Do You Dare? by Lylah James



I woke up, my body sore–deliciously sore. It was a good ache, and my lips twitched.

And then I remembered, the night before flashing before my eyes like black and white polaroid photos. Snap, snap, snap. Click, click, click.

My head turned and my eyes landed on a sleeping Maddox, next to me, both of us completely naked. We fucked multiple times during the night, over and over again. We passed out many times, woke up, fumbled for each other in the dark and did it over again.

I sat up, my heart hammering in my chest.

Last night had been filthy… beautiful… and everything I ever wanted and didn’t know I needed.

But we crossed a line, and there was no going back. My stomach churned with nausea, and I suddenly felt sick.

Last night, even though I had been tipsy and Maddox had been drinking, both of us were fully aware of what we were doing. Now that it was the morning after and my mind was clear from the frustration and need that had been coursing through my body last night, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

What happens now?

What if Maddox…

What if he didn’t want this to last, what if this was a one-time thing for him?

I didn’t even know what I wanted as my mind filled with confusion. My heart was heavy with mixed emotions. My body ached from last night, but my heart hurt.

Tears burned the back of my eyes, and I cupped my face, feeling stupid. For a moment last night, Maddox was mine, and I was his.

But that was it.

Just one night.

Maddox wasn’t the type to commit, and I needed more from him than just a one-time fuck session. There was no point in risking our hearts when the thin thread between us had already snapped.

We couldn’t undo what was done.

I had to walk away; I had to leave, though I would cherish last night for the rest of my life.

I eased off the bed and quickly wrapped my robe around me before walking toward the door. I turned the handle but never got a chance to walk out. The door was suddenly slammed shut, and I was torn away from it. The world spun, and my back slammed against the wall.

Maddox loomed over me, his eyes dark, his dirty blond hair disheveled, and he was still… naked. I peered up at him through my lashes, my heart racing. His lips curled, and he looked enraged.

At me?

Because I was leaving?

Because of last night?

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his voice dripping with something akin to… possessiveness? His jaw tightened, and my stomach flipped. “Back to Lucien, so you can fuck him, too? Was last night not enough?” Maddox snarled.

What. The. Fuck?

I slammed my hands into his chest, pushing him back. But he was much stronger, and he crowded into my space with a low growl. Maddox kicked my legs apart and pushed his knee between my thighs, holding me captive.

His palm slid up my throat, and I felt the strength in his touch. I swallowed, my throat bobbing in his palm, and his hold tightened on my neck. The slightest pressure and my clit pulsed. His hand moved up, cupping my jaw.

His eyes were two dark pools, unhinged. “Is your sweet cunt that greedy, Lila?”

Holy shit. Again. What. The. Fuck?

“Let go of me! What is wrong with you?!” I spat; my hand raised to slap him. He clasped my wrist and jerked my hand down, pressing my palm over his chest.

My breath caught in my throat. His heart was pounding, so hard. Thud, thud, thud.

There was a moment, between our heated glance and our volatile kiss, where time stopped and then…

His lips slammed over mine, and he took my breath away. He didn’t just kiss me. Maddox possessed me, shoving his tongue in my mouth and licking every inch of me.

Punishing. Hard. Unforgiving.

My nails dug into the skin over his heart. He hissed against my lips, and to my utter surprise, his kiss gentled. Maddox pulled away, only slightly. His breath lingered over my lips, before Maddox pressed his mouth against mine again.

Sweet. Tender. Soft.

I dare you to kissme.” We were already kissing, but I knew what he meant. He wanted me to kiss him like he kissed me; he wanted me to kiss him like we kissed last night… and he wanted me to repeat the words I threw at him.

“I dare you to stay.” His lips touched mine again. Kiss.

My heart stuttered.

“I dare you to give us a chance.” Kiss.

I forgot how to breathe.

“I dare you, Lila.”

Then his lips found mine again, and he sealed his dare with a long searing kiss, kissing all the pain and doubt away.




Four months later

Maddox sat on the bed, his head in his hands and a choked sound came from him.

“You’re the best unplanned thing that has ever happened to me, Maddox. And I can’t lose you. But you’re doing everything to push… me away from you,” I whispered, my voice breaking at the end. “You’ve been telling lies. Since when have you started lying to me, Maddox?”

After all we had been through… he tainted everything that we were with his lies.

His head snapped up, and his eyes flared with torment.He was decadently handsome, a little bit broken and a mistake from the beginning.

I’m sorry,” he choked out.

Is that all you have to say?”

There was tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

If it hurts you so much, what kind of love is this?

I knew Maddox would break my heart, but a part of me hoped he wouldn’t.

My heart wept, and a lone tear slid down my cheek. “They said you were trouble. I didn't listen.I took a chance on you.And now I regret it.”

“Don’t leave me.” His hoarse voice cracked. “Please.”

I took a step back. Maddox looked wounded, and my soul bled to see him hurt.

“Lila,” he breathed my name. “Please.”

I slowly shook my head. “Maddox.” It pained me to say his name. “You broke your promises.”

My feet took me another step back.

“No,” he pleaded. “Lila, no.”

I turned and walked away, leaving my broken heart at his feet.



I think first and foremost, I want to thank Oliver. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe myself. If it weren’t for you, I’m not sure this book would have existed. From helping me come up with the title – to characters’ names – and listening to my endless rants about the plot and helping me figure out this story, you helped me brought this story to life. I wouldn’t have done it without you and I hope you know that. For your constant support and all your love, thank you. Thank you for always making me smile every day.

Vivvi, how do I ever thank you? You’re my rock and a piece of my heart. Thank you for loving my characters, my babies, just as much as I do, if not more. You’re the moon of my life.

My wonderful editor Rebecca – your patience is admirable. Thank you for not hating me. You worked with me on such a tight schedule. It’s insane but you legit made this book possible. I thought you kicked me to the curb, but you didn’t. For that – I am forever grateful. Thank you for holding my hand.

My parents, thank you for your never-ending support and love.

To my girl, Cat…seriously, what would I do without you? Suse, you’ve been there, supporting my craziness and I love you even more. You made my book pretty – thank YOU!

Sarah Grim Sentz – I’m so glad I trusted you with these promo graphics.

Special thanks to my STREET TEAM! I’m so amazed by how dedicated you guys are.

Huge thanks to CANDI KANE PR – you’re a gem and I’m so glad I trusted you with my book baby because you did magic!

Maria at Steamy Designs: You killed this cover! So gorgeous and everything I wanted!

To the bloggers and everyone who took their time to promote this book, you are awesome! My big thanks to you. To my beautiful readers, a huge thank you to every single one of you. My lovelies. Your never ending support and love has taken us on this path. Thank you for standing with me through all my craziness.


Lylah James uses all her spare time to write. If she is not studying, sleeping, writing or working—she can be found with her nose buried in a good romance book, preferably with a hot alpha male. Writing is her passion. The voices in her head won’t stop, and she believes they deserve to be heard and read. Lylah James writes about drool worthy and total alpha males, with strong and sweet heroines. She makes her readers cry—sob their eyes out, swoon, curse, rage, and fall in love. Mostly known as the Queen of cliffhanger and the #evilauthorwithablacksoul, she likes to break her readers’ hearts and then mend them again

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Tainted Hearts Series

The Mafia and His Angel: Part One

The Mafia and His Angel: Part Two

The Mafia and His Angel: Part Three

Blood and Roses

The Mafia and His Obsession: Part One

The Mafia and His Obsession: Part Two

Truth and Dare Duet

DO YOU DARE? (Book one)

I DARE YOU (Book two, the conclusion)