s weird to be here again, but it also feels right. He strides past Justin’s room, and I purposely don’t look. He catches my eyes, though, and smiles softly as he steps into his room and through to the en suite. “How are you feeling, Angel?” he murmurs.

“Tired. I think you killed me.” I giggle, and he grins as he starts to fill the bath, all the while holding me in his arms. Jesus, how strong is this guy? He adds bubble bath and lets it run as he strokes my back lovingly. When it’s almost half full, he helps me into it. I’m almost submerged, I’m that relaxed, and he laughs again, helping me sit.

“Don’t drown while I go get you some water,” he orders, grinning widely.

“Yes, Daddy,” I answer automatically, closing my eyes as the warm water flows around me, relaxing me even further. I don’t hear him leave though, so I crack open my eyes to see him staring down at me with a strange expression on his face. But then he blinks and it disappears, and he leans down and kisses me so softly, it brings tears to my eyes.

“God, Angel.” His voice is rough and filled with tenderness as he strokes my cheek and then sighs before pulling away. “I’ll be back in a moment. Don’t fucking move.”

I just float, letting the bubbles ease my muscles. I do have to turn the tap off when it’s full, and not two minutes later, Tyler is back. He presses a water bottle into my hand. “Drink, Angel,” he demands.

I sit up and twist the already loosened cap and take a big swig before passing it back to him. He places it on the side and starts to strip. I swear my jaw drops as I watch him.

It’s better than Magic Mike.

In fact, the music even flows through my head as I watch him. He’s not even trying to be sexy, but I swear I just came from watching him. He’s goddamn beautiful, all muscles and hard edges, his age only giving him time to reach perfection. He has a smattering of dark hair across his expansive chest and some tribal ink curling around his shoulder. His six pack clenches as he takes off his socks and trousers. I lick my lips as he reveals his thick, hairy thighs—what is it about thick thighs that makes me wet? His cock is at half-mast already, thick and long like I remember. Knowing he’s good-looking, he turns and winks when he catches me staring, his peachy ass flexing.

Now I know why girls like older men. Who needs growing boys when you can get a fucking perfect older man with a big cock who knows how to use it?

“Scoot forward, Angel.” I do as I’m told, lost for words.

He slips in behind me, splashing the water over the side as he pulls me into his arms, his legs settling on either side of me. I relax back into his big chest, and he wraps his arm under my breasts, keeping me up so I can close my eyes and float.

He starts to wash me, and I let him, grabbing his other hand and placing my tiny one against it. I smile at the differences. Tyler is huge all over, he makes me feel delicate.

Lifting his hand higher, I play with his fingers, noticing a small white scar across one digit. “What happened?” I question softly, as he continues washing me. I’m putty in his hands. How can one man be so perfect?

I’m a strong woman, but goddamn, even the strongest of us likes being looked after every now and again, and Tyler? He worships my body in and out of sex, completely dedicated to each task of looking after me, even though he probably knows we can’t have sex again because I’m too sore. He doesn’t care, he does it because he can and wants to, not to gain anything.

“When I was in university, I got drunk and tried to cook. It didn’t go well,” he replies, making me laugh as he kisses my cheek and takes his hand back to finish cleaning me.

I sigh. “I never asked… What happened to Justin’s mom?”

He doesn’t even skip a beat, his sudsy hands curving over my belly, still washing me. “Nothing, it was a one-night stand. I was young and still building my company with no time for relationships. We met in a bar, and I didn’t even get her name. Two years later, she found me and told me I had a son. After that, we split raising him. I had him every weekend and she had him during the week. It worked, even when she got married. We became friends of a sort. I never wanted kids at that age, but it made me work ten times harder to provide everything for him I never had.”

“You’re a good father,” I murmur.

He laughs, kissing my cheek. “I hope so, it doesn’t stop them from making their own mistakes. Like you.”

“Uh, you think I was a mistake?”

“For him? Yes. He never stood a chance with you. You would have realised that, even if he didn’t cheat. You’re too much for him to handle, too outspoken, a dreamer, creative. Justin, as much as I love him, is a very small-minded man.”

I think his words through. He’s probably right. “So you never settled down?” I ask curiously.

He shrugs as he washes my legs. “My company took off, and work became my life when he moved out. The years passed so quickly… Angel, no one ever made me want to. They see me, and they see the money attached to my name, they see a good life. Eventually, I got tired of the snakes and just gave up trying…until you.”

“Me?” I almost squeak.

He chuckles deeply. “Yes, you. With your goddamn innocent eyes and kind nature, you had me with one fucking smile, Angel. You are nothing like anyone I’ve met before. You don’t want anything, yet I want to give you the whole world.”

I shiver at that, unsure what to say. How did sex with Tyler get so deep so fast? I just got out of a complicated relationship, so I’m not looking for another one. I should walk away now before he gets the wrong idea.

He must feel it, because he stills. “I’m not asking for anything, Angel. Not yet, but we both know this was more than sex, you can get that from anyone. You came to me for a reason, and when you figure out what it is, I’ll still be here waiting. I’ve waited years for the right woman, I can wait a little longer.”

I ignore his words, not ready for what he’s saying, and he drops it. Part of me feels like I’m only just meeting Tyler—well, this side of him anyway. This intimacy is new, but then the other half of me knows him better than anyone. I know what makes him laugh, how his lips tilt to the right when he smiles. How he likes his coffee, his dreams, his hopes…

He grabs my pussy hard, possessively, like he owns it, and goddamn if I don’t rub myself against that hand, even though he’s just trying to take care of me. It does the trick though—it pulls me from my thoughts and brings my attention to the hard cock pressed against my ass. His rough palm cups my sex… No more thinking, Lexi. None of it matters right now. I don’t care how messed up this is, I want this man every goddamn waking minute. Every brush of his fingers creates a mix of agony and pleasure, his rough palm grinding into my clit until I gasp. The water laps against my hard nipples, making my cheeks heat and heart slam.

He kisses my temple, making me sigh in disappointment as he washes me and then drains the water before helping me out.

“Come on, Angel, you need to eat and sleep.”

“Is that right?” I grin as he crouches and lifts my feet, drying them before placing a kiss on each and putting it back down. He glances up at me, those dark eyes smouldering as they meet mine.

“Yes, because I plan on spending tomorrow between your thighs, so you better rest while I let you.”