Daddy’s Angel by K.A Knight


I’m old enough to know what I want in life, and strong enough to take it. I want Lexi, it’s that simple. I felt the way she froze earlier at my declaration. I’ll let her retreat for now. She’s young and coming from a bad place, so I let her believe this is just temporary, just about settling some desires in her…when in reality, I plan on keeping her.

Forever, if she will let me.

I’m too old for games, yet I’m willing to play them to get her. Willing to do whatever it takes to make her see she belongs with me. Like now, I’m watching her sleep. The moon shines through the open window, lovingly illuminating her beautiful face and her blonde hair, which is spread across my pillow like I imagined for so many nights. Her body is pressed to mine, each curve so different than my hard, aged body.

I feel dirty and wrong. She’s young and makes me feel so much older…but that won’t stop me. I don’t care what anyone thinks or how big the age difference is—when you know, you know.

And Lexi? She’s the one.

The one I’ve been waiting for. It’s never been like this. I thought I could take her body, the body she offered, and feel nothing. I was wrong. The sex…fuck, it blows my mind. I’ve never been so attracted to someone, and the way we come together, it’s like heaven in a beautiful blonde package.

Relationships like this don’t come around often. I refuse to be like my idiot son and let the best thing to ever happen to me go.

Justin… What will he think? Do I care?

He’s a fool, always has been. He treats women like disposable holes—hurts them, then leaves them. He’s young, I know that, but sometimes, I hate the prick.

Why did he have to meet her first?

I’m tired of watching her and wanting, tired of pretending I don’t ache for her. That I don’t dream about her, visualising her in my arms, her body splayed out beneath me.

She wants me, I know it.

But will it be enough?

The questions crowd my mind, but when she turns with an adorable little snore and presses her face to my chest, I realise I don’t care. That will figure itself out, all I care about is that she’s here. With me. In my bed, in my arms.

For now, Lexi is mine.

And I plan on making the most of it.

Wrapping my arms around her, our legs tangled together, I press my head to hers and close my eyes, a smile on my face. My little angel burrows closer like she can’t get enough. I fight the tiredness pulling at my mind and body, wanting to remember this night forever.

The beginning of the rest of my life.

With Lexi at the center of it.