The Mafia And His Angel, Part 3 by Lylah James









Chapter 24



My eyes fluttered open the next morning when I felt Alessio getting out of bed. He placed a quick kiss on my forehead before getting up. My eyes followed him quietly.

I usually woke up later in the day. But today, I wanted to spend the morning with Alessio.

My little princess kicked me hard in the side, almost like she was disapproving that we woke up so early. I rubbed my hand over my rounded belly, waiting for her to calm down.

My precious little princess.

I smiled at the thought. I couldn’t wait to meet her and spoil her. Love her the way she deserved. Give her all the love Alessio and I never had.

My baby would never live the life I did. I would fight tooth and nail if anyone opposed me.

But I knew no one would. As much as I loved her, I knew Alessio and everyone else loved her the same. She was everyone’s princess…the miracle everyone was waiting for but never realized they wanted.

She finally settled down when I walked to the bathroom. Opening the door, I walked in to see Alessio brushing his teeth. I stood beside him and did the same.

He was done before me. Alessio came to stand behind me. His arms wrapped around my hips in a hug, and he kissed my neck before leaving the bathroom. After washing my face and brushing my hair, I walked out to see Alessio putting his clothes on.

He already had his shirt and slacks on. I could see his back muscles bunching beneath his fitted dress shirt as he shrugged on his suit jacket.

I took the opportunity to look at him. When he turned around, Alessio gave me a crooked, sexy smile. His eyes were dark and fierce with power. I almost shivered at his intense stare.

Alessio was in his element. He exuded power and total control. His expression was hard. He almost looked terrifying as he walked toward me. His eyes, his steps, the way he held himself…everything spoke of dominance.

Alessio looked like the ruthless mafia Boss that he was.

Under his scrutinizing gaze, I grew bolder. More powerful. This man…he was mine.

When he came to a stop in front of me, his arm snaked out quickly. I gasped when he pulled me close. “Good morning,” he whispered roughly in my ear.

“Good morning,” I replied. He chuckled low, and my arms tightened around him. “Do you want to have breakfast with me?” I asked.

Alessio paused and pulled away. “I have things to take care of, Ayla,” he replied curtly. A look of pure fury appeared on his face, and I knew exactly what he meant.

Placing a hand over his chest, I rubbed softly. “Please.”

Alessio sighed, his shoulder dropping slightly. Just then, a knock came on the door. I smiled sheepishly. “That’s our breakfast.”

He shook his head, a small smile ghosting his lips. “Fine.”

I let out a squeal and gave him a quick peck before running to the door. Opening it wide, I smiled at the maid and took the tray from her hand. “Thank you,” I said before closing the door.

I placed the tray on the coffee table and waited for Alessio to take his seat. He pulled me to his lap, and I settled sideways against his chest.

Alessio picked up a piece of toast and held it to my lips, waiting for me to take the first bite. I did, and then I fed him.

We fed each other like we had done before. When the tray was empty, Alessio placed a kiss on my temple. “I need to go.”

I nodded reluctantly. “What are you going to do?” I asked quietly.

Without answering, Alessio picked me up and walked to the bed. He placed me under the cover and pulled the comforter to my neck. After tucking me in, he kissed my forehead and then lips.

“I’m going to end it today. I am going to fucking end everything,” he said roughly against my lips.

His words left goosebumps across my skin. I almost trembled at his tone. With those words, he gave me a final glance before walking away.

I closed my eyes, releasing the long breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

This was it. The ending Alessio had been waiting for. The ending I was desperate for.

Closing my eyes, I waited for my man to come back.

After he was done slaughtering his enemies. Our enemies.






I walked downstairs to see Viktor and Nikolay waiting for me at the landing. Their faces were pensive, but I knew they were waiting for the same thing as me.

Nodding in their direction, I made my way to the basement. They followed closely behind.

“They lost too much blood,” Viktor said, coming beside me.

“It doesn’t matter,” I snapped. My mind raged at the thought of them dying. I wanted to torture them more. I wanted them to bleed and hurt more.

“It’s not like they will be alive by the end of the day,” I finished with a dark laugh. Viktor shook his head, but I didn’t miss the sinister smile that appeared on his face.

Nikolay was stoic as always, but I could feel his edginess. We all couldn’t wait for those bastards to stop breathing.

I would make sure to end their lives as painfully as I could, because they didn’t deserve anything less.

My steps echoed around the silent walls as I walked into the basement. Phoenix and Nina were there, standing over the limp bodies.

“Stop,” I growled. Nina immediately stopped her cruel ministration, but it took Phoenix longer to snap out of his killing haze. Viktor had to pull him away.

“You have to learn control,” I hissed at Phoenix, leveling him with a hard glare.

He swallowed, his vengeful eyes still on Artur. “I’m sorry, Boss. The sight of his face makes me sick. He needs to pay.”

For what he has done to Maddie. Silent words but they still rang loud in our ears.

Clasping his shoulder, I gave him a firm squeeze. “He will pay,” I said, looking at the bloodied body in front of me.

I walked closer to Alberto. He was on the floor, his arm twisted in an impossible angle. I almost laughed at the pathetic sight in front of me. Actually, I did laugh.

I kicked his side, and he groaned before lifting his head up. Alberto stared at me with swollen eyes. I could see the hatred there, but it didn’t faze me.

His hate for me didn’t even come close to how much I loathed him.

I gripped his hair, matted with blood, and smacked his head into the hard floor. He yowled in pain, but even that sounded weak, like a newborn lamb.

“How does your ass feel?” I hissed in his ears. “Feels good, right? To have a taste of your own medicine?”

Alberto whimpered, and I chuckled darkly. “The only difference is that Ayla is safe and alive. She is loved and still breathing. My baby is safe. But you—you. Are. Dead. Meat.”

“I gave it to him plenty last night,” Nina drawled, coming to stand beside him. “I think I even heard him say he enjoyed it.” She laughed, kicking the bloodied man. “Can I have another go?” she asked innocently. I shook my head. Without looking, I knew she was pouting. Only Nina would pout about not getting a chance to torture and kill someone.

“Move out. We need to go,” I said with loud authority. My voice went low with dominance. No one questioned me.

“I think it’s time we pay the Abandonatos a visit,” I continued.

Alberto’s head snapped up in surprise, and I smiled. “It’s time for your men to see your downfall.”

They would watch him take his last breath while I rose as King. As the motherfucking Boss.

He tried to say something, but only gurgling sound came out. Shaking my head, I stood up. “Let’s go.”

Viktor went to grab Alberto by the hair as he dragged him out of the basement. Phoenix had Artur by the hair, while Nikolay had Enzo.

It was going to be a parade. Let everyone watch these men as they fought for their lives. It was a lesson to never cross me.

I walked first, Nina behind me, while the others followed. The air smelled of death, and I reveled in it. I fed on it, drawing my power from their hopelessness.

It was too sad for them. They angered the wrong man.

I heard my maid gasping as they watched the scene in front of them. Some of my men smiled as they watched the limp bodies go by.

Some hollered almost victoriously. Then they bowed as I passed them.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Maddie standing near the stairs. Tears streamed down her face as she choked back her sobs.

Her whole body shook. Lena stood beside her, trying to console her daughter.

Maddie’s eyes followed Artur’s body. My steps faltered, and I swiveled around. Nina gave me a curious look but didn’t utter a single word. My eyes moved to Artur to see him glancing at Maddie too.

His face was pained, and I knew it wasn’t because of his wounds. He looked like a heartbroken man as he stared at Maddie.

I looked at Phoenix, but he was already shaking his head. “He is not even going a foot near her. I’ll snap, Boss.”

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. Before I could make a decision, I saw Maddie come closer.

“Stay away, Maddie,” Phoenix snapped loudly.

She ignored him, approaching even closer. “Maddie, I’m warning you,” he growled, his eyes glowing furiously.

“Don’t order me around, Phoenix. You will regret it,” she hissed at him.


“You don’t get to make any decisions for me,” she snapped back.

I felt my eyebrows reach my hairline. It looked like things were still messed up between them. Maddie was hard to crack. Phoenix was going to have a hard time with this spitfire.

Maddie stopped about two feet away from Phoenix and Artur.

“Release him,” I ordered.

Phoenix swallowed hard. His first instinct was to refuse, but his grip eventually loosened. He stepped away, his chest heaving with fury.

Artur went to his knees, his swollen eyes staring at Maddie. I saw his gaze moving to her stomach. He crawled closer until he was only inches away from Maddie.

I saw her flinch, but she stood her ground, her chin lifted in defiance. With the strength of a baby lamb, he buried his face in Maddie’s stomach.

He was shaking, a strangled cry coming from his chest.

I saw Maddie’s chin wobble, but she didn’t cry. Everyone stayed frozen, watching the scene in front of them. I almost felt bad for the bastard. The loss of his child…knowing he was the cause of his baby’s death…it could break anyone.

Right then, Artur was a broken man.

He continued to cry, and Maddie just remained still. Slowly, she lifted her hand and placed it on top his head, caressing his hair. It was a brief touch before she pulled her hand away. His face was still buried in her flat stomach, and I nodded at Phoenix. He came forward and pulled Artur away.

I knew in that moment, if Artur was able to speak…his words would have been I am sorry.

But I took that chance away. I hoped that Maddie saw the words in his eyes. She needed it.

When a single tear streamed down her cheek, I knew she saw it. Maddie nodded and walked away without a second glance.

I felt my skin prickle under an intense stare. Immediately, I knew who it was. It was almost as if I was drawn to her.

My head snapped up to the top of the stairs to see Ayla standing there. She stood still, and my heart hammered in my chest.

The monster side of me wanted her to see this. The bloody mess. I wanted her to see what I did for her.

But the other side, the gentle side I never knew I had…that side wanted to shield her from all of this.

“Let’s go,” I growled. Breaking our gaze, I turned around.


The soft voice was firm yet gentle. I paused. My men paused. Everyone fucking froze at the soft command.

I almost smiled. She really was the queen.

Turning around, I saw her walking down the stairs. All eyes were on her as she made her descent, but her eyes were only on me.

Ayla continued walking until she was only a few feet away from us. I saw her swallow hard, and then she took a deep breath. Her shoulders straightened back firmly, and her chin was held high.

Her eyes moved to Alberto. I felt mine widen, and I took a protective step forward, a small growl escaping past my lips.

I could see Phoenix raising an eyebrow at me, mocking me.

I moved forward until I was standing at her side. Ayla smiled up at me sweetly, and she stood on her toes. “Let me do this,” she whispered before kissing my lips quickly.

I went to refuse, but she was already bending down to Alberto’s level. I moved behind her, my stance protective. A possessive surge went through me at the sight of her being this close to the bastard.

She grabbed Alberto’s face and lifted it up so they were staring at each other. He grimaced in pain but didn’t make any move.

Ayla leaned forward until her lips were next to his ear.

“I forgive you,” she murmured loud enough for me to hear too.

Alberto stiffened, and when she pulled away, his eyes were wide. I saw him swallow hard, almost like Ayla’s action was unbelievable.

I wasn’t shocked, though. Instead, all I felt was pride. I was in awe of her strength.

“I don’t know why you hurt me, but if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have found Alessio. I forgive you…I don’t know if that will give you peace, but I thought those words needed to be said. For both our sakes. Especially mine.”

Her voice was soft, almost angelic. Alberto looked at her in shock, and he shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.

I wrapped my arm around Ayla’s waist and pulled her up. She turned in my arms and smiled. “I needed this to move on. Do what you have to do, Alessio. I will be right here waiting for you.”

Ayla stepped out of my embrace and took a step back. Lena and a few of the maids came to stand behind her. Some of my men followed suit, flanking her sides protectively.

Giving her a nod, I walked away. Time to end this fucking war and get back to my woman.

I moved to the car and leveled Nina a look. She nodded. “I’ll stay here.”

She sneered at Alberto as Viktor pushed him into the car. I got into the front seat and waited for everyone else.

When the cars were full and ready, we pulled out of the driveway.

My back was stiff as we rode to the Abandonato estate. When the car finally stopped, I stepped out and took a deep breath.

Alberto’s men came running out, guns in their hands. I chuckled and shook my head.

“If you value your lives, I suggest you put your guns away,” I said lightly, moving forward.

My men were surrounded by Alberto’s men, but it didn’t scare us. In fact, his men should be cowering in fear. After all, I had their boss.

I could already see the fear in their eyes, but they weren’t cowering yet. No problem, though. They would be kneeling in front of me in no time.

“Bring him out,” I ordered Viktor. He nodded and opened the car, pulling Alberto out.

They cocked their guns at me, and I tsked at them in return. “You don’t want to do this.”

Their eyes widened at the sight of their boss. There were gasps. Some paled. Some stood back, and others froze in shock.

I loved the look of fear in their faces. But I would love the look of surrender more.

Nikolay pushed Enzo down in front of me. I controlled their lives. There was no escape. I just won this bloody game.

“Viktor, I think these men are deaf,” I drawled. “Can you do something about it?”

A shot rang out in the courtyard. A man fell down…dead.

Before they could retaliate, Nikolay, Phoenix, and Viktor already had ten men shot down. I stood back, watching the scene in front of me.

“Stand down and no more lives will be lost,” Viktor growled. “Not that I mind killing all of you. But it’s for your own good.”

They slowly put their guns away, and I raised an eyebrow. That was easy.

All of them were a bunch of pussies. Weak. Cowards.

Shaking my head in disgust, I stepped forward. I gripped Alberto’s hair and snapped his head up. “There is no point if you shoot at me. The war is over. Alberto is in my hands, practically dead.”

I raised my head and leveled each and every one of his men with a hard glare. “So I suggest you stand back and enjoy the show.”

I kept my unwavering eyes on them as I continued. “Whether you like it or not, I am taking over as your boss. It doesn’t matter if you agree with me. If you disagree, you will take your last breath. It’s simple. You shut up and watch what I am about to do.”

More of my men spilled out of the cars, flanking my sides. Viktor and Nikolay stood in front of me.

“Phoenix, bring Artur out,” I demanded.

Releasing Alberto, I walked over to Enzo. I saw a few of Alberto’s men taking protective steps forward. But with my men’s guns pointed in their direction, they stopped.

I took my gun out and pointed it at Enzo’s forehead. “I’m about to show you what happens when you side with the wrong people. You should learn from this.”

Nikolay handed me a clear bag. I raised it up for everyone to see. Several men took a step back. Enzo’s severed dick was in it. I threw the bag on the ground next to their feet.

Their shocked gaze moved to it before staring at me again. “This is what happens when you choose the wrong side.”

My finger pressed against the trigger. A shot rang out, and I smiled. Enzo fell at my feet, his eyes open, staring at me lifelessly. One man down.

The driveway was silent as I kicked Enzo’s body away.

Keeping my eyes on Alberto’s men, I walked to Artur. Phoenix handed me the bag with Artur’s tongue in it. For everyone to see, I threw that on the ground too.

This time, I pointed the muzzle of my gun to Artur’s neck. He swallowed. After giving me a final look, he closed his eyes. He didn’t have any fight left.

My gaze moved to the crowd. “And that’s what happens when you betray me.”

Another shot. Artur’s limp body fell to the ground. Blood splattered on my suit as I stepped away.

“Lesson number one. Never betray me. You won’t like the consequences,” I growled loudly for everyone to hear.

I made my way to Alberto. His whole body was shaking. He tried to fight me, but he was too weak.

Gripping Alberto by the hair, I pulled him up. He stood on trembling legs. “How does it feel? Having your men watch your demise? You have no honor. No power. You have nothing left.”

My words were low for only him to hear. His choked on his own blood, his body falling limply forward. “And in a few minutes, you will be nothing but a corpse,” I finished, spitting in his face. Alberto flinched, and I could hear the angry rumble from his men.

But nobody made a move to come save their boss.

I pulled away slightly before lurching forward again. My foot hit his knee, a loud crack resonating through the courtyard. Alberto buckled forward, his legs giving out as he roared in pain.

I released him, and he fell to his knees in front of me. Just where he needed to be. Beneath my feet. He fell to his side, rolling in agony.

I squatted down beside him, my mouth next to his ear. “I know how to break two hundred and six bones in a thousand ways. You are just lucky that I didn’t use all one thousand methods on you.” Although I found the idea very tempting.

“I’ll give you an easier death, just because I want to return to my woman quicker. You heard her. She’s waiting for me. And it’s very rude to keep a lady waiting,” I said lightly, playing with his mind.

“I want everyone to watch!” I bellowed, snapping my head up.

Letting my rage take over, I pulled out my spiral knife. I had made my first kill with that knife. It was only fair that I avenged my woman with the same knife.

I pressed my blade to Alberto’s neck.

My blade made the cut, slicing his neck. He gurgled and struggled out of my hold. The cut wasn’t deep enough to cut any major arteries.

I had other plans for him. That cut was just the start.

The blade of my spiral knife trailed down toward his chest. His eyes widened, recognition flashing there. I didn’t give him a chance to think, though. He screamed when the knife stabbed into his chest.

Blood was everywhere. On the ground. My clothes. My hands. My face.

But I kept going.

I thrust the blade repeatedly into his chest. Alberto had long stopped struggling.

Of course he did. He wasn’t breathing anymore.

The sound of the blade cutting into his flesh filled my ears. Blood and flesh meshed together, his blood pooled around us.

He deserved everything and more. I was just pissed that I couldn’t torture him more. His death was too easy. Too easy.

“This is what happens when you take something that doesn’t belong to you!” I roared out, twisting the knife deeper into Alberto’s chest.

When the hole was big enough, I dropped my spiral knife on the ground. I pushed my bare hand into his lifeless body. Then my fingers made contact with what I wanted.

I ripped his fucking heart out.

I stood up, covered in blood. Throwing the heart on the ground, I stared at everyone. “I am your motherfucking King!”

My voice boomed loud and clear. Everyone understood the meaning.

“Bow down,” Viktor growled.

That was the worst. Kneeling in front of your enemy. Serving your enemy. Bowing in front of him.

But they had no choice. I owned them now.

When nobody bowed, I smiled. “Anyone want to challenge me?”

I opened my arms wide, inviting any opponent. Without a second thought, a large man charged toward me. He never even made it a foot near me. Viktor got him halfway.

Throwing him on the ground, he lay there…dead.

More men rushed toward me, trying to end my life.

But none of them made it to me.

I stood back, watching my soldiers…my men fight for me. Blood was spilled. Men lay on the ground, dying. Some were already dead. I watched the chaos around me, laughing.

They really thought they stood a chance. No fucking way. Not this time.

This time it was my turn to rule. With my queen…my Angel by my side.

When the willing opponents stopped moving, I walked forward. From the corner of my eyes, I saw one coming my way. Taking the knife from my back, I made the throw.

Straight in the left eye.

The man fell to the ground lifelessly.

Turning toward the crowd, I raised an eyebrow in question. “Anyone else?”


My words were met with silence.

And then one by one, they knelt down in front of me, surrendering.

The one thing my father couldn’t do, I accomplished it today. Two decades of pain and enmity, I ended it today.

The Italians belonged to us.

“I have rules. But I will go over them next time. For today just remember, do not betray me. Ever. What you saw today was only a show. Don’t test me. You won’t like the consequences.”

I paused, wiping my hands with my handkerchief. “Viktor, pull the bodies together.”

Alberto, Enzo, and Artur were pushed together in a pile of dead bodies. Nikolay handed me the lighter. I clicked the lighter open, watching the flame dance around.

Keeping my eyes on Alberto’s men…now my men…I threw the lighter on the bodies. Nikolay threw another lighter on the bodies too. They instantly inflamed. The fire danced around the corpses, the smell of burning flesh filling my nostrils.

I watched the bodies burn, my Angel’s tormentor one of them. Her nightmare was finally over. Ayla was finally safe. Our daughter would be safe.

I had avenged my Angel in the only way I knew how.

“Respect. I demand respect from all of you. Not just me but for your Queen, Ayla Abandonato. If I ever hear someone disrespect her, you will take your last breath. You are beneath her. She commands you, and you fucking do whatever she says, like a fucking loyal dog,” I growled low, making sure everyone understood the rule.

They bowed their heads.

A smile whispered across my lips.

I was done here. Turning around, I got into the car.

I’m coming for you, Angel.