The Alien King’s Pet by Loki Renard

3Fucking Flying

Dominax laughed as his pet squirmed helplessly in his grasp, her bare ass receiving several more slaps more for his own amusement than anything.

She would suffer. She would mourn. She would wail. She would be very, very sore. But in the end, she would be happy. He had no doubt about that.

This spanking was nothing more than a warning. It was not a serious punishment, though it obviously had an effect on her. She could not stop squirming and cursing, and soon he heard her voice start to crack with frustration as she reached the verge of tears. It was then that Dominax decided to show mercy again.

“Come, pet, if you are tired of having your flesh heated, you can explore your new home.”

“You can’t hit me.”

“Of course I can. I am the king. I can do with you as I please.”

“Asshole,” she muttered to herself.

He spanked her again for that insolence. She was mouthy, that much was for sure. He might let her be a little sassy as time went on, but for the moment he had to teach her something like discipline, if only to keep her from causing chaos in his court.

Katie’s yowl was swallowed up by the sound of a dozen wings beating the air. A small phalanx of warriors had come to meet them. His royal guard had anticipated his arrival, as had many of the courtiers and more than one or two high-ranking merchants who were all no doubt eager for an audience with the king.

His pet stopped squirming as they landed, and instead stared with wide eyes.

“Welcome home, King Dominax,” Esther greeted him, dropping into a low bow.

She was the head guard of the royal flight, a military force capable of crushing any rebellion on the planet, or repelling any who might be foolish enough to invade this world of cliffs and lava. Only the Homelanders were evolutionarily suited for such a task. She was a formidable warrior, and apparently, frightened his pet more than he did.

Holy fuck… Katie whispered to herself.

She was staring at a female like Dominax. She hadn’t bothered to think about what the female of his species might look like. This one was built almost as powerfully as Dominax himself. The soldier wore a golden skirt, but was shirtless. Her breasts were displayed bare, without any obvious shame. Her physique was very strong, much more muscly than any human woman could have managed naturally.

Katie had to fight the urge to hide behind Dominax as the female looked at her with those dark eyes, the expression on her beautiful face entirely neutral.

Katie was also naked, but somehow her nakedness did not seem nearly as impressive. She tried not to stare, in case that was rude. But how could she not? Golden hair cascaded over the female’s shoulders. Her face was even more beautiful than Dominax’s thanks to a slight narrowing and angle of the eyes and a general softening. It was like looking at a Victoria’s Secret angel on steroids.

One after the other, more of Dominax’s kind landed, and soon she was outnumbered by a factor of two times twelve by ultra-muscular, winged alien angels.

All of them were impressive specimens. According to Dominax, the entire planet was covered in creatures like these. And here she was, a human among what felt to her like gods.

“This is my new pet,” Dominax said, nudging Katie forward beneath the dark gaze of the flying valkyrie.

“Uhm. Hi,” Katie said nervously.

She didn’t know why she was so stunned by the female version of Dominax. Internalized sexism or something? There was probably a book on the reason in the reading list she had been ignoring all semester.

This place was inhabited by alien angels, but looked like hell. An ironic juxtaposition, is what she would have written if she were describing this strange planet for a college essay. But she wasn’t writing anything. She was just staring, dumbfounded, and more than a little overwhelmed as even more of the Homelanders swooped out of the sky to greet their king.

Some were male, others female. All were stunning. Katie was very small and slight by comparison, much shorter than they were and much less… well, everything. She suddenly understood why Dominax referred to her as his pet. She could never be an equal to these incredible creatures of beauty and power.

“I will be attending to matters of state very soon,” Dominax declared. “First, I must attend to my new pet. She is freshly caught, and in need of care.”

With that, he wrapped an arm around her waist, beat his wings, and lifted her into the air. It was not like it was the first time he lifted her up. There was no golden, soothing light welcoming her to what felt like home. There was just the power of the alien who was wrapped all around her, his muscular frame and broad wingspan the only thing keeping her from falling to her death.

She clung to him, screaming. She had never liked heights. She had never cared for planes. Even going up to the top of her apartment building was too much for her, and now, suddenly, she was far too far above the ground and relying on the kindness of this alien king to protect her from the fall.

“Shh, settle,” he soothed. “You’re safe. It’s alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

He was capable of real tenderness and kindness, but he was also her abductor and captor, and soft touches couldn’t change that.

“I’m not safe. I hate this place. I hate heights. I hate you. Take me home!” She screamed the words to the wind as it rushed by her, leaving her with no choice but to cling to Dominax and squeeze her eyes super tight until she felt something beneath her feet again.

He carried her above the remarkable palace, to a spire set at the very top of it all, and placed her down on an extension of rock which jutted out from the palace proper and gave her an almost three hundred and sixty degree view of the hell planet.

His pet was trembling as he let her down onto solid ground. He expected her to pull away, but instead she clung to him, as if he were the only solid thing in existence.

The sounds she was making were utterly pitiful, soft whimpers and little cries. He could feel the wetness of her tears against his chest and neck.

“My poor little pet,” he crooned. “Let me take care of you. There is no reason to fear anymore.”

She replied with nothing more than a helpless little whimper, retreating into the pre-verbal state of an animal.

Dominax kissed her lips, her ears, her neck. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He did everything but that which she asked. He would never set her free. Once he collared his pet, only death could part them. Her whimpers did not please him. He did not want to panic or sadden his pet. He had chosen her because when she walked through the dark city, he had found her with a certain bearing which told him she was not easily frightened.

Yet, already he had terrified her. That was unfortunate. But perhaps, useful. Her boldness made her headstrong, and also unruly. A little fear would not be bad for his pet.

She melted against him, her tender human body so desperate for comfort and distraction. He felt himself throb, the thick rod of his royal cock standing at attention.

Claiming her properly would help her to settle. Taking what remained of her virginal veil, that would give her a sense of place. So he carried her inside, to the private chambers where only the king and his pet were permitted to enter. These rooms contained riches and curiosities from many planets, places, and times. But not one of them was more valuable than the human in his arms, the naked, writhing wench who would soon be his in every way possible.

He already knew she was untouched. He could see it in her eyes, and he could smell it between her thighs. No manhood had ever passed the tender gate of those lower lips.

Dominax lifted her up, hoisting her hips to his head in an easy motion which left her sitting atop him, her hands reaching for his hair to steady herself. She let out a gasp as his mouth found her sex, his tongue licking the length of her slit with a commanding exploration which made her wriggle and grasp ever tighter at his head.

“Don’t drop me!”

There was no chance of him dropping her. His massive hands palmed each of her cheeks, spreading them for his tongue which played across both of her holes, both the slit of her sex, and the tighter, darker, more forbidden one which tasted like scented body wash.

“Not there, not that one… That’s not for…”

Her objections were lost in a guttural moan as he plunged his tongue inside her, finding the passage through her two sets of outer lips and discovering the tight opening beyond. As he had surmised, she was a virgin. There was a thin barrier just up inside her body, not completely covering her sex, but certainly making it impossible for anything the size of his cock to enter her.

With the base of his tongue rubbing the underside of her clit, he pressed the longer tip deeper inside her, toying with that barrier. She was squirming against his face, grinding her hips with a repetitive motion which made him certain she was enjoying the touch.

He pushed his tongue deeper, spearing past that barrier and taking it with him. She stiffened for a moment, but the base of his tongue was still rucked up along her slit, and her squirming clearly served to pleasure her far more than his tongue had caused her pain.

Keeping her up above his head, he began to thrust his tongue slowly in and out of her virginal cunt, giving her a thorough pleasuring. Her hands had moved to the upper crest of his wings. He felt her tugging on him as she worked herself back against him, as eager for penetration as he was.

His cock was massive. Not big. Not long. Not thick. Just fucking massive. She had not seen a lot of penises in her time, at least not in real life, but Katie was fairly certain that the one she was looking at was much bigger than average.

He laid her down on the bed tenderly and pressed himself between her thighs. She had to spread lewdly wide to let him in, his hips were broader than her shoulders. And then she felt the heat of his rod against her slit, and saw her lower lips parting for the shaft as he rubbed himself up and down that wet crevice slowly, tempting her, teasing her.

“I am bigger than your species,” he warned her. “But your sex is more than capable of taking me. This is the same canal through which you birth your young.”

The logic was sound, but that did not make the prospect any less intimidating. But that was intellectual. Her desire made her reckless, and her instincts caused her to crave that thick cock which had slid back down and was now poised to pierce the very core of her.

“You are mine,” he told her, intoning his possession as if saying the words made the act of penetration a formally binding contract.


She gasped the word just as she felt him surge forward, the head of his cock spreading her outer lips. He stopped immediately, just shy of the tight inner walls of her waiting pussy.

“I… I’ve never done this before.”

“I would have thought one as beautiful as you would have been pursued with great vigor,” Dominax said, stroking her hair back from her head with a surprisingly tender touch. “Why are you still pure, my pet?”

“Well… I was pursued, yes, but I never wanted any of them.”

“And do you want me, my little human?”

She drew in a breath and found herself holding it as he stayed poised right on the brink of her defloration. Saying yes would mean having sex with an alien king. She did not know what saying no would mean.

Dominax held himself easily above her, his wings extended up and above his head, casting a slight shadow over the pair of them. They seemed protective and caring, if those things could be attributed to wing position — and why not. It was the same thing as body language, just with wings.

“You are afraid,” he said. “You think it will hurt.”

“I think it will mean this is all real.”

“This is real, pet. This may be the most real thing which ever happened to you.”

He drew his cock back away from her, and she felt the loss keenly. The throbbing heat of the king’s member had felt right when pressed against her sex.

“I hardly know you. You’ve taken me from my planet, you’ve told me that you own me, you’ve…”

His lips claimed her in a kiss and his hips surged down again. This time they did not stop when his cock was barely between her lower lips. This time the alien king followed through, his thick rod piercing the remnants of her hymen and stretching her inner walls wide.

It was over in an instant. All innocence was lost, instantly replaced with carnal knowledge and stretching heat which made her moan into the king’s kiss as he claimed her with powerful strokes. Each time he slid inside her, he found a deeper part of her until finally the head of his cock intruded all the way to her cervix.

She writhed on his dick, her pussy trying desperately to accommodate the royal girth. She could not tell if she was in pain, or if this was the hottest thing to ever happen to her. It had all become one torrid experience, a complete, compulsive biological connection made with an alien being who wanted nothing more than to make her his own.

Dominax knew how to fuck her. He knew that all the way deep was too deep, and he knew that when he pulled out, if he left just the tip inside her, she would wriggle and squirm to try to reclaim it.

Caught in his powerful embrace, she surrendered completely. Her body blended with Dominax in the most primal of ways, shared fluids fizzing with a slight effervescence as he plunged inside her creamy pussy, stirring up every bit of animal desire contained in her body.

She felt her sexual energy being ignited, as if every cell in her body was responding to him individually, prompting her to spread her thighs wider, grind her pelvis more desperately, give herself completely to the king who owned her.

His pet was everything he had known she would be the very first moment he laid eyes on her. That tight, pink human flesh wrapped around his cock felt like a sexual supernova. He was caught up in her tender frame, pounding inside her, wanting to go deeper but knowing there was only so much ravishment a human virgin could take from his royal cock.

He would have to train her to take him deeper, longer, and in other holes. He would make her his perfect sexual companion. She was made for it. It seemed to Dominax that the human female was made for little else other than fucking. Every part of her was soft and curvaceous, made to be beautiful, and to provide sexual stimulation. It was all he could do to hold back from flooding her fertile womb before she herself came.

Orgasm was creeping over her, a pink hue glowing on her cheeks and breasts, growing brighter by the moment. She was making little whimpering noises coinciding with every hard thrust inside that desperately gripping cunt of hers, and he knew that it would not be long before she gave way to climax.

She was gripping his arms, her slender fingers digging into the dark red flesh of his biceps when she finally surrendered fully and he felt the full-body shudder of ultimate pleasure taking her over, her inner walls grasping his cock with desperate undulations as she milked him deep inside her tight wet hole.

It was his turn to give in, to let his seed flow in thick spurts of hyper-fertile come. He flooded that tight pussy of hers, holding himself deep as he pumped his sperm against the neck of her womb, and then pulling out to bathe the red puffy lower lips of her once-virginal pussy with the remnants of his pleasure.

“Good girl,” he praised, his breath ragged as he held her close. “Such a good little pet.”

The sounds she made back did not contain any syntax. They were nothing more than the animal noises of a very well-sated fuck pet.

She had been taken. Broken. Deflowered.

She had been collared. Leashed. Dominated.

And she had loved it.

Katie wasn’t sure she recognized herself anymore. She wasn’t even sure she recognized her body either. It had never felt like this, aching, tender, and sensitive all over. There was no part of her skin which had escaped the king’s lust. He had licked and bitten and tasted every part of her as he ravaged her tight hole, and now she felt as though every inch of her body was tingling with the same sated sensation coursing through her pussy.

He lay down on his side and pulled her into a close embrace, his breath slowing and becoming rougher as his powerful, regal body fell into slumber.

What the fuck,” Katie whispered to herself under her breath. Those three words summarized and symbolized everything.