The Mafia And His Angel, Part 3 by Lylah James









Chapter 28



1 week later


Maddie held my arms as we descended the stairs. “I can’t wait for you to meet her!” she said excitedly.

I laughed. She was so cute. “I can’t wait to meet her either.”

Maddie’s friend was coming over. More than a friend, actually. They’d been best friends since they were kids. It was almost like they were sisters. She used to live here too, in the estate, until she moved away four years ago.

Maddie didn’t have a chance to tell me a lot. She only got a call an hour ago and came banging at my door.

When we reached the bottom, Maddie was practically bouncing on her toes. She was glowing. “I have missed her so much,” she pouted. “That little bitch. I hate that she moved away.”

We walked toward the door, getting ready to meet her friend. I was excited too.

“Is she like you?” I teased with a wink.

Maddie laughed. “Ha. She’s worse!”

My eyes widened. “You mean crazier than you?”

She nodded. “She is insane! But you’re going to love her, Ayla.”

Oh dear. I looked at the door both impatiently and excitedly, Maddie doing the same.

I heard a loud squeal.


Then a flash of blonde hair.

Next thing I knew, Maddie was on the floor.

I gasped, moving away, my eyes wide in shock.

She tackled her. She freaking tackled Maddie to the floor.

I stood, agape and staring at Maddie and the new woman. They were laughing, getting up and hugging each other tightly.

“I missed you!” Maddie exclaimed.

“Missed you too. Damn it! I’m going to cry,” she replied.

They pulled apart, and their eyes went to me.

“Hi?” I gave her a tiny wave.

She smiled a breathtaking smile. She glided over to me, and before I could move, I was in her arms.

“I have finally met you,” she murmured in my ears. Pulling away, she held on to my hands. “Do you know how desperate I have been? I couldn’t wait to see you. Maddie and Viktor have told me so much about you.”

“Thank you. I was pretty excited to meet you too,” I replied. Her smile was infectious. My cheeks were hurting from smiling too hard.

She was such a bubble of joy. A breathtaking beauty too. Her blonde hair stopped in the middle of her back. She was smaller than Maddie but taller than me. Her hazel eyes practically glowed with happiness.

“I’m Evaline.” She gave me her hand to shake.

“Ayla,” I replied, shaking her hand. I already knew her name, but I guessed introductions were a must.

“I know.” She winked. Her eyes moved to my rounded belly. “May I?”

Without answering, I brought her hand to my stomach. We waited for Princess to make her presence known. And being herself, the attention seeker, she immediately kicked.

Evaline laughed. “Oh my. That was a hard kick. Finally, Alessio did something right.”

But when her eyes moved back to Maddie, they sombered. A wave of pain passed across her face, and she moved away from me.

Maddie shook her head. “Don’t.”

“I can’t believe no one told me, Maddie. Do you realize how pissed I am? I only found out two days ago. It’s been weeks!” Evaline hissed, angrily. “Nobody called and thought I needed to know? Not even Viktor. He didn’t say anything.”

“Because I told them not to say anything. I didn’t want you to worry. We’ve been over this, Evaline,” Maddie shot back.

“You were hurt and you—” Evaline broke off, her eyes moving to Maddie’s stomach. My heart fell too.

“I should have been there for you, but nobody said anything. I would have been there for you, Maddie. If only…”

Maddie wrapped her arms around Evaline. “I wanted to do this on my own, babe. It’s over and done with. Can we not talk about this now, please?”

Evaline nodded, swiping her tears away. “Phoenix—”

Maddie’s face turned furious. “Don’t even.”

Evaline’s shoulders sagged in defeat, but she didn’t say anything else.

I knew something was going on between Phoenix and Maddie, but I stayed silent. Only because of Maddie’s reaction.

We were silent for a few seconds, and then Evaline jumped in. “Why are we just standing here looking like lost puppies? I need a drink, and I need to get laid. Tonight.”

I busted out laughing at that. So did Maddie. “I need to get laid too.”

Evaline turned to me. “You?”


“I know we can have sex while pregnant. Have you tried it yet?” she continued.

Did she just ask that?

I caught Maddie’s eyes. Told you, she mouthed.

She didn’t have a filter. “Like, does it feel better? I heard that we get hornier and want sex all the time. And our sensations are heightened during pregnancy.”

“I don’t know.”

Both of them paused. Maddie looked at me, confused. “Are you saying…?”

I just shrugged.

Evaline and Maddie looked at each other and nodded. Like they just mentally made a plan together. I didn’t like the look they were giving me.

“She needs to get laid,” Evaline announced.

“She does,” Maddie agreed. “We’ll figure it out.”


I was standing right there, yet they spoke like I wasn’t. They were discussing my sex life.

They were crazy…insane. Both of them!

Evaline winked and started to pull me toward the kitchen. Maddie was on my right side, her arm linked with mine.

When we got to the kitchen, Evaline was on Lena in seconds. “Mama Lena!”

“Oh, dear. Look at you! I have missed you, my little girl,” Lena gushed, hugging her tight.

“I missed you too,” she pouted, pulling away.

“Then why did you move?” Lena sent her a mock glare.

“Exactly. Tell her, Mom,” Maddie added. I smiled, watching the interaction between the three. Maddie was right. They really were close.

“I had to. It was the only way,” Evaline replied softly.

Lena looked confused. “What do you mean?”

Maddie looked pissed and mumbled something under her breath.

“Don’t worry, Mama Lena. I love it up north. Canada is like my home now. But I do miss you guys. Everyone. Sometimes I wish I was back here.” Evaline gave us a sad smile. “Just like before.”

She took the champagne out of the fridge, her back turned to us. There was a hint of sadness and pain in her words. I knew Maddie heard it too.

Maddie shook her head and looked down at her lap.

“Forget about it. Do you know where the guys are?” she asked, quickly changing the topic.

“Like they ever tell me where they go,” Lena replied, with a hint of amusement. She smiled and kissed Evaline on the cheek.

“I’ll see you girls later. I’m sure you have lots of catching up to do.”

Lena walked away, and we settled around the table. Evaline was a chatterbox. She talked a lot. Maddie and her were so much alike.

But I was already in love. Evaline wasn’t the type of person who made you feel awkward. No, she pulled you in like you were a long-lost family member.

We talked for what felt like hours until we got interrupted by Viktor.

He walked in, and Evaline jumped up, going straight in his arms. They hugged and muttered something quietly to each other.

I sat back and smiled, watching the two. When they pulled away, Viktor ruffled her hair and turned his gaze to mine.

“I see you have already met my little hedgehog.”

Evaline growled, patting her hair down. “Don’t do that.”

“We are half brother and sister.” Evaline repeated what she said earlier.

I already knew that. Maddie had filled me in. I just stared at the two siblings. They were so similar, and I could see how much Viktor loved her sister.

They talked and joked, both of them fighting each other. When Viktor left, Evaline took her seat beside me again.

“Same father, different mother. Actually, our moms were sisters,” she said. “It appeared that dad had no control. He was the true definition of a playboy when he was younger.”

Isaak a playboy?

In that moment, I realized that Evaline was my sister. My eyes widened, and I stared at her. This was my chance. To know more about Isaak. Did she know who I was?

“Was he always like that?” I asked curiously, trying hard to act nonchalant.

Evaline shrugged. “Pretty mu—” Her words caught in her throat.

I saw her eyes widen, and then her expression changed. Her eyes held so much pain.

It looked like her heart had shattered in that moment.

“Yeah. Okay.”

Another voice pulled my head the other way.

Nikolay walked into the kitchen.

“I will let Boss kn—”

He stopped mid-sentence too.

Actually, he froze, standing still in the doorway. His eyes widened, and I looked back toward Evaline.

Both of them stared at each other, their eyes drawn to each other, like they were the only two people there.

I looked back at Nikolay. He looked like he was in pain too. He swallowed hard several times, his eyes moving over Evaline’s face.

“Nikolay,” I heard Evaline say. Her voice was soft. So soft and gentle. She said his name like she was whispering a prayer.

And then anger. So much anger. Nikolay’s face turned thunderous. He sent Evaline a piercing glare before stalking away.

I sat still.

Nikolay and Evaline?

She choked back a sob. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”

Before I could say anything, Evaline got up and ran toward the back. The door to the back garden banged closed as she ran outside.

“That fucking asshole,” Maddie hissed. “I swear to God, I am so done with his bullshit.”

“What just happened?” I asked.

“Long story, babe. Long story. Let me get the drink—juice for you, though—and I’ll tell you.”