The Mafia And His Angel, Part 3 by Lylah James









Chapter 12





Do you want to play?

I ran my fingers on the keys but never pressed down. Opening my eyes again, I looked directly at Alessio. He was staring at me intently, waiting.

With our gazes still connected, I let my fingers move. Softly. Gently. And a sweet melody came through. The music washed around us like a slow, gentle wave, and I smiled.

You can keep playing the piano if you want.

Play for me, Angel.

I want to hear you play.


I woke up with a start, my eyes snapping wide.

Do you want to play?

The words resonated in my ears.

Play for me, Angel.

I looked down at Alessio and saw him waking up too. He quickly sat up, staring at me in confusion.


Play for me, Angel.

I rubbed at my chest, trying to get rid of the tightness there.

You can keep playing the piano if you want.

My eyes moved to the door, my breathing coming out faster than before.

“Ayla, what’s wrong?” Alessio asked.

Play for me, Angel.

My fingers were itching. The urge was fierce and intense. My body was humming with the need to play. I didn’t understand the feeling.

But it felt like I would suffocate if I didn’t play.

Alessio’s voice kept ringing through my ears.

All the memories were coming like flashes behind my eyes.

Play for me, Angel.

I gasped, trying to breathe as my lungs constricted. Without thinking, I got out of bed. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach but ignored it.

I heard Alessio calling my name…I ignored him too. I ran out of the bedroom, my feet taking me to the piano room. I opened the door and walked inside.

I turned on the lights, and the room was instantly illuminated. I felt Alessio behind me, and my tensed shoulders started to relax.

Taking a deep breath, I walked further inside and stopped in front of the piano.

“Angel,” Alessio whispered. I could hear the surprise in his voice.

Do you want to play?

Yes. Yes. Yes. I wanted to play. There was a fiery desperation in my heart. I wanted to break down and cry from the feeling. It was too much. It felt too much.

Play for me, Angel.

I wanted to. I wanted to play for Alessio.

But I didn’t know how.

I closed my eyes, feeling a slow ache in my temple.

Play for me, Angel.

I sat down on the bench, keeping my eyes closed.

The moment my fingers made contact with the piano, I was lost. Lost in this feeling that took over me.

I was no longer my own. My mind went back to so many days ago.

My fingers glided over the piano. I didn’t think. I just let it happen.

Softly. Gently. I played.

Notes kept spilling from the piano, and a sweet melody came through. The music washed over me like a sweet, gentle wave.

I opened my eyes and made direct contact with Alessio’s blue ones. He was sitting on the couch, his expression filled with astonishment.

I saw it change into something else. I didn’t understand what it was, but his face softened, and a smile played across his lips.

He brought his fists to his lips. I noticed his hands shaking.

My lips moved…I was smiling.

With the melody playing around us, I stared at Alessio.

We stared at each other.

Blue to green.

It felt like I could finally breathe.

In that moment, I forgot everything. Every hurt. Every pain. Every bad memory.

Only this moment existed.

Me playing the piano. Alessio watching me.

I felt…peace.

I didn’t realize the song had ended and I had stop playing until Alessio stood up. Snapping out of my daze, I watched him move beside me.

Alessio knelt down beside me and took my hands in his. “Do you remember, Angel?”

My heart sank at his question. Shaking my head, I closed my eyes in despair.

“I only remember playing…the piano. I don’t even remember the song or how I played. It…just…happened,” I said quietly.

“Open your eyes, Ayla.”

My eyes snapped open at his demand. “It’s okay. Take your time. I will wait for you,” he soothed.

He palmed my cheeks. “Hearing you play, that was the most beautiful thing ever. I feel like I can finally breathe, Angel.”

He was the same as me. I pinched my eyes closed when they stung. Alessio swept me up in his arms and carried me out of the room.

On the bed, I burrowed deeper into his chest. His lips touched my forehead softly.

This was how we fell asleep. In each other’s arms.

And nothing hurt.




“You know, I’m feeling very jealous right now. You talk to Alessio and even spoke to Mom a few days ago. How is that fair?”

The woman with dark hair wrapped her arms with mine. Her name was Maddie. She was always with me if Alessio wasn’t. She took me everywhere around the house. Maddie spoke a lot too.

“You still won’t speak to me,” she muttered.

My chest grew tight at her pained expression. “Why won’t you talk to me? Are you angry with me?”

I shook my head quickly. Swallowing hard, I looked in her eyes. She seemed familiar, but I just couldn’t remember her.

When I didn’t say anything, she sighed and gave me a sad smile. I didn’t like the sad smile on her face. She was nice and sweet. Just like Alessio and Lena.

Maddie started to walk again, but I didn’t. She turned around and faced me. “What’s wrong?”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Opening my eyes again, I looked at her. “I…don’t remember you.”

Her mouth fell open. We stared at each other in silence before she started laughing.

I didn’t understand why she was laughing. She wiped away tears from her eyes and pulled me into her arms.

“Ayla, you just made me the happiest woman,” she said in my neck.

I hugged her back.

Her laughter died, and I heard sniffling. My heart stuttered when I felt wetness on my neck. Was she crying?

I went to pull away, but her arms tightened. “I’m sorry, Ayla. I’m so sorry. If only I knew,” she cried.

What was she talking about?

Maddie continued to sob. “It hurts, Ayla. It hurts so much. Sometimes it feels like I can’t breathe. I lost him. I…lost…him. I’ll never hold him.”

Confused, I just hugged her. I didn’t understand what was happening. I didn’t know how to help, so I just held her. Like Alessio held me when I was hurting.

I hoped it was enough for Maddie.

When Maddie finally calmed down, she pulled away. She gave me a sweet smile. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I needed that.”

Bringing my hand up, I wiped her tears. “Okay,” I replied.

Maddie’s lips wobbled, and she pinched her eyes closed. “Damn it, Ayla. Don’t make me cry again.”

“I don’t…like…it when you cry.”

“You really are an Angel.” She laughed.

I nodded. “Alessio calls me Angel.”

Maddie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, because he is such a romantic at heart.”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “I will tell you a secret.”

“Okay,” I said as she pulled me closer.

“If it wasn’t for me, that hard-ass Mafia man and his Angel would have never been one. Let’s just say, I’m the captain of the ship.”

Maddie winked and smiled. She was really pretty when she smiled.

“I don’t understand,” I finally said.

“You don’t have to understand. Just know that this ship will never sink under my watch,” Maddie replied.

We walked down the stairs, but my steps froze when I saw who was standing at the bottom. Maddie stopped beside me too.

“Ayla, how nice to see you again.”

The woman with blonde hair smiled at me, but it didn’t look nice. She was the same woman who was with Alessio before.

I felt a sudden surge of emotion inside of me.

I didn’t like her.

“Nina,” Maddie growled beside me.

The name sounded so familiar. I felt like I knew her before. But I couldn’t remember.

“Fine, I won’t say anything this time.”

“Please don’t. Nobody wants to hear your bullshit,” Maddie snapped.

Nina rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs. She kept her eyes on me, and I almost shuddered at the cold look she gave me.

“I don’t know why Alessio is still interested in you,” she muttered, walking past me.


You are so…stiff

Do you really think you can keep Alessio interested for long?

I’m more like him. We have always been compatible.


My lips parted as the memory crashed through me.

“I remember you,” I said, turning around. Nina stopped and faced me.

“Oh really?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I didn’t understand the memories, but they were there. She was there.

I rubbed my forehead, trying to get rid of the small ache.

“I don’t like you,” I whispered.

I saw Nina smile. But it was quickly gone.

“I know,” she said before walking away.

Maddie huffed beside me and started to pull me down the stairs. “I swear I will kick her one day.”

I was still lost in my thoughts, trying to understand what just happened, when Maddie halted in her steps.

I stopped and looked up to see Alessio coming through the door. At the sight of me, he quickly made his way to us.

Alessio pressed his lips on mind and then said, “Do you want to go the creek?”

I simply nodded, lost in his embrace and beautiful blue eyes.

I quickly forgot about Nina. I only saw Alessio.

He nodded at Maddie and pulled me away. I waved at Maddie and followed Alessio.

We walked away from the house and toward the trees. My hand was held firmly in his much bigger one while we made our way to the creek.

The trees started to clear up, and I could hear the sound of rushing water. My heart drummed faster, and I felt giddy.

We stopped in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by flowers.

Alessio knelt down in front of me and removed my sandals. “You love to be barefooted here.”

“Thank you,” I murmured when he stood up.

He stepped back and walked toward the flowing water. I remembered this.

Closing my eyes, I let the memories take over my mind. My heart felt lighter, and I breathed in the fresh air.

My eyes opened when I got closer to the water. I looked back at Alessio. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stared at me.

My gaze moved back toward the water. I stepped forward, my feet making contact with the chilling, rushing water. I shivered as I walked ankle deep.

I felt the rushing water against my feet and closed my eyes, letting this new feeling wash over me.

I didn’t hurt.

It felt nice…I felt content.

When I felt an arm around my waist, I leaned back against Alessio’s chest.

“May I have this dance, Angel?”

My eyes snapped opened.

May I have this dance, Angel?

We had done this before. I turned in his arms, and Alessio pulled us out of the room. My feet dug into the grass as I stared into his eyes.

“I don’t know how to dance,” I muttered, completely lost in his gaze.

Alessio chuckled. “Neither do I.”

He brought my hands to his shoulders and wrapped his around my waist.

And then we moved. We glided across the field, and with each step, my chest felt fuller.

My stomach rolled and twisted. My heart drummed just a little faster.

We never once broke eye contact.

We were lost in each other.

Alessio gathered me even closer to him, his arms tight around me.

In that moment, all I felt was peace. I felt protected. Safe.

He was my lifeline.

And I knew, as long as my savior was with me, I was safe.