Daddy’s Angel by K.A Knight


Istayed at Tyler’s last night. After everyone left, we were slightly drunk, and we stumbled to bed and made messy love, laughing at what happened at dinner. Now I’m on my way home, my heart filled with happiness, and I’m wearing a goofy grin I can’t get rid of.

Ty’s dad was super sweet and nice, and kept dropping little comments that made me think he knew about Tyler and me. It didn’t bother me, to be honest. I’m not ashamed of dating Tyler, why should I be? He’s an incredible man, the best, and I don’t care about his age.

I just don’t want to ruin his work or his relationship with his son, but I know he’s wondering if I’m embarrassed to be dating him. He hasn’t asked, but I catch the looks when he thinks I don’t notice. He’s hurt and wondering if I plan to leave just because it’s hard.

I don’t. I love our little secret, knowing we share something no one else knows, but I’m also very sure about him. We haven’t been dating long, but when you know, you know. The world stops when we are together, my heart recognises his, and we are just…right. Like we’re made to be together. I never thought I’d believe in soulmates, but Tyler makes me want to start.

I love him so much it’s unreal.

It’s obvious, and for a girl like me, that’s scary but also freeing. I know he will always be there, always look after me, always protect me, and always love me. We will always have fun, and he will support me. He understands my passions and asks about my day. He listens. He’s too perfect. Nobody is, but to me? He’s as close as anyone can get.

Maybe it’s time we go public. It would be nice not to have to hide it anymore.

When I get back to my apartment, I groan. Justin is there, waiting outside my door. When he spots me, his eyes narrow. He has flowers in his hands, still not my favourite, though, because he doesn’t know me as well as his dad.

“You’re just getting back?” he asks. “I’ve been here all night,” he snaps.

I blink at his statement. He’s been here all night? “Why?” I query, grabbing my keys and holding them between my fingers in case he attacks.

“To see you, obviously.” He runs his eyes down my body and sneers. “Clearly you were busy seeing someone else, sleeping around. Tell me, Lexi, do you even know their name, you stupid slut?”

I roll my eyes. “I’m a slut because I wasn’t at my apartment when you showed up uninvited after I asked you not to come near me? Smart, Justin, now fuck off.”

He steps towards me, but I hold my ground. Chuckling, he pushes me backwards as he moves forward, backing me into the wall. But unlike when Tyler does it, this makes my stomach flip and fear fills me, even though I don’t let it show.

“Now listen here—” He starts, but I narrow my eyes. I’ve had enough of him, he ruined my perfectly good fucking mood.

“No, you fucking listen. You come here again, and I’ll call the police. Do you understand me? Now leave.” When he doesn’t move, I feign grabbing my phone.

“Fuck you! You’ll come crawling back to me soon,” he sneers, and I laugh right in his face. Crawl back to him? The man who couldn’t even make me come? Bitch, please, I might crawl for his dad’s cock, but that’s about it.

I flinch when he smashes the flowers into the wall next to my head, and with one last glare, he turns and leaves. My heart feels like it’s about to slam out of my chest, and my keys jingle in my trembling hands as I rush into my apartment and throw the lock into place.

This is getting out of hand. I might have to ask Tyler what to do.

* * *

After debating it for ages, I called Tyler, and I’m now nervously waiting for him to come over. He turns up with a smile, unsure why I called but happy to see me. Once we’re sitting on the sofa, I fidget anxiously.

“Angel, tell me what’s going on. You’ve got me nervous.”

“Justin was here again,” I tell him and wince. I hate bringing him into this and putting him in the middle, but I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to go to the police, but he’s starting to freak me out.

“What?” he snaps, grabbing my hand. “Angel, what happened?”

I tell him everything, and his face darkens with each word. When I’m done, wondering if this is going to break us, he drags me into his lap and wraps his arms around me.

“I’m sorry, Angel, that must have been really scary. We need to deal with this. He can’t come here, he can’t keep in contact with you. Something is clearly wrong with him right now, and I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.”

“I didn’t either… I think he’s drinking a lot,” I murmur before burying my head in his shoulder, relieved he didn’t blow up or break up with me. “I’m not calling the police though. I just think maybe you could talk to him? Maybe we could do it together?”

He pulls back to look at my face. “As in, tell him about us?”

I nod, searching his eyes nervously. “If you’re okay with that? It might discourage him, and honestly, I’m tired of hiding it.”

He grins so wide, my heart leaps. “Angel, you know I want to tell everyone, but don’t let him force you until you’re ready—”

“No,” I interject, covering his lips. “I’ve been thinking about this for days,” I assure him, my voice confident. “I want to tell everyone…if you want to,” I hedge.

He peels my hand away and kisses it. “Lexi, look at me.” When I do, he leans in and kisses me. “It’s all I want. I want to scream it from the rooftops so everyone knows what a lucky bastard I am.”

“You softie,” I tease, pressing my forehead to his. “What about your job?”

“I don’t give a fuck about my job, and this has nothing to do with it. You are my priority, do you understand? Why don’t we take this weekend for you to really think about it, and if you feel the same on Monday, we’ll go ahead?” I nod, and he kisses me so tenderly I feel like crying. “I’ll stay here tonight just in case, and tomorrow you can stay at mine.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I murmur, chasing his lips and making him laugh. He cups the back of my head, kissing me solidly.

“Now, go get your beautiful ass into something comfy. We can watch those chick flicks you love, and I’ll cook for you later,” he offers.

“Cuddles, cock, and crappy food? Count me in, Daddy.” I kiss him and get to my feet, feeling relieved now that we have discussed it.

He spanks me as I go past, making me giggle. I rush to get dressed in comfies, which happens to be a long shirt. I don’t bother with a bra or panties, because they will only end up on the floor. I shove my hair back into a ponytail. He’s seen me in worse and still wants me, so I don’t care.

When I get back, he’s stripped down to his boxers with a blanket over one thigh as he flicks through Netflix. I sit next to him, slipping beneath the throw and curling under his arm. He squeezes me like it’s the most natural thing in the world. It just fits, it just works, and as I lean into his side, I realise it’s never been this easy before.

But not safe…just perfect.

* * *

That night, we sleep wrapped in each other’s arms after a cute lazy night, which is exactly what I needed. With his arms around me and our legs entwined, I feel safe, happy, and loved, and I fall asleep easily with a smile on my lips and his name scrawled across my heart.

Sometime later, a loud bang jolts me awake. I sit up, heart hammering, but Tyler is already moving to get up when suddenly, the bedroom door explodes inwards. I yell, covering my face as he moves in front of me, ready to protect me against whoever has broken in.

My mind takes a moment to catch up at what I’m seeing, confused from being asleep. Nerves and fear surge through my veins, so I reach for Tyler’s shoulder to anchor me and look at the figure standing in the dark.

He steps into the room, the moonlight shining across his face, and my jaw drops. “Justin?” I scream.

He looks between us, and shock crosses his face before it morphs into anger. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he shouts.

I wither under his anger, but Tyler gets up. “Justin, calm down. Go back out there. I’ll be out in a moment, and you will be paying for the damages. You’re lucky if I don’t call the cops—” He starts.

Justin laughs. “And say what? You’re fucking my ex?”

Tyler straightens and squares his shoulders in anger. Even in just his boxers, he’s a goddamn powerhouse, but as my eyes flick between them, guilt fills me. I did this. “Don’t speak like that, you need to leave and calm down. Clearly—”

“What I need is for you to stop fucking my stupid slut of an—”

He doesn’t get to finish, Tyler lunges at him. I gasp, reaching for Ty as he wraps his arm around Justin’s throat, effortlessly pinning him against his chest. “Do not finish that sentence, boy.”

“Boy? Fuck you! Fuck you both!” he screams, struggling in Tyler’s hold.

“Ty—” I start, and it only infuriates Justin.

“He’s my fucking dad, Lexi, you sick bitch!” he screams at me, his eyes wild as spit bubbles on his lips.

I refuse to sit here and cower, so I climb from the bed and cross my arms, glaring at him. “Yeah, well, now I call him Daddy.” I smirk.

Tyler chokes on a laugh and starts to drag a kicking and screaming Justin from the room. I slip on a robe and follow them out, frowning at my kicked in front door, brilliant. If Tyler wasn’t here, what would have happened?

I shiver at the thought and stand in the doorway as Ty tosses him onto the sofa and points at him. “Stay down, I mean it,” he warns, his voice deadly, and Justin freezes, knowing he’s serious. He’s pissed as hell. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Tyler asks him, his tone filled with repressed anger. He glances at me to make sure I’m okay, and I nod before he looks back at Justin. His body is almost shaking with anger.

“Sorting shit out with my girl—”

“Ex,” I interrupt, infuriated. “And you thought breaking into my apartment in the middle of the night is okay? You have two seconds to explain why I shouldn’t call the police and press charges. This is stalking, and breaking and entering.”

A noise has me spinning around. I look to the door to see my neighbour there. “Everything is okay,” I tell him.

He frowns, staring at Ty and Justin. “You sure?” he questions. “I can kick their asses.”

“It’s fine, I’m sorry. Go back to bed,” I implore. He nods and steps back.

“Call me if you need anything.” He points at them. “If I see one mark on her, I will hurt you both.”

I smile as he goes back into his apartment, and I shut my broken door as far as it will allow for some privacy before I look at the two men in my living room. What a mess! Tears fill my eyes as I fight them back. “I didn’t want you to find out like this, Justin—”

“Sure you fucking didn’t!”

“What do you want from me?” I snap, dashing my tears away. “We broke up, I can sleep with whoever I want.”

“Not my fucking dad, babe. What the hell?” he screams, grabbing his head and pulling at his hair.

“I won’t apologise for being with your dad. I love him, Justin.”

“Wait, what?” Justin asks, his head jerking up.

Ty looks at me too. Okay, so this wasn’t how I was going to tell him, but beggars can’t be choosers. I smile at him. “I do, love you, that is.”

He beams, his eyes alight with happiness. “I love you too, Angel—”

“Shut the fuck up!” Justin yells, interrupting us.

Blinking, I close my mouth. My heart is soaring at Tyler’s declaration, but that’s for later. Right now, we need to deal with Justin, and this has gone too far.

“You need to calm down, son,” Tyler snaps, crossing his arms. “And stop yelling at her.”

“Or what?” Justin snarls, leaping to his feet. “You going to fuck another one of my women?” He snorts.

“Not your woman,” I argue, and he glares at me, so I shut up.

Tyler steps forward, his words measured and slow. “We can discuss this when you’re ready to calm down, but until then, you need to leave. Lexi and I are together, so you need to accept that or find a way to.”

“I came to you for advice! I told you I wanted her back!” he whines, and Tyler sighs.

“And I tried to be kind and discourage you. We had already been together then,” Tyler offers.

“Justin, I’m sorry, this must be hard for you, but you can’t help what the heart wants. And mine wants Tyler, always has.” He flinches at that and turns to me. I gasp and fall back when I see his fist coming towards me, but Tyler is there. He catches it mid-air, and before I can even scream, he smashes his own into Justin’s angry face.

Justin falls back, his broken nose dripping blood as he glares at his dad. Tyler stares back as if he can’t believe he just did that. Stepping forward, I press my hand to Tyler’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. Justin snaps into motion, making Tyler and I jump as he yanks open the ruined door and storms away.

We both let out a breath, and I circle Tyler, cupping his cheeks and staring into his sad, guilt-ridden eyes. “Thank you,” I murmur.

“For what?” he asks, his voice low and shocked.

“For protecting me, for defending me. No one really ever has before.” Leaning up, I kiss his lips softly. “There is nothing we can do tonight. Let’s block the door and go back to bed. I’ll kiss your hand better, Daddy,” I tease.

It makes him chuckle, and he pulls me into his arms, his chin pressed to the top of my head. “I will always protect you, Angel, always, and I mean it.” He pulls back and tilts up my chin with his finger, searching my eyes. “I love you.”

My heart flips as I hear him say it again, and a wide smile I can’t control crosses my lips as I lean in and kiss him. “Words, Angel,” he reminds me, making me giggle.

“I love you too, Tyler,” I promise.

“Good, because you’re mine forever, Angel. I’m never letting you go. No matter what happens, it’s me and you,” he growls, and then spanks me. “Go get that beautiful ass back in bed, I’ll block the door.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I reply, and saunter down the corridor, turning at the end to see him watching me with a knowing smile on his lips and eyes filled with so much love, it almost staggers me.

Our love is…forbidden in a way. Most would find it weird and wrong. I don’t give a fuck, because to me, it’s perfect.