The Mafia And His Angel, Part 3 by Lylah James









Chapter 27



Two weeks later


My gaze followed Alessio around the room. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He moved fluidly, his steps filled with purpose.

Alessio moved around like he owned the room…like he owned everything. And it was reality.

I liked his strength and the dominance he exuded. The pull I felt toward him made my body hum with pleasure.

Alessio shrugged on his dress shirt, quickly buttoning it up. His form was the most perfect I had ever seen. Not that I had seen a lot.

But he was absolutely perfect in my eyes. Inside and out.

I got off the bed and took his suit jacket in my hand. He gave me a warm look as I helped him. My hands made their way to his chest.

I laid my palms there, over his chiseled stomach. I could feel every muscle definition through his shirt. Alessio’s hands held my hips, moving me closer.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, running his fingers over my hips.

“Perfect.” I smiled up at him.

He nodded, and a sudden shadow crossed his face. Alessio looked thoughtful for a moment, and then he swallowed hard, like he ate something big.

I could feel that he was suddenly nervous. “What’s wrong?”

“This is going to be huge, Ayla. But we thought it’s time for you to know,” he started.

“Know what? What’s wrong?” My eyes went wide as panic started to course through my system.

Alessio placed a gentle finger over my lips. “Shh…calm down, Angel. Everything is fine. But Isaak wants to talk to you.”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Isaak? But why?” I questioned.

Isaak had barely said any words to me. He never talked. But I caught his stare every now and then. It felt like he wanted to speak, but he just didn’t know what to say.

If I wasn’t mistaken, he was avoiding me. Just watching from behind the shadows sometimes. It was strange, but I never thought much of it.

“He has a lot to say, Angel, but he means well. Okay? Just keep that in mind. He’s not the bad guy,” Alessio explained, staring at me expectantly.

I nodded but then jumped in fright when a sudden knock sounded on the door. I was too tensed, my muscles locked tight.

“That’s him,” Alessio muttered before calling out. “Come in!”

I stood, staring at Alessio as the door opened. He gave me a small smile and turned me around so I was facing Isaak.

“Hey,” Isaak started with a tight smile. He looked really nervous. His hands were fisted by his sides, and he fiddled around on his feet.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime type sight. To see a man like him nervous.

“Hi,” I replied almost timidly.

Alessio walked us to the couch and sat down before pulling me on his lap. He settled me sideways, his hands drawing circles over my rounded belly.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and stared at Isaak expectantly.

He swallowed again and looked around before moving his gaze back to me.

“This is going to sound crazy, and you might even hate me after this, but I think you need to know. I need to tell you. It’s driving me fucking insane keeping it inside for so long,” he started.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s going to be okay,” I replied, trying to make him as comfortable as I could.

After my years of torture, I had learned that it was easier to see the positive in things.

Let the wave of negativity flow around you but never let it affect you. I guessed I was my own medicine to the virus.

My eyes caught Alessio. His attention was already on me.

Or maybe he was my medicine?

I smiled internally at the thought. My savior. I had the sudden urge to kiss him again but quickly bit on my lips and tried to concentrate on Isaak again.

When Isaak started talking, I didn’t have to force my attention anymore. He had my full attention.

My breath hitched as he continued his story. My heart ached with each word, and tears slid down my cheeks.

Alessio caught them for me. He soothed me with his touch.

But every word Isaak uttered, it broke my heart further.

When he was done speaking, he let out a loud breath and stared at me, watching my reaction. I sat still and stared back in shock.

My throat closed as I tried to speak. “You knew my mom?”

He nodded.

“You loved her?” He nodded again, a wave of pain crossing his face.

My eyes blurred with tears. “I can’t remember you.”

“Of course, you can’t. You were only a year old,” he replied gently.

My heart stuttered at his fatherly voice.

“But I wish I could remember you,” I whispered. “You were more a father to me than my own ever was. You cared for me when he didn’t.”

“I always cared for you, Ayla. Since the very first time I laid eyes on you. Even when I thought you were dead, I still loved you. You were my daughter.”

I sniffled and choked back a sob. How long had I craved to hear words like these? To have a father who loved and protected me?

For years, I dreamed of my father looking at me with soft eyes…if only just once. But he never did. He treated me as if I didn’t even exist.

But this man standing in front of me, he was looking at me with the love my father should have had for me.

I stood up from Alessio’s lap and went to Isaak. He straightened up instantly, standing to his full height.

“I never had a father,” I said, stopping in front of him. “I prayed and wished that I did, but that never happened. I didn’t have anyone.”

Before he could move a muscle, I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He was startled, freezing in shock. “What I didn’t realize was that I had a father, loving me from afar.”

Isaak sighed, sagging with relief. I felt every tense muscle in his body relax, and he slowly brought his arms up, hugging me tight.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save your mom. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you. All these years—” he broke off.

My emotions clogged up my heart and throat. “I don’t hate you. It’s not your fault. It’s not mine. We can’t blame ourselves for something that wasn’t in our hands.”

“You sound so much like your mother, Ayla,” he said softly.

“Am I like her?” I asked curiously, my heart beating just a little faster.

“You look so much like her. The first time I saw you, I thought it was a dream. I thought I was being haunted,” Isaak replied, slightly pulling away so he could look at my face.

“And you have her wisdom too. So gentle. Just like my Leila. I don’t think I will ever forgive myself for not being able to keep my promise to her. But having you here, safe and loved now, I think I can live and breathe a little better,” he finished, his eyes holding unshed tears.

My chin wobbled, and I nodded. Taking a deep breath, I uttered the most important question.

“Can I still be your daughter?”

I felt like a child, hoping and looking for a scrape of love.

My mind went back to when I was just a few years old. I always waited for my father to come see me. I wanted him to play with me, put me to bed, read me stories.

Anything…I just wanted a small bit of his time and attention. Maybe just a few minutes. One soft and loving look.

But I got none of that.

In this moment, I got all of that. In just mere seconds, Isaak Ivanshov gave me years of love that I was yearning for from a father.

“You were my daughter and still are. Always will be, Ayla.”

I sniffled and closed my eyes. Isaak pulled me into his arms again. “Thank you,” I murmured through my tears.

“You were always meant to be an Ivanshov. From the very beginning,” he replied as we pulled away.

I felt Alessio standing behind me, his heat warming my back, and I moved slightly back. Our bodies molded together, and his arms went around me. I felt his face in my neck as he placed a kiss there.

Isaak smiled and shook his head, muttering something under his breath. “I will see you both downstairs for lunch.”

He gave me a final look and smiled, a huge warm smile that lit up his whole face. I smiled back, feeling my heart flutter with absolute happiness.

Isaak walked away, and I turned around in Alessio’s arms, facing him. “Thank you for giving me this. It was meant to be, you know. Me finding my way into your car.”

He chuckled. His lips turned up in a small sexy smirk. “Thank God I parked my car there.”

We laughed, and then he kissed me, our laughter falling silent.

We broke apart when we felt a kick. A hard kick.

“Already a cockblocker.” He huffed, sending my stomach a mock glare.

I sighed, pulling at his arm. “Time for lunch. She’s hungry, which makes me double hungry.”




We settled at the table, Alessio and I taking the head. I no longer worked as a maid. That was out of the question.

Alessio would probably blow a fuse if I ever brought that up.

I sat to his right as the others started to take their seats. Including Maddie.

She no longer worked as a maid either. We both found it very weird that she would serve me, so that was out of question too. Anyway, she was more a sister than a maid. Maddie only worked as a maid because she didn’t have anything else to do.

Not that she did much anyway as a maid. She only helped Lena cook.

Alessio made sure I had my food first before himself. He always did that.

The guys talked while eating. I just ate, content that my stomach had food. I was starving. Maddie was strangely silent, but she kept looking at Alessio every now and then.

Alessio listened to Viktor, but his left hand was over my bare thigh. Like always. He ate with his right hand while holding my thigh possessively under the table.

I didn’t know why he did that, and I didn’t question him.

Only because I loved it.

His thumb drew circles over my skin, and I shivered as his fingers hitched my dress higher, his thumb moving closer to my crotch.

My eyes widened, and I gripped his wrist, stopping his movement. I caught his smirk.

He was impossible.

Alessio continued his torturous touching, leaving my skin warm and burning. He left me wanting more.

He leaned closer. “Are you wet for me right now?”

The words were only for me, yet I almost choked on my chicken.

I coughed, holding my chest. Everyone stopped eating, looking at me, worried. Alessio held my glass to my lips, waiting for me to sip.

After my coughing fit ended, I nodded at everyone and sent Alessio a glare.

“No,” I hissed under my breath.

He smirked. He freaking smirked at me!

His gaze grew fierce, his blue eyes turning molten with desire. I bit on my lips and looked down at my plate.

His hot breath touched my ear, and goosebumps raised over my skin. “Hmm. Shall I check, kitten?”

My breath hitched when his wrist moved upward, closer and closer toward my crotch. He pushed my thighs apart under the table, his hand moving between my spread legs.

I tried to stop him, but my grip on his wrist was nothing compared to his strength.

“Alessio, stop it,” I begged under my breath.

“I just want to check if you’re lying or not, kitten.”

He continued to tease me and turned his attention back to Viktor. His hand paused but stayed between my thighs.

When he didn’t make any move, I breathed out a relieved sigh. My spoon made its way to my mouth but stopped in mid-air.

Without warning, Alessio pressed this thumb right over my core.

The thin barrier of my lingerie didn’t stop the electrifying shock I felt course through me.

I jumped slightly at the sudden contact and bit on my lips, placing my spoon down again. Alessio continued talking like he didn’t do anything.

I sat there, trying to keep a straight face.

And then his thumb started moving, light touches, drawing circles over my wet core.

No. No. No. Damn him!

I pressed my thighs together, but his hand stopped me. I gritted my teeth, pinching his wrist hard.

Nothing fazed him.

He talked and laughed while he masterfully played me under the table.

I brought my glass to my lips with a shaky hand and tried to sip. Alessio being the devil himself, pressed his thumb harder against my clit.

Clenching my eyes shut, I breathed through this torture.

My lingerie was already soaked, my legs shaking. My heart fluttered and drummed like the wings of a bird.

And then he paused.

Alessio’s eyes met mine, and he winked before taking his hand away.

He brought his hand up…the finger that was soaked with my juices…and licked it clean. Right there at the table.

Yup. I was about to have a heart attack.

“That was good.” He nodded.

“Huh?” Viktor asked.

“The sauce. It tastes really good. I should try more later,” Alessio explained, that devilish smirk present on his face.

Maddie was staring at me, and she looked like she was about to choke.

Oh God. How mortifying.

Everyone else was eating, completely oblivious to what just happened. I just sat there, looking at my plate, contemplating what I was going to do with the impossible, annoying man sitting beside me.

“I was right. You are dripping for me, kitten. I had your juices all over my finger. Do you want me inside you right now? My finger or my cock?” he whispered in my ears.

I was going to kill him.

“Stop it!” I hissed, pinching his thigh hard.

He finally flinched and then smiled. “Okay. I’ll stop.”

And he did. Surprisingly.

I knew what he wanted. We both wanted it, yet we resisted.

I didn’t know if I was ready, and Alessio never pushed. We made out, kissed a lot, but never went further than that.

That was the first time he took such a step. And at the dining table. I shook my head.

Alessio was just being Alessio.

I looked at him, and my heart overflowed with love. Could I give him what he wanted? What we both wanted?

Alessio’s eyes moved back to me as if he sensed my stressful thoughts. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered so softly that it made my heart ache with his gentleness.

“Don’t push yourself. I will wait for you. Whenever you are ready.”

My heart settled as his hand came back to my thigh. He didn’t try anything mischievous. No, he just held my thigh firmly. Showing me that I belonged to him.

I liked that. Actually, I loved that.


Maddie’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned my attention to her. She had an eyebrow raised, regarding Alessio curiously.

“Have you proposed yet?”

Thank God, I wasn’t eating or I would have choked. My heart stuttered to a stop and then started again. Faster and harder against my ribcage.

What was she doing?

I sent her a warning glare before my gaze moved to Alessio.

His spoon was paused in mid-air.

He was frozen in his seat. My throat went dry, and I wanted to smack my head on the table.

Maddie! This girl!

Alessio placed his spoon down slowly and cleared his throat. “What?”

“I was just wondering if you’ve proposed yet?” Maddie asked again.

“Why do I have to propose?” Alessio asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

Viktor and Phoenix looked like they were hiding their laughter behind their fists. Even Nikolay looked like he was smiling.

Lyov and Isaak just shook their heads and carried on eating.

“You said so yourself a few days ago. Ayla was an Ivanshov. But did you propose?”

Alessio spared me a glance before looking at Maddie again. “Was I supposed to propose?”

Maddie’s face turned red, her eyes bulging out. She held her fork and knife tighter and speared Alessio with a glare.

I had a feeling she was plotting his murder.

“Did you even ask her if she wanted to marry you?” Maddie hissed.

Alessio looked completely confused and oblivious.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I looked down at my plate.

“Ayla, do you want to get married?”

What? WHAT?

Alessio’s questioned was imprinted in my brain. Did he really just ask that? In front of everyone?

I looked at Maddie again. She was about to have a heart attack. But she was going to kill Alessio first.

I turned to Alessio. “Emm…”

He looked at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. Actually, everyone was waiting for my answer.

Feeling flustered, I played with the hem of my dress nervously.

“Yes?” I answered hesitantly.

No wasn’t an option. It was never an option.

Alessio nodded, looking proud of himself. “Okay. We’re getting married then.”

If it wasn’t for Phoenix holding her down, Maddie would have leaped over the table. “That was hardly a proposal,” she hissed with a tight smile.

Alessio looked confused again. “I asked, and she said yes. We’re getting married.”

My shoulders sagged. That was it?

Alessio went back to eating. Viktor chuckled and coughed, hiding his amusement. Phoenix did the same before they continued eating too.

A few seconds later, I picked up my fork too. Maddie was still glaring holes in Alessio’s forehead, but her shoulders went down in defeat.

When our plates were almost cleared, Alessio leaned closer. “I love you, Angel. I don’t care about getting married. It doesn’t change anything. But I will give you my name. You will be Ayla Ivanshov. That’s my promise to you.”

His words were low enough for only me to hear, and they made their way straight to my heart. I turned to him, my lips stretched in a smile. It was impossible not to smile.

Alessio smiled back, his eyes filled with so much love for me.

“Okay,” I agreed.

I guessed I didn’t need a proposal after all. Just being with Alessio…it was enough to make me the happiest woman alive.

Later that night, after playing the piano, I settled on Alessio’s lap. We stayed like that for some time, both of us refusing to move.

He played with my hair, my head laid against his shoulder. I placed a kiss there, and he held me tighter.

“What do you need, Ayla? What do you need from me? I want to be the man you deserve,” he said, breaking the silence.

I brought my head up and looked at him. He looked a little lost.

Holding his face in my hands, I brought our lips together. I kissed him softly, pouring all my love into the kiss.

“Only you. I just need you,” I whispered against his lips.

Alessio’s eyes held mine. Blue to green.

He kissed the tip of my nose and hugged me to him.