The Mafia And His Angel by Lylah James









Chapter 27





No one had touched the piano, not since my mother’s death. This washerpiano.

My soul was in pain, my heart aching.

So, the words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. For some reason, Ayla’s presence brought me comfort.

When the first melody came through, searing pain went through my heart and I brought my hand up, pressing it hard against my chest.

Twenty-two years since I’d heard someone play the piano. Twenty-two years since I heard this exact melody.

Ayla opened her eyes and looked directly at me. She was still smiling and then she closed them again. She continued to play, oblivious to the world around her. Her face was serene and she was lost into the music. A tiny smile remained on her lips.

She looked happy and at peace.

And as I listened, the pain in my heart started to diminish. It was still there, but I could breathe again. My tense muscles started to relax. My heart stuttered and I brought a shaky hand to my face.

I closed my eyes and felt something wet on my aching cheek. I was crying. A single tear. The music flowed and I swiped the tear away.


“Mommy, play for me, please!” I begged.

She laughed and pulled me to the piano. “Okay, my baby.” She sat down and placed me on her lap. “There you go,” she said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before moving her attention to the piano. Mommy ran her fingers over the keys softly at first and then started to play. As soon as the music came through, I relaxed against her and sighed in contentment.

In no time, I was slowly falling asleep, as always.

This was my favorite part of the day. Just Mommy and me, and the piano.


I closed my eyes at the memory. It hurt, but my heart wasn’t squeezing in pain as it was before.

I could breathe without it feeling like I was being cut with a hundred sharp knives.

With my eyes still closed, I listened to Ayla playing. After a song, she played another. And then she started humming.

My eyes opened and I stared at her. Her eyes were closed, her body moving slowly with the music. My stomach twisted and my heart ached at the sight.

With her black hair falling down in waves around her shoulders, her cheeks flushed red and her white dress, only one thought came to mind.

Something that my father told me about, so many years ago. I shook my head and squeezed my hands in fists. A throbbing pain went through my fingers, but that wasn’t enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Ayla.

As the soft, gentle and beautiful music continued to flow around us, enveloping us in a peaceful melody, I could only think of one thing.


She looked like an angel.






I was awake, my mind racing. In was one of those nights when I couldn’t stop thinking about Maria.

My eyes were closed, but when I heard a beautiful music, I opened them again, my forehead creasing in confusion. I quickly sat up. I looked at my ceiling and gasped. It was coming from the sitting room. The piano.

But how was it possible? Nobody was allowed in the room. No one except Alessio himself.

Who could be playing? I walked toward the music. As I drew closer, it sounded so beautiful, haunting yet peaceful.

No one had played the piano since Maria’s death. Lyov and Alessio had forbid it.

The door was open. Leaning against the wall, I peeked inside. Alessio was sitting on the couch. His eyes were focused intently on the piano, but it was his expression that took my breath away.

He looked completely mesmerized.

I leaned forward, and this time I had to press my hand over my mouth to stop the gasp that threatened to escape.

Ayla was playing the piano, her eyes closed as she hummed, a soft smile on her face.

I looked back and forth between them. They were both enthralled.

Ayla was lost in playing the piano while Alessio was lost in her.

I sniffed as the tears fell down my cheeks. What a beautiful sight.

Slowly stepping away from the door, I smiled. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for.

He is going to be okay, I thought.

Looking up at the ceiling, I softly whispered, “He is going to be okay. He found her, Maria.” Tears blinded my vision. “You can rest in peace now. Your sweet boy has found his angel.”