Daddy’s Angel by K.A Knight


Ican’t wait to see Tyler tonight. It puts me in a good mood as I finish up my first two songs. Heading backstage, I touch up my makeup, grinning at myself in the mirror. Excitement courses through me for whatever Tyler will be doing to me tonight.

Hopefully bad, bad things.

Allegra comes in after her song and knocks back her shot before sorting her lipstick. Leaning against my dressing table, I grin at her, and she winks at me through the mirror. “So, who’s the hottie from last week?”

I roll my eyes, and she turns. “Uh-uh, tell me, that man was fine with a capital F. He looks like he fucks dirty.”

“Oh, he does, and long…and hard,” I tease.

She laughs and tosses a feather boa at me. I catch it and wrap it around my shoulders and start to shimmy at her. Getting to her feet, she grabs my hands, and we twist and dance together to the pounding of the music upstairs, until I get the call for another routine on stage.

She spanks me as I pass. “Go get them, girl, pretend your silver fox is watching.” She grins as she sits down. “Lucky fucking bitch.”

I blow her a kiss at the stairs to the stage. “You know it, girl. Maybe if you stop telling all males to fuck off, you would find one of your own.”

Her laughter follows me upstairs. She’s only a few years older than me at almost thirty, but I’ve never even seen her with a man for more than one night. She told me once they are all users and bastards, so now she uses them instead. Maybe one day, a man will come and knock her down a peg, but I doubt it, she would probably eat him for breakfast.

The stage lights are off as I slip into position with my fingers on the brim of my leather hat, tilting it down. My legs are spread and bent, and my hip is cocked as I wait for my cue. The music turns on, and the lights come up, shining on me and heating my skin. My fishnets flash as I step forward, swaying to the beat. My high shorts are tight, leaving nothing to the imagination, and my corset is snug so my breasts almost spill from it. I wear a pink wig secured on my head.

As the beat drops, I smirk at the ground and lift my chin. The bass pounds as I pull different poses and grab my mic to start singing and dancing. The crowd goes wild, clapping and dancing along as the drinks flow. I lose myself in the pulsing music as I let myself soar.

The stage is always where I get everything out, where I let the notes carry me away. In those minutes when I’m performing, nothing else matters. I am the music.

When the song finishes, and I’m standing with the mic in the air and a smile on my face, I feel like nothing can go wrong. My life is finally where I want it to be, and I’m so happy. Nothing can ruin this…


Heading back downstairs, I flop into my chair and sip my water. That was my last song tonight, and all the other girls are going on stage now for a group performance, so I get to have some peace while I prepare to leave. I start with removing all the makeup before I pull off my wig and place it on the mannequin, pulling the pins from my hair and running my fingers through it.

A noise has me spinning around with a startled gasp, and when I see Justin leaning against the door, I jump to my feet. “Justin?” I blink. “What are you doing back here? You can’t—” I look behind him, wondering how he slipped past security.

But he steps forward and kicks the door shut, sealing me in with him. The girls’ song takes four minutes. That’s four minutes with him unless I can get him to leave or slip past him.

Dragging my hand behind me on the dressing table, I grab a sharp-edged comb just in case. He has the most crazed look in his eye that’s setting me on edge. I don’t think he would ever hurt me, but why is he here? And the intensity in his expression, mixed with the fact that he heads straight for me, has me standing ramrod straight.

He stops when he’s pressed against me, like he feels he has every right to touch me just because we used to fuck. His hand goes to my cheek, but I flinch away. He lets it drop and narrows his eyes. “You won’t answer my calls or texts, I just want to talk.”

“Fine, but not here, meet me outside in the club—”

“No,” he snarls right in my face, and I jerk back again. “Just us two. Where no one can distract you or your decision.”

Does he really think others have any bearing on me not wanting to get back with him? “Justin, I don’t want to talk to you, never mind get back together. You stuck your dick in another woman, and we were horrible together. Just get over it and leave me alone,” I snap, getting annoyed with his constant harassment and unwillingness to let me go.

He was never this dedicated when we were together. Maybe if he had been, I wouldn’t be sleeping with his dad.

“No, no, you don’t understand.” He sighs and steps back, running his hand through his hair. “That was a mistake, okay? I’ve apologised.” He turns, his eyes wild, his hair sticking up. I swallow in trepidation. Something isn’t right… Has he been drinking?

“You need to fucking listen to me!” he screams, and his fist flies past me. I fall to the side as he punches my mirror. Turning in horror, I look at the cracked glass and then back to him. I step back with the comb clutched in my hand and point it at him.

“You need to get out! Now!” I almost scream, but my finger trembles as he steps closer, lowering his chin.

“Or what, Lexi?” He grabs me and throws me into a dressing table, his hand going to my throat. “You want to fight? Is that it? Is this some kind of sick game you’re getting off on?”

“No,” I snap, kicking out at him and pushing him back. “I can’t be any clearer, but I’ll try one more fucking time, so listen up.” I step closer, pressing the sharp edge of the comb to his throat, making him still this time, not me. I’m sick of men thinking they own me just because they’ve stuck their dick in me. They never have the right to touch me unless I say they do, and they need to realise that, because I’m tired of just accepting it. “I don’t want to fuck you, touch you, or be in a relationship with you. I want you to stop calling and texting. I want you to leave me the fuck alone.”

“You liked the flowers, didn’t you?” he interjects with a smirk.

The flowers… Fuck, they were from him?

“They were from you?” I sigh. “Justin—”

“Wait, you thought they were from someone else? Who the fuck are you screwing?” he demands, pressing into the comb, and I gasp and yank it back, but it’s too late. A drop of blood forms on his neck where he accidentally nicked himself.

He starts backing me up as he talks. “Lexi, who the fuck are you screwing?”

“None of your goddamn business!” I yell into his face. “Leave me alone, you fucking stalker! It is over. Over! Do you understand that? You were a mistake from the start, now let me get on with my life, or I swear—”

“What?” He laughs. “You’ll do what? Stab me with your little comb?”

I smirk then, refusing to be intimidated by this asshole. “Yes, and then I’ll toss your ass out of here. Leave me alone.”

He watches me, clearly debating my words. His shoulders slump as he scrubs at his face. “I just wanted to talk—”

“So you show up at my work? Drunk, nonetheless, and break my property?” I look at my mirror. “Good going, now get the fuck out.”

Sighing loudly, he backs away. “I’m sorry, Lexi, please—just think about what I said?” he implores almost hopefully.

“Are you kidding me?” I hiss. “No, it’s a no, it’s always going to be a no, and this shit is one of the reasons why.” Just then, we hear the footsteps of the girls coming down the stairs from the stage. They stop when they spot us. Their laughter and voices cut off as they take in my expression, the broken mirror, and Justin.

“Get out, or I’ll kick your ass, perv,” Allegra snarls as another girl goes to get security.

“Out before I gut you like the cunt you are,” Blair snaps, and even produces a blade from somewhere.

With one more look at me, he disappears, and I slump. They all rush over and start asking questions. “I’m okay, I swear I’m okay.” I sigh.

Security turns up, and I assure them I’m okay but ask them not to let Justin in anymore. After I wipe my face clean, I grab my bag and they walk me to the front door to make sure I get home okay. But once the door opens, all my anxiety and fear morphs to relief and happiness.


When I spot Tyler waiting outside, everything else fades away. Justin, the terror, nothing else matters but him. I rush into his arms, and he wraps them around me before pulling back and kissing me solidly.

I know I should tell him, but that can wait until later. Right now, I just want to be with my man.

He cups my cheeks and grins. “I’ve been thinking, there’s a family meal at my house on Saturday, come?”

“But—” He covers my lips and narrows his eyes in warning, making me shiver.

“You don’t have to say you’re with me. Justin won’t be there, but they all love you, so they won’t even question it… Come, Angel, please? Make it bearable?” he pleads.

“Will you at least promise to feel me up under the table?” I grumble, unable to say no to him.

“I’ll do you one better, I’ll fuck you while they’re downstairs eating,” he teases, grinning. I lean up and kiss him.

“Fine, you owe me orgasms for having to put up with Flo’s constant questions about babies though.”

“Deal,” he murmurs against my lips. “Now let’s get you home so I can rip off your clothes and start in on those orgasms.”

But in the back of mind, guilt takes root. I need to tell him about Justin… Will he understand?

* * *

Lying in his arms later that night, I finally tell him. “Tyler?”

“Hmm, Angel?” he murmurs, pulling me closer.

“Justin showed up at my work today.” I feel him lift his head and look at me, so I raise my eyebrows. “He was drunk, screaming about me taking him back. He even snuck into the dressing rooms and cornered me in there. He punched out my mirror and threatened me… He scared me.”

He frowns. “Are you serious?”

I nod. “I didn’t want to tell you, I just—” I sigh. “He really freaked me out. He left before security got there, but I had to threaten him with a comb. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, and even tried to—” I hesitate then.

“To what?” Tyler demands.

I lick my lips, and he grips my chin before tilting it back, making me meet those dark eyes.

“To what? Tell me now.”

“I don’t know, like to get it on with me,” I answer lamely.

His eyes flare, his body bunching. “Are you okay?”

I nod. “I was just scared.”

He leans in and kisses me. “I’m so sorry. Make sure security is always at the door now. I can talk to them if need be, that shouldn’t have happened. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, I just thought you should know,” I murmur.

“You should have told me earlier, Angel, but I get it.” He kisses me again, softly, lovingly, and then slips from the bed.

“Tyler?” I ask, sitting up as he grabs his jeans and starts to get dressed. “Wait, where are you going?”

“To beat up my dipshit son,” he snarls, turning towards me with his jeans unbuttoned, showing off his V and the bare skin leading to his cock.

“No.” Crawling to the edge, I grab his hips and look up at him. “He was drunk and being an idiot. I think he got the message. Don’t ruin your relationship because of me, okay?”

“Angel,” he snarls, reaching down and grabbing my chin. “He not only scared you but threatened and touched you. He’s a dead man walking. Son or no son.”

I kiss his abs and rest my head against him. “Please, please don’t, okay? I swear, if anything else happens, you can do whatever the hell you want to him, but just let this go, okay?” I beg, rolling my eyes up to his. I distract him by stroking down his stomach and burying my hand in his jeans. “Come back to bed with me.”

He hesitates, clenching his fists. Tyler is protective, possessive…but I can’t be the thing that comes between him and his son, and I know he would regret it. “Please?” I purr, blinking innocently. “Come hold me and love me, Daddy?”

He hesitates further, so I circle his cock with my hand and squeeze, making him groan. “Angel, stop trying to distract me.”

Getting to my knees so I’m higher, I grin and lean in, kissing along his chin and cheek. “Is it working?”

“Yes,” he grumbles.

“Good, ’cause I’m all kinds of wet right now, and you need to deal with that,” I purr, biting his ear.

“I still want to beat the shit out of him,” he mutters, but then his hands go to my hips and he throws me back. I bounce on the bed, legs spread, with a grin on my lips as he yanks down his jeans. Crawling between my parted legs, he stops to kiss each inner thigh, my belly, and over my heart before reaching my lips. “But I’ll let you distract me for a little bit longer.”

Gripping his hair, I kiss him, tangling my tongue with his and wrapping my legs around him before I flip us. I perch over him, stretching across his huge body, his hard cock pressing to my pussy. Licking and biting at his lips, I tease him, rocking on his cock before licking down his throat and nibbling there. His big hands come out and span my ass, squeezing as he rocks me faster, dragging me back and forth across his cock and wetting it with my cream.

“Angel,” he groans, making me grin against his skin. “Don’t tease, get your pretty mouth on my cock.”

“Is that an order, Daddy?” I ask, licking the shell of his ear.

His hand tightens on my ass a second before he lands a spank on it, making me yelp in his ear, even as my pussy clenches. “An order. You don’t want me to kill the bastard for touching my girl? Get your fucking lips around my cock and show me you’re my girl, or I’ll fuck this pretty pussy into oblivion, and while you’re asleep, sneak out and go to him.”

Kissing down his chest, I roll my eyes up to his as I dip my tongue into the hard lines of his abs. He grunts as he watches me, wrapping my hair around his fist and tugging me down. “Open up and suck it like a good girl.”

Holding his gaze, I do as I’m told, not being a brat this time. He shoves his cock into my mouth, and I close my lips around his hard, thick length. With a hum, I encircle my hand around his base and start to bob, going slow at first, until he starts to lift his hips, fucking his cock in deeper.

His eyes stay on mine, his jaw locked and grinding as he watches me. Squeezing and twisting my hand, I suck him down all the way to the back of my throat. He groans, his hips stuttering before he speeds up. It won’t take him long, and I can’t wait to taste him on my tongue, all man and his pleasure.

Running my hand up his thigh, I slip it between him and the quilt, and while he’s distracted, I push a finger in his ass. He yelps and jerks his hips, slamming his cock down my throat as he comes. I pull back, letting it drip down my chin and onto my chest. When he slumps, I lick his cock clean before pulling my finger free. Using my clean hand, I rub my fingers in his cum and twist and flick my nipples as he watches me with a groan. Swiping up more with my hand, I lick it clean with my eyes on him, curling my tongue around my fingers before tracing up my palm.

“Angel,” he groans, closing his eyes as I smirk.

He pants as his cock softens, and I slip from the bed, wash my hands, and climb back on, straddling his waist. “Distracted you enough, Daddy, or do you need to fuck my ass?”

His eyes slam open, and his hands go to my hips. “On your fucking knees, now,” he almost roars.

Laughing, I do as I’m told, ready for a night of orgasms and Tyler’s addictive cock. I wonder if I will ever get enough of him. Probably not.

I’m a daddy’s girl for life.