A Vow Of Hate by Lylah James





The moment my gaze met Killian’s dark one, I was too late to realize that I had attacked the wrong person. His eyes rolled back into his head and my husband slumped to the ground with a hard thud.

I didn’t hit my captor.

I ended up unknowingly attacking my savior.

God, how much of a fool I was!

I fell to my knees next to Killian’s body, shaking his shoulders. “Killian?” I said, heart in my throat. “Open your eyes.”

Frantically, I looked around the room and then peeked outside. The hall was empty. How long did we have before Simon came back? Did Killian come to rescue me alone? My throat went dry at the thought. I would hope not, because we were going to need back-up.

A bump was forming over the spot where I had hit him and he was bleeding. Not heavily though. It was a small wound, thank God.

Killian groaned and after much cajoling from me, he finally blinked his eyes open. Dazed and pained. But when his dark gaze met mine, I saw fear and wonderment. “I found you,” he grunted.

“You found me,” I whispered, sniffling. “I was so scared, but I knew you’d come.”

Killian sat up, wincing, but I saw the unmasked rage in his eyes. “I’m going to kill him. Simon is a dead fucking man,” my husband growled.

I shook my head. “It’s not Simon who wants me dead. He has been used as an alibi. A cover up. Like the maid.”

His chest rattled with a sound and his fists clenched. “Who would want you dead then? Who is trying to kill you?” he asked, his voice deceptively calm.

“I know who it is,” I confessed softly.

His eyes flared and his jaw tightened. “Who?”

It pained me to say it, but sometimes the truth was more bitter than lies and deception.

“My father.”

Two hours ago.

I woke up with a pounding headache, drowsy at first, but then my memories came crashing back to me. My heart stammered in my chest. With a gasp, I sat up. My eyes searched my surroundings, only to realize that I was in a windowless room.

The room was bare of any furniture except the bed that I was sitting on and the wooden chair across the room.

I had been captured, taken. By the person who had been hunting me. My hands shook and I tried to remain calm, but I couldn’t.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked them away. No, this was not the time to cry. I had to figure out how to get out of this place.

For too long, I had been weak. Depending on my father and husband to protect me.

Not anymore.

I spent the next twenty minutes trying to break free from the room, only to realize that there was no escape. The door was locked from the outside.

I had to wait for whoever had kidnapped me. I had to know who it was and then I could decide the probability of me successfully escaping this place.

Dread filled me because I knew how hard it was going to be. To escape when I had no idea where I was.

Where are you, Killian?

I sat on the bed, fidgeting for the next few minutes until I heard the rattling of the lock. My eyes widened as the door slid open.


A shadow loomed at the doorway, big and imposing. It was a man.

Thud. Thud.

My hands shook, my palms clammy.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I blinked when the man finally walked inside, revealing his face.

“Father?” I gasped before letting out a choked sob. “Oh my God! You found me!” I lunged off the bed, as if to hug him, but came to a halt when I saw his twisted expression.

The air felt tight, heavy with tension.

He didn’t look happy to see me. In fact, he looked disgusted at the sight of me. The door closed behind him, locking us back inside.

My stomach churned and I took a shaky step back. “W-what is going on?” I asked, fear slithering through me.

His lips curled, an evil smile spreading across his face. My whole body shook and I took several steps back, until I bumped into the bed. He wasn’t here to rescue me.


This can’t be happening.

When he finally spoke, my world came crashing down on me. “You’re the product of adultery.”

I blinked, confused. “What?”

“Allow me to tell you a little story,” he said, smoothly. As if he was talking about the weather.

I slumped on the bed, numb. My father brought the chair closer to me and took a seat, looking so at ease while I was panicking. “Your mother had an affair with her bodyguard,” he said and my brain stuttered. “The man I paid to keep her safe. She cheated on me throughout our marriage and I was too late to realize that.”

“No,” I breathed, shaking my head. “I don’t believe you.”

He didn’t even bother to acknowledge my words. His expression twisted with disgust. “I wasn’t about to be cuckhold by that bitch anymore. So, I made an easy decision for both of us.”

He clucked his tongue. “Except, I didn’t realize you weren’t mine until way after she passed.”

My head reeled from all the things my father was saying. If I understood him correctly… did he just confess to the murder of my mother?

He leaned forward, bringing his face closer to me, his lips curled up in distaste. “I raised you, knowing you were the child of another man. The product of my wife’s adultery,” he hissed, spitting in my face. “I raised you with one purpose. Your mother got an easy fucking death, but you would pay. I wanted to hurt you, so I could hurt him.”

My mouth was dry, my tongue heavy, as I choked on my own breath.

“You should have died that night. Not Gracelynn.”

His cruel words finally snapped something in me and I found my voice. “You put her in danger,” I whispered. “Just so you could kill me?”

“I needed your death to look like an accident. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.”

My chest ached; the burning sensation was fierce. It hurt. “The one behind the accident was… you.”

He let out a dark chuckle and my blood ran cold. “Oh, you poor thing. Look at how heartbroken you are. To realize that father dearest has nothing but hate for you.”

I always knew that I wasn’t my father’s priority. I would just classify his lack of care under him not being father material. It was to appease my own self, my own lonely heart that craved my father’s attention. But I never thought that Bishop hated me.

But I could see the utter distaste and loathing for me in his dangerously gleaming eyes.

This man hated me so much that he wanted me dead.

He tried to kill me. Twice. And now, this was his third attempt. The last time Killian took the bullet that was meant for me, but he wasn’t here now. Once again, I found myself unprotected and vulnerable.

My stomach rolled and fear slithered through me once I realized the grave danger I was in.

Oh God, my baby.

My body rattled with a cold shudder. I never even got a chance to check if that pregnancy test was positive, but I knew it as much as I knew my love for Killian was true. I felt it.

I was carrying Killian’s baby.

My chin trembled, but I refused to cry, to allow this man to see me as weak. How long was I out for? Killian was probably aware that I was missing by now.

He’s looking for me, I chose to believe. Killian was going to come. He would find me.

“It wasn’t easy to get you this time, with your foolish husband protecting you like a fierce beast. If it wasn’t for Simon, I probably wouldn’t have succeeded.”

In his deranged state, Bishop Romano revealed his plan. Of how he knew of my sister’s affair. And how he fooled a heartbroken Simon to join his side. Turning him against me.

My father was poisonous.

“I was going to wait until you gave birth to that bastard’s child before killing you. I needed the heir to keep myself connected with the Spencer family, but Killian–” He shook his head. “The investigator he had following this case was getting too close to my truth and I couldn’t afford for that to happen. So, I had to choose. The heir I needed or the empire I built with my bare hands?”

He grinned an evil grin. “The decision was easy for me.”

Bishop then went ahead, ranting about how he couldn’t let Killian know the reality of the Romano’s business. The one thing he kept carefully hidden for the last two and a half decades.

The reality of how corrupt he was.

Loan sharking. Money laundering. Weapon and human trafficking. And drugs.

Everything illegal and wrong.

I knew that my father was corrupt and he probably did some shady things under the table, but I thought that was just how high society worked. Corruption bleeds through their veins.

I just never imagined that my father was that bad. Bishop Romano was more than just crooked and shady. He was immoral and his wealth came from filth.

He wasn’t worried about revealing the truth to me. Because it was simple…

I wasn’t getting out of here alive.

And his truth would be buried with me while he continued his illegal business deals.

“How do you want to die, Julianna?” Bishop said, his voice laced with cruelty. It was like staring into the eyes of a rabid animal, his hatred for me written all over his face and I was trapped. He shook with pure malevolence and my flesh crawled.

“Slow and painful? Or quick but still painful?”

“Killian will find out, one way or another.”

My father – no – Bishop cocked his head to the side, giving me an evil grin. “He won’t because I have been careful to cover all my tracks. Simon is your murderer, Julianna. He killed you and then… he committed suicide.” He paused; his brows furrowed – a fake mask falling over his face. His expression turned soft as he feigned innocence. “That’s the story. That’s the truth the world will see. The enraged lover of your dead sister, taking his vengeance on you and then ending his own life. A murder-suicide. And I will grieve, the father who lost both of his beloved daughters.”

Fire, hot and burning like lava, slithered through my veins. I was scared shitless, but I was beyond furious. “I’ve never met someone as cruel as you,” I hissed.

Bishop backhanded me and my head snapped to the side before he gripped my jaw, his fingers digging into my skin. I winced, my face throbbing. “That’s because you’ve never seen the real world, Julianna. You were living under the roof of a made man and called him father. Such naïve. So innocent. Such a foolish girl.”

“You’re sick,” I spat.

He dug his fingers deeper into my flesh and I finally cried out. Bishop released me before taking a step back. “Since you didn’t choose an option, I’ll make the choice for you. Slow but painful.”

“My father,” I told Killian. At his shocked expression, I nodded.

But I never got a chance to tell him all of it – Bishop’s truth – because the next thing I knew, a loud gunshot rang through the house. I flinched, my brain stuttering, and Killian jumped to his feet. My pulse beat with anxiety, frantic and terrified.

He swore under his breath, grasping my hand in his and holding his gun in the other one. “Stay behind me,” he ordered.

Killian dragged me out of the room, shielding my body with his own. There were two more gunshots, except this time… it came from outside of the house.

I swallowed the bile gathering in my mouth and I fought the nausea creeping into my throat. Bishop wasn’t going to let us out of here alive. He had the house surrounded by his men.

We came to a stop in the hallway as a bald man, looking absolutely deranged, rushed toward us, gun in one hand.

Killian released me, only to push me back. He then stepped in front of me, his gun pointed forward and my stomach dropped in fear. He fired a single shot and the man crumpled to the ground.

Tears slid down my cheeks as I choked out a gasp in relief. Killian spun around, reaching out for me again, but he stopped, eyes flaring.

The sound of a gun cocking filled my ears and then I felt the barrel of it pressing into the back of my head. My eyes widened and heart stammered. Numbness washed over me and my blood roared between my ears.

“Put your gun down, Spencer,” Simon ordered harshly, his voice thick with threat. “Or I blow her brains out and you watch them splatter all over the walls.”

My head ran wild, my stomach tightening with a cramp. Panic clawed at my throat, but I forced myself to swallow it down.

“Give up, Killian. The house is surrounded and your men are outnumbered,” Simon hissed. “Put the fucking gun down. I won’t ask again.”

“Okay,” Killian conceded calmly. He bent down, placing his gun on the ground before he straightened again, hands up in surrender. “I did what you asked. Let her go and we can talk about this.”

“Don’t do this, Simon,” I begged shakily. “My father has filled your mind with poison. I know you’re not this person. Gracelynn wouldn’t want this. I didn’t cause the accident that night, please believe me. Just listen to me. Please.

He pressed the barrel of the gun harder into my skull and I winced. “I would suggest you shut up, Julianna,” he snarled. “You. Killed. Her.”

I tried to shake my head but the gun stopped me. “No,” I choked, pleading. “I didn’t. Please.”

But Simon wasn’t ready to listen. He had allowed himself to build such hatred for me in his heart, that he wasn’t ready to see the truth. I didn’t blame him; it was all my father’s doing. He took advantage of Simon’s broken heart and used it against us.

My eyes met Killian’s, a silent understanding between us.

He lunged forward and I ducked. Killian slammed into Simon, both of them falling to the ground. I watched as the two men tackled each other. Simon was a trained fighter and he had an upper hand, but Killian was consumed with rage and his need to protect me.

I stood frozen in fear and panic, watching them roll on the ground – both of them fighting to have an upper hand. Fists colliding against flesh and their heavy grunts filled my ears.

Simon reared his head back before slamming his forehead into Killian’s nose. They both stumbled away from each other, staggering to their feet.

My heart was trying to pound its way out of my chest and my hand slid over my belly. I cupped my stomach, protectively.

It was almost like they shared one brain, both of them diving for their respective guns at the same time.

My eyes widened in horror.

Time slowed then.

And it happened in almost slow motion.

Killian was too late.

I watched in absolute terror as Simon pointed the gun at my husband. I broke into a cold sweat and my flesh crawled with fear.

No. Please… no.

My mind went blank and my feet moved before I could think. My reaction was pure instinct.

It happened so fast.

A gunshot sounded as I stumbled in front of Killian.

My eyes met Simon’s mad ones, as pain laced through my body and my knees weakened.

The floor swayed under my feet as agony burned through me.

I heard Killian’s horrified roar…

Before the world went black.