The Mafia And His Angel, Part 3 by Lylah James









Chapter 13



I was sitting on the bed waiting for my Alessio. My hand was on my round stomach, feeling the baby move.

The door opened, and Alessio walked out of the bathroom. His towel was around his shoulders as he dried his hair. His chest was bare; he wore only black sweatpants.

Alessio caught my eyes and smiled. “Why don’t you go and wait for me in the piano room?”

I nodded and got up. Alessio placed a quick kiss on my lips as I walked out of the room. I stood in front of the piano room.

Taking a deep breath, I walked inside. The piano was the first thing I saw. Feeling excited, my body hummed in response.

Since I started playing some days ago, Alessio and I never missed a night.

Playing made me feel at peace, and I wanted to bask in the warmth of Alessio’s stares.

Walking further into the room, I stopped beside Alessio’s couch. A small sigh escaped my lips as I waited for Alessio.

As I was looking down, something else entirely caught my eyes.

My gaze shifted toward the couch beside Alessio’s, and I took a step toward it. My breath froze in my throat.

I took another step, stopping right in front of the couch.

The scene, right here, felt so familiar.

Even through the shock, my eyes didn’t lose focus on the sight in front of me.

A single white flower lay on the seat.

It looked so soft and delicate. Reaching out, I took the flower in my hand and brought it to my chest.

I was right. It was soft and delicate. The petals were open, and it looked absolutely beautiful.

Did Alessio leave this flower for me?

I couldn’t help but smile. Of course he would.

He was so sweet.

I held the flower close to my racing heart and closed my eyes.

My stomach flipped, and it felt like my heart was dancing.

“I can safely assume that you love the peony.”

My eyes widened at Alessio’s voice, and I turned around, facing him. He was leaning against the door, regarding me with curious yet adoring eyes.

His head was cocked to the side, and the corner of his mouth was stretched up in a half smile.

My cheeks burned, and I looked down. “I love it,” I replied softly. “It’s really beautiful.”

Alessio walked closer and stopped in front of me. He tilted my chin up so our gazes met. His was filled with warmth. His eyes shifted to my lips, and I licked them nervously.

He moved even closer, until our chests brushed together. I sucked in a deep breath and waited for him move.

“I’m going to kiss you,” he murmured, his gaze moving back to my lips.

“Okay,” I whispered back.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, a flash of pain went through my skull. I winced, my fingers tightening around the flower.

Memories after memories flashed behind my closed eyes.

I couldn’t stop them. They kept coming without a pause. So much. Too much at the same time. My head felt like it was going to explode.

My heart raced as each memory made its way into my thoughts.

Another wave of pain crashed through me. It was crippling, and I dropped the flower, my hands going to my head.

I dug my fingers in my head, the world spinning around me.

No. No. No. No.


It hurt. It hurt so much.

“Ayla!” I heard a voice calling out my name.

Alessio. He was calling for me.

I tried to respond, but my tongue felt heavy. My lips parted, but instead a wounded cry left my mouth.

My throat closed up, and I rubbed at my neck furiously, trying to fight for my next breath.

My knees buckled, but an arm caught me. “Ayla! Fuck.”

My head pounded as I sank into oblivion.

This. This was why I didn’t want to remember.

The pain. It felt like my heart was being wrenched open. I was bleeding. From the inside, I was being cut open.

I would never forget the pain. I wanted to forget; I wanted to be numb.

But it was too late now.

I had remembered, and now I had to live with those memories.