The Mafia and His Obsession, Part 2 by Lylah James









Chapter 13





Yegor paid me no attention as he sat on the sofa chair and stared down at his phone. Since Viktor left, he had been keeping me company. Sometimes he’d wander into my room, sit on the couch, and fade into the shadows. Yegor wouldn’t speak to me. Maybe he knew there was no point, because I chose not to converse.

I sat in the silence on my bed and continued to knit the black scarf I was making for Viktor.

The winter in Russia was harsh, and I knew Viktor could make good use of the scarf. I liked the thought of making something useful. If he wore it, it meant that I would be with him, keeping him warm even though I wasn’t physically there. My presence would still be a balm to his soul, like he once said.

I had been working on it for two days, and I was almost done. There was nothing else for me to do. Being trapped in the room, this cage…it became sickening.

When Viktor was here with me, it was the perfect escape. My solace. Being trapped wasn’t so bad. With Viktor, my cage became a paradise. He knew how to make it all better with his humor and his sweet touches. He was my saving grace. And I’d rather live under Viktor’s dark halo than be alone and Valentin’s caged doll—at my husband’s pleasure.

I was confined here like an animal. Fed three times a day and then left alone, with nothing else to do than wander around the four walls of this bedroom.

Seven years. Seven very long years.

My thoughts went back to Malory and my parents. It had been so long since I really thought of them. My days had blended together. Sometimes I’d even forget what day it was…what month…

But now, I wondered. How they were doing? Had Malory gone off to college? Was she happy? Did she have a boyfriend now? Malory had a pure romantic heart. She used to dream of fairy tales. Happily ever afters. A sweet girl, wearing her beautiful heart on her sleeve. It was one of the reasons why I felt the need to protect my sister. She didn’t deserve this. She was a pure soul, too young to become an object of pleasure for depraved men.

God, how I wanted to hold her in my arms once again. When I left, she was only thirteen years old. Now, she would be twenty. Did she miss me? Or had she forgotten her sister?

The thought was a blow to my stomach, and my knees weakened. If I weren’t already sitting down, I would have fallen over.

So many years had passed…did they all forget about me?

I felt a shift inside of me, and it was painful. My lungs clenched, and I closed my eyes, fighting back the stinging tears.

I breathed out shakily while gripping my knitting needles tighter in my hand. My knuckles hurt under the pressure, and I grinded my teeth together. Why…why do I cause myself more pain?

My family had always been my greatest weakness and my deepest torment. I was here in this hellhole so my sweet Malory could have the life she wanted, she deserved.

I dreamed of the day I’d meet her again, the day I would be free from these shackles.

One day. One day soon.

Viktor had promised me.

He was no Prince Charming, but I knew my dark knight would keep his vows. I trusted him with every fiber of my being.

Opening my eyes again, I stared at the wool scarf. I blinked the tears away and threw Yegor a glance. He was already looking at me. This had become a daily routine.

I didn’t think Yegor would be allowed in my room. But maybe he was my new bodyguard. He was a trusted man of both Valentin and Viktor. He was powerful and important.

But most importantly, I knew he was a good man if Viktor trusted him to protect me.

Yegor raised a dark eyebrow and gave me a funny look. He said something, but he was too far for me to catch the words spilling from his lips.

I saw him sigh and then he stood up, walking closer to the bed. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, yet I still felt something inside my stomach. A deep-rooted apprehension. Fear.

The presence of any man made me anxious, and I couldn’t help the fidgeting. My hand nervously rubbed my thigh and I scratched over my dress, while my other hand clenched the knitting needle. Yegor noticed, and he stalled. He cocked his head to the side, his eyes slightly squinting as he studied me from a safe distance.

“I don’t want you scared of me.”

This time, I was able to read his lips clearly when he spoke.

I shook my head sharply, forcing myself to stop fidgeting. I straightened my shoulders and leveled him with a look, trying to look confident. Strong. If only I had that power against Valentin.

“Viktor would rip my throat apart if I even think of hurting you. But that’s not my point. We are on the same side, Valerie.”

Are we?

I kept silent, waiting for him to continue. The past seven years had taught me not to trust anyone.

Except him.

Viktor had been able to break through my shielded heart, and it was pure magic. There was no other way to describe how he had done it. I used to fear men. Men like Viktor Ivanshov. The outlaws. The men of the underworld. Rich, dark, deadly, and vicious. And my dark knight was the worst of them. A feral animal on the loose. But he wore his brutality under his skin. He rarely showed the cold-blooded man lurking underneath his cool, laid-back exterior.

It was a coincidental meeting. Fate played a trick on us, and I prayed…desperately prayed to the Higher Powers that we wouldn’t end up with a broken love story.

A cold hand on my arm pulled me away from my thoughts, and I physically flinched away from the unfamiliar touch.

A rock settled over my lungs, constricting my chest, and a throbbing pain slithered through me. My heartbeat ripped through my ribcage, and I felt each pump in my neck, hearing the harsh beats in my ears.

My head snapped up, and I stared at Yegor’s dark ones. He held both hands up and took a step away from my bed, looking quite apologetic.

I fought the urge to scream at him, hating how he just made me feel. Terror. I hated it. Hated feeling so weak, so lost.

“I didn’t mean to touch you. Sorry about that.”

Taking a deep breath, I felt the constricting band release from around my chest. Inhale. Exhale.

Yegor continued to apologize. “You seemed lost in your thoughts and didn’t hear me when I called out.”

I shrugged, keeping a cautious eye on him. Now, he appeared anxious, restlessly moving his weight from one leg to the other. Waiting to see what else he’d say, I gave him an impatient look.

With keen eyes, I watched him swallow, open his mouth once and close it again. He brought a hand up and rubbed the back of his neck. His lips were pressed together, and he looked a little conflicted. I couldn’t quite catch the blush, his cocoa skin hiding it, but I was sure it was there. Yegor appeared almost bashful in this moment.


Now, he was running his fingers through his hair.

I silently mouthed, what is it?

Yegor was taken aback by my silent words, and his eyes widened. He sucked in a harsh breath and stared at me, shock masking his face.

I found myself less shocked. Yes, there was still a sense of uneasiness deep inside me from his presence. He was a stranger, a man who could likely hurt me, and I would be completely helpless. He was twice my size and strength.


Viktor trusted him. With my safety. He left me in Yegor’s care.

That should mean something.

Yegor seemed to be clearing his throat, and then he tried again, finding courage in my silent words. I guessed we were both trying.

“Do you want to play chess?”

I blinked in surprise and then blinked again. Chess? Play chess? With him?

“Do you know how?” he continued before nodding toward where he was sitting before. That was when I noticed the chess board, sitting on the small table next to the single armchair.

I quickly looked back at him, just in time to catch his next sentence. “I thought maybe we could do something…fun. To pass time.”

He stood there, a sheepish look on his face.

I was tempted to say no, to send him away. I’d rather be alone, like every other time. It was weird, having someone giving me attention and wanting to spend time with me.

But the hopeful look on his face as he waited for my answer made me reconsider. I gave him a small nod, and he seemed to release a long breath.

That made two of us.

Yegor went back to the chess board and then brought it to my bed. I sat cross-legged, watching as he brought the armchair closer too.

“You know how to play?”

I nodded again.

For a moment, the present drifted away as I thought of my parents and sister.

We used to be a happy family. My life was close to perfection while I pursued my passion in ballet while coming home to a loving family.

I thought of the time when I used to play chess with my father. I was a good player. Although he was better than me, he’d always let me win the first round.

My mother and sister would sit beside us and cheer us on. My mother on his side and Malory on my side. There was laughter and teasing.

I thought of our movie nights, cuddling, and pillow forts. Our Sunday dinners, sitting as a family, holding hands and saying grace—thanking God for giving us what we had.

They were good and happy times.

Until everything was ripped away from me. The day I was the happiest was the same day I felt the greatest despair and deepest agony.

Fate really had a strange way of playing us.

My chest ached. My sick feeling made my stomach tighten, and I blinked away the tears. My body felt heavy as I sniffled back and tried so hard to push the past away. My hands trembled, and I squeezed my fists over my lap.

A storm of emotions went through me, and I clenched my eyes shut, breathing in and out with each beat of my heart.

When I opened my eyes again, I turned to face Yegor. He was sitting there, waiting patiently. I opened my mouth to say something, to explain myself—an excuse, but I couldn’t find my voice. Closing my mouth silently, I sighed.

“Ready?” he eventually asked.

I wished I was normal; I wished I could speak, laugh, and play a game like any other person.

But…I wasn’t normal. Nothing in this situation was normal.

I huffed back a dry laugh and then nodded at Yegor. It was the only thing I could do. But he looked satisfied and then pushed the black pieces to my side.

We started the game, the first round. A few minutes went by, and a grin tugged up the corner of my lips. Yegor wasn’t going easy on me. In fact, he was very competitive.

There was an intense look on his face, a frown between his eyebrows as he focused on the game.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” he said, his mouth falling open. He frowned harder, staring at the chess pieces.

I crossed my arms and gave him a look that said, I don’t cheat. Ever.

He twisted his lips at me and then went back to the game. “You just sacrificed your Queen.”

Raising an eyebrow, I stifled back a laugh at his expression. He looked so petulant, it was almost comical.

I liked to win, and I was definitely not losing against Yegor. I needed a good story to tell Viktor once he came back. I couldn’t help but smile wider at the thought while wondering what he’d think about me beating his man at a chess game.

We played for some time until finally we reached the end.

I sat back and raised my chin high. Checkmate.

Yegor glowered at me, his lips pressed into a straight line.

“Another round. Now!” he ordered, shaking his head in disbelief.

I reached forward and opened my drawer, taking out my pen and notepad. Yegor paused and stared at me as I wrote down on the paper. Once I was done, I showed him.

You are a sore loser.

He gasped, affronted. “Fuck no. I. Am. Not.”

His answer only made this situation funnier. Bringing a hand to my lips, I tried to hide my laugh. He frowned, but then I saw his lips quirking up on the sides.

Yegor pointed at the chess board. “This time, I’ll win. Watch it, girl.”

Game on.

He faltered for a moment before scratching his jaw over his light stubble. “Umm…can we keep this between us? When I touched your arm before?”

Confused, I only stared at him. Who would I tell?

“Viktor might cut off my dick, and I happen to like the fellow down there a lot.”

This time, I threw my head back and laughed quietly. Poor guy looked frightened and absolutely terrorized by the thought.

“So yeah. This is our secret, okay?”

I nodded, still smiling until my cheeks were hurting. Yegor gave me a wink, and then he grinned too.

We went back to playing another round of chess.

When he won this time, I stared at him, watching the smug look on his face. He sent me a cocky smirk and then acted as if he were dusting off his shoulders. I found myself smiling once again.

I think…I think I just made a friend.