The Mafia and His Obsession, Part 2 by Lylah James









Chapter 20



Valentin Solonik


Two weeks ago


I watched the screen. Watched. Studied. Stared at it with unwavering eyes.

I watched Viktor Ivanshov fuck my wife.

And I smiled.

The camera had been hidden in her bedroom for the longest time. It was always there, although I never had to use it. Never needed it. Until now.

Until Viktor Ivanshov, the King’s dog…soldier, and my puppet came into my wife’s life.

Valeria was my alibi, my pet, my pawn…my whole fucking game plan.

And the two lovers easily fell into my trap. Now, they were playing my game…it was my labyrinth, and there was no escape.

They thought I was stupid. Blind to their acts and secrets. They thought I wouldn’t know how they were going behind my back, betraying me in my own estate…a world I had built with my own bare hands.

Viktor thought he had played me well.

Except…I was the one who played them.

While staying in the shadows, I bested them in their own games.

And oh, how fucking easy it was to play them.

I watched Viktor turn my wife onto her back so they were staring into each other. From my own screen, I could tell it was a loving look they shared. He thrust his cock in her used pussy. The same pussy I made bleed when I took her virginity. The same cunt I had used for seven years.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, keeping them locked. The way she caressed her hands over his shoulders and then scratched her nails through his hair…it was all a tender touch.

And he caressed her back as if she were every of his prayer answered.

I chugged the rest of the whiskey down my throat and stared at the empty cup. My fingers clenched, and I could easily break it. Under the pressure of my hold, I felt the glass crackle. So fragile. Just like them, the lovers under my roof.

My hand reached for the single dart that was on my desk. Taking it between my fingers, I felt the sharp tip on my thumb and then I threw the dart across the room, without taking my eyes off them. Watching them fuck on my screen.

Without looking, I knew the dart had hit its spot…the target…my victim.

You see, I was no fool. Not like Viktor thought I was.

But these games, I had been playing them for many years. Way longer than Viktor and Alessio Ivanshov.

Although this one game, especially, started thirty years ago.

And soon…it would end.

I started it.

I planned to finish it.

I knew where Viktor’s loyalty lay. But I also knew Valerie was his biggest distraction. She was his game changer, and his loyalty was now hazy. And I knew exactly how to make him blur the lines for her.

Taking the whiskey bottle in my hand, I tossed the remaining liquid down my throat. After swallowing, I couldn’t help it. My eyes found the screen again. Their fuck fest was now over, but Konstantin still laid lazily between her legs, his hips keeping her spread open, his chest against her stomach and his head laid almost sweetly on her tits as they both caught their breaths.

I stared…and then I laughed.

I am no fool, Viktor. If only you’d remembered that.

When I finally spoke, I said the words to the screen.
