Doctor Hero by Madison Faye

Chapter Four


“Okay, Mr. Corbin, is it?”

I frown and glance up to see an all-America, corn-fed-looking blonde motherfucker smiling away at me.


“Mr. Corbin, I’m Caleb, your attending nurse. How’re we feeling?”

“We’re feeling like I just got shot, twice,” I grunt.

Caleb laughs. “Well, feeling it is a good thing, if you get what I’m saying. We’ve had gun victims in here who can’t feel anything afterwards, and that’s a whole other sto—”

“What can I do for you, Caleb.”

He smiles. “Well, I’m actually here for your post-op follow-up. Get some vitals, check those bandages—”

“Ar—” I frown. “Doctor Linetti already checked my wounds.”

Caleb looks surprised. “Oh? Well, no harm in checking them again. Also, I’m going to give you a quick sponge bath and get you into a gown to make you more comfortable.”

I frown. “No, you’re not.”

He smiles. “Mr. Corbin, I think you’ll be much more comfortable—”

“I’m plenty comfortable considering I just got shot, twice,” I growl. “I don’t need a gown.”

“Mr. Corbin, you’re not wearing anything.”

“Fine, then how about some scrubs or something.”

Caleb chuckles. “Okay, Mr. Corbin, let’s just get this done, okay? We’ll start with the sponge—”

“Yeah, not happening.”

He sighs. “Mr. Corbin, this is standard post-op procedure. You need to be sure you’re clean after the wounds you’ve sustained and the surgery you’ve just gone through.”

“Then leave it, I’ll wash myself.”

“Mr. Corbin—”

“You’re not touching me with a fucking soapy sponge, blondie.”

Caleb smiles that smile that really says, “I want to tell you to fuck yourself but I’m going to smile instead.”

“Mr. Corbin, I’m a nurse. I’m a professional. If this is about my being a guy, believe me, I get no pleasure in this. Not that it matters in the damn slightest, but I’m married, to a woman, if that eases your—”

I snort. “Caleb, I don’t give a shit who you like to fuck. This isn’t about you being gay or straight, no one touches me. Not when I’m chained to a fucking bed.”

Caleb groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Mr. Corbin,” he growls, clearly at the end of his patience. I do have that gift with people.

“Mr. Corbin, this is happening. It’s hospital protocol. If you’re that hung up about me—”

“Buddy, no one is touching me,” I growl. “End of fucking discussion.”

He scowls at me, I scowl right back at him in this standoff, before suddenly, I open my mouth.

“Doctor Linetti.”

He frowns. “Excuse me?”

“Doctor Linetti can do it.”

“Mr. Corbin, doctors don’t—”

“It’s her or nothing.”

His jaw clenches and he folds his arms over his chest. But finally, he sighs. “I’ll get the doctor,” he snarls.

“Thanks, blondie,” I mutter as he walks out.

I smirk as I turn to glance out the window. The van that was parked out there when I first woke up is still there. It could be anything, and I could just be being paranoid, but the passenger side window is cracked, and I can see cigarette smoke curling out of it. I snort.

Amateurs. They sent amateurs. A pro would just lay low and wait. The rookies are the ones who are losing their minds by hour three of a stakeout, hence the chain-smoking out the window. It’s a dead giveaway, and I’m almost insulted that Victor didn’t send pros to keep an eye on me. But it lets me know that he knows I’m here.

…My timeline is shrinking, fast.

Mr. Corbin.”

I smile at the sound of her voice, and I turn my gaze from the window to let my eyes slide over her. Fuck, she’s even more beautiful the second time seeing her. And she’s changed, too. She’s in a skirt now that lets me get an eyeful of those sexy fucking legs, and a blouse that actually hugs her curves a little more than scrubs did. I drink in the way she moves across the floor—sensuality mixed with the power-stride of a woman who know what she wants and isn’t afraid to take charge. My pulse quickens and my jaw tightens.

Fuck, do I want her.

My lips remember the taste of her the second I see her again, and my hands ache to hold her tight. My cock swells under the sheets, like it can smell her, and knows that she’s mine to take.

“Doctor Linetti,” I smile.

“I don’t appreciate patients giving my nurses shit, Mr. Corbin.”

“I wasn’t, I was just stating—”

“Caleb has a job to do, Mr. Corbin. As do I,” she adds sharply. “And I don’t give sponge baths,” she murmurs.

I smile hungrily.

“Oh, I was seeing if you needed one, doc.”

Her cheeks flush pink, and she rolls her eyes. It occurs to me that this is the kind of woman who simply hasn’t been told enough, or at all, how fucking gorgeous she is. Reading people is what I do—well, aside from killing them—and the look on her face at my words says it all. Somehow, by some massive cosmic fuckup, no man, or not enough men, have told this woman how stunning she is, because I don’t think she actually knows it, and that’s a fucking crime.

“Come here,” I growl.

Her brows shoot up, and her teeth rake over her bottom lip.

“Mr. Corbin—”

Come here,” I growl, coaxing her over with a curl of my fingers. I can see the war going on behind her eyes—that she doesn’t want to “give in,” that she’s a woman in the medical world who’s probably put up with a whole fucking lot of men telling her what to do.

But then there’s the other half—the primal, instinctual part. The part of her that wants me to tell her what to do. The part of her that wants to give in and come to me right there. “Let’s get something straight, Mr. Corbin,” she says quietly. “What happened earlier…”

I sit up in the bed with a grunt, and she frowns.

“Lie back! You’ll pull a stitch.”

I shrug. “I think I need medical assistance to lie back down. Don’t want to hurt myself.”

Her lips purse, but I can see the spark in her eyes, and I grin. She moves towards me, her lips pursed, and I can see the way she swallows thickly as her face burns hot.

“What happened earlier, doc,” I growl as she moves to the edge of the bed. I reach out with my uncuffed hand, and she gasps as I slide it over her waist and around to the small of her back.

No,” she whispers with zero force behind it. “No, Mr. Cor—”

Jack,” I grunt. “Just call me Jack, Aria.”

“That can’t—this is not happening again,” she breathes.

“Yeah,” I grunt, my hand feeling the muscles of her back coil through her blouse and white coat. I pull her towards me, and she gasps as she comes willingly, moving closer until she’s pressed tight to the edge of the bed, looking into my eyes with me sitting up. Fire blazes between us, and I know this is more than just desire. This is more than me having not touched a woman in close to two years.

This is an unstoppable force. This is magnetism. This is gravity, slamming us together. And I know right here, without a doubt, that my plans have changed, irrevocably. Because now, my plans involve her, or they don’t happen at all. I look into her eyes, and I know this only ends one way.

… With her in my arms, mine.

“Yeah, beautiful,” I growl fiercely. “It can. And I know you want it to.”

I move in, my lips crush to hers, and she moans into the kiss as she sinks into me. I groan, my one hand tight against her back, gripping her possessively. She opens her mouth for my tongue, panting into my mouth as I groan, the fire blazing though me. My hand slides over her curvy hip, pushing down one thigh and making her breath catch as she kisses me.

I push my hand down to her knee, and then slowly, it starts to move back up, this time under her skirt. Aria stiffens, but when she whimpers into my mouth, I know how bad she wants this. I know she knows how bad this is, too—she gets how wrong this is, but she can’t say no, same as me. I groan into her lips and slide my hand higher, teasing over her bare inner thigh as she gasps and whimpers into my lips.

My hand moves up and up, teasing her until she’s squirming against the bed and rocking her hips closer to my hand. I slide it up, and when my fingers find the wet, sticky lace of her panties hot against her little pussy, I growl.

But suddenly, with a sharp gasp, she pulls away. She’s panting hard when her hand moves up to touch her lips softly, and her eyes slip back to mine.

No,” she whispers.

I growl, reaching for her again and gripping her thigh. I pull her close, and she starts to fall back into me, her lips moving for mine as my hand slips back under her skirt. But at the very last second, she pulls away, and with a gasp, she slaps my hand away and steps back.

Fuck, stop it, Mr. Cor—Jack,” she whispers. “Enough.”

She swallows, panting as she takes another half step away from me, and her hand comes up to push her fingers through her long dark hair.


“The cops are looking for you,” she snaps, her mouth tight and her eyes burning hotly into mine. “Did you know that?”

My jaw clenches, and I frown as I glance at the cuffs on my wrist. “I could have guessed.”

She purses her lips. “Who are you.”

“Aria, listen—”

“No,” she snaps. “You listen, and you tell me who you are. Bullet wounds? The knife cuts?” she frowns deeply. “That car you got here in was stolen, by the fucking way,” she snaps.

“Not by me.”

She looks away, scowling.

“The wounds are self-inflicted.”

She turns back to me, her brow furrowed in anger.

“That’s not funny.”

“I’m in a real dark place, doc.”

“Okay,” she growls. “First of all, that’s nothing to joke about—”


Her lips thin.

“And two, those are not self-inflicted.”

I shrug. “Says you.”

“Yes, says me, the trauma surgeon. The person in the room who is literally a doctor. Don’t think you’re the first guy to get here after a gunfight, Jack. I’m not a fucking idiot.”

I suck my teeth, my eyes burning into hers.

“You sure that’s the car you found me in? This stolen one you were talking about?”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I am. It’s what the report says.”

“Reports can be changed.”

My hand reaches out for her and grips her skirt. I tug her close to me, and she falls into me, gasping quietly. I growl, our eyes burning into each other’s, and without wasting another second, I lean forward, ignoring the roar of pain as I kiss her again. My hand slips under her skirt again, and she moans when my fingers drag over her lace-covered pussy.

For all her “we can’t do this” shit, she’s still dripping wet for me.

I groan, and my fingers start to rub her messy little cunt through her panties. She clings to me, her fingers tight on my forearm as she gasps into my lips. My thick fingers rub back and forth, squishing her slick panties over her hard-little clit as she whimpers eagerly. The beast in me roars for more, and without another hesitation, I tug her little panties to the side, and my fingers slide right over her bare lips.

Aria moans, kissing me deeper as I roll my finger over her clit. I push a thick finger down between her silky lips, feeling her honey dripping down the digit as I ease it against her opening. It slips inside, and she moans into my mouth as her silken, heavenly heat envelopes my finger.

I curl it deep inside, stroking her spot as my thumb rolls her clit, and my mouth claims hers as she turns to putty in my hands. Her hips rock against me shamelessly, the eagerness in her panted whimpers driving me on and making my cock rock fucking hard.

And then suddenly, fucking again, she pulls back. And this time, her eyes narrow as her lips purse tightly in anger.

“Hang on,” she hisses. “What did you just say? Reports can be changed?”

I shrug. “They can.”

Her mouth purses even tighter, and I see a rage begin to swell behind her scowl.

“You know what?” she hisses through clenched teeth. “I’ve met some fucked up men,” she growls. “But this is a new low.”

I frown. “Hold on—”

“So, that’s what all of this is about? For me to lie to the cops for you?” She hisses. “Do I look that fucking stupid?”

Fuck. It’s not, at all, but I suddenly see it from her perspective, and I hiss to myself. Shit.

“Hang on,” I growl. “Wait, Aria—”

“It’s Doctor Linetti,” she hisses back, rage on her face as her nose wrinkles. “And you’ll be getting a new doctor now.”

I growl. “You’re mistaken—”

“No, you’re mistaken,” she spits, stepping back from me and yanking her white coat tight around herself. She glares at me, her mouth tight and small.

“Don’t ever try and kiss me or touch me again, Mr. Corbin.”

She whirls, storms away, and slams the door shut behind her. I groan as I drop back against the bed.

Well, fuck.

Slowly, I bring my hand to my mouth, and my lips wrap around the finger that was just stroking in and out of her pretty little cunt. I groan at the heavenly taste of her honey, and my cock throbs as precum drips liberally from the swollen head against my thigh.

She’s not getting away from me that easily. Not even fucking close.