Do You Dare? by Lylah James


I think first and foremost, I want to thank Oliver. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe myself. If it weren’t for you, I’m not sure this book would have existed. From helping me come up with the title – to characters’ names – and listening to my endless rants about the plot and helping me figure out this story, you helped me brought this story to life. I wouldn’t have done it without you and I hope you know that. For your constant support and all your love, thank you. Thank you for always making me smile every day.

Vivvi, how do I ever thank you? You’re my rock and a piece of my heart. Thank you for loving my characters, my babies, just as much as I do, if not more. You’re the moon of my life.

My wonderful editor Rebecca – your patience is admirable. Thank you for not hating me. You worked with me on such a tight schedule. It’s insane but you legit made this book possible. I thought you kicked me to the curb, but you didn’t. For that – I am forever grateful. Thank you for holding my hand.

My parents, thank you for your never-ending support and love.

To my girl, Cat…seriously, what would I do without you? Suse, you’ve been there, supporting my craziness and I love you even more. You made my book pretty – thank YOU!

Sarah Grim Sentz – I’m so glad I trusted you with these promo graphics.

Special thanks to my STREET TEAM! I’m so amazed by how dedicated you guys are.

Huge thanks to CANDI KANE PR – you’re a gem and I’m so glad I trusted you with my book baby because you did magic!

Maria at Steamy Designs: You killed this cover! So gorgeous and everything I wanted!

To the bloggers and everyone who took their time to promote this book, you are awesome! My big thanks to you. To my beautiful readers, a huge thank you to every single one of you. My lovelies. Your never ending support and love has taken us on this path. Thank you for standing with me through all my craziness.