Mistletoe Kisses by Sam Mariano

Chapter Seven


Noelle is livid,but she allows me to drag her into my house anyway.

I like her so much.

Carla is sitting on the couch playing on her phone and sipping her wine. She looks up when we come through the door.

Lifting a dark eyebrow as she looks Noelle over, Carla announces, “All right, I think we’ve taken the Elf on the Shelf craze a little too far.”

Surly and annoyed, Noelle grabs her head, realizes she’s still wearing her elf hat, and promptly rips it off.

Still amused, Carla says, “Hello, little elf. I’m Carla.”

Noelle looks as if she’d rather die than speak to the woman sitting on my couch, so I step in to make the introductions before things get any more hostile. “Carla, this is Santa’s helper, Noelle.”

Smirking, Carla says, “Didn’t look like Santa was the one she was helping.”

Noelle’s cheeks are already flushed from being out in the cold, but now they turn an even deeper shade of crimson.

“Noelle, this is my sister, Carla.”

Her green eyes shoot to mine, wide and horrified. “Your sister?”

Barely containing a smirk, I nod my head. “Blood relation and everything.”

“Aw, did I make someone jealous?” Carla teases. “Listen, honey, if the man’s willing to kneel on freezing cold pavement to pleasure you, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

Covering her mouth at first, then her whole face, Noelle utters a completely mortified, “Oh my God.”

“Sorry, she’s brash,” I offer, since Noelle has obviously never met my sister before.

“Well, she is your sister,” Noelle mutters. “Unapologetic boldness seems to run in the family.”

“We’re all assholes,” I agree.

“Speak for yourself, I’m a peach.” Carla sits forward and pats the seat beside her. “Come, let’s chat. I never get to meet anyone Cal’s… dating?”

Noelle glances at me uncertainly, as if awaiting permission to stay and approach my sister.

I hold out her panties. “Might want to put these back on first.”

She stares at the red lace for a moment, then snatches them and walks away muttering, “Excuse me, I have to go die now.”

I smirk, watching her ass as she walks toward the bathroom, hoping her skirt will swish and I’ll get a peek. No such luck. Shaking my head, I walk over to the couch and sit on the opposite side, leaving the middle seat open for Noelle.

“So, she looks young,” my sister states. “Didn’t realize you’d started raiding day care centers for play dates.”

“She’s legal,” I assure her.

It’s mostly true. Noelle is 18. Would fucking her get me fired? Absolutely. But probably not thrown in jail.

I can only say probably because I don’t know how vindictive her mother is or how well Noelle would hold up if her mother pressured her to lie. In any case, I knew the risks before I latched my mouth onto her pussy and I did it anyway, so I get what I get.

“Oh, well, as long as she’s legal,” Carla says dryly, clearly unimpressed.

Noelle returns pretty hastily. Her coloring has returned to normal, but she’s still looking at the ground like she’s been caught doing something shameful and she’ll never be able to look anyone in the eye ever again.

Well, that won’t do.

“Come here,” I tell her.

Her gaze moves to the empty seat between me and Carla and she walks over, but before she can sit down, I lean forward and grab her around the waist, yanking her onto my lap.

“What are you—? I can’t sit on your lap,” she objects, darting a glance at my sister.

“Sure you can.” I curve my arm around her back and settle my other hand on the smooth flesh of her slim thigh.

Just touching her thigh heats me up. The blood rushing straight to my cock reminds me that while I got Noelle off in the driveway, I didn’t get mine.

I love my sister, but I wish she’d leave. There are a lot of naughty things I’d like to do to the pretty little elf shifting around on my lap, and I can’t do any of them with Carla here.

I glance over at my sister, hoping she’ll do the polite thing and get the hell out of here now that I have company. Instead of looking in any way ready to leave, though, she’s regarding us with a pensive, somewhat disturbed expression on her face. “You guys don’t, like, have a Santa kink, right? Is that a thing? She’s dressed as an elf and sitting on your lap, and I’ve gotta be honest, I have questions.”

Noelle grimaces. “No, no Santa kink. I was at work, that’s why I’m dressed this way.”

“What kind of job requires you to dress like an elf?”

Noelle absently smoothes down her elf skirt to better cover the thigh I’m not touching. “You know in the mall where kids can meet Santa and get their pictures taken?”

Carla’s eyebrows rise. “Oh. Is that a lucrative field?”

“No,” Noelle says on a little laugh. “It’s just an after school job, I’m only doing it for extra money for the holidays.”

Ah, fuck.

“After… school?” my sister questions, a note of concern in her voice.

Noelle’s eyes widen momentarily in horror, but her gaze quickly darts to me and she does her best to look more casual. “College. I’m a full-time university student and I need to focus on my studies during the school year, so I, um—my parents—my mom—I’m lucky in that my mom finances whatever I need while I’m in school, so I don’t need more than a minimum wage, seasonal gig for extra Christmas money.”

That wasn’t entirely smooth, but it could have gone much worse. Carla is clearly still skeptical since Noelle got so nervous about it. She probably didn’t buy it. She might pretend to for Noelle’s sake, to save her even more embarrassment, but she’s going to chew me out as soon as Noelle leaves.

Tonight will be an annoyance, but while my sister will definitely disapprove, I’m not worried about her telling anyone.

“That’s lucky,” Carla murmurs with an innocuous enough smile, but when her blue eyes land on me, it feels like laser beams are shooting out of them.

Yep, I’m in for it.

Since Noelle isn’t an idiot, she casts an anxious look my way, wordlessly apologizing for her slip-up. I don’t want her to worry about it. I’m the one who made the choice to pursue this, I knew all the risks involved, and if we had to encounter someone from the outside world together for the first time, I’m glad it was my sister.

Now that I’ve had my tongue in Noelle’s untouched pussy, I suppose we’re going to have to have a talk about how to handle the outside world.

I casually caress her thigh, a calm, steady movement to reassure her that everything’s fine. Since she’s right on my lap, I can feel the tension in her body. As I caress her thigh, it begins to melt under my touch.

God, I wish my sister would leave.

Maybe I don’t. If I haul Noelle to my bedroom and do even half the shit I want to do to her right now, I won’t be able to stop until I’ve fucked her. If she decides to let me have her virginity, it shouldn’t be like that. It shouldn’t be tonight.

I guess I won’t kick my sister out of my house. Her presence here is literally the only thing keeping me from shoving Noelle to her knees and taking my cock out. I envision her looking up at me with those big green eyes as I grab a fistful of her red hair. Her mouth opening wide for me as I push my cock down her pretty throat, making her take it until she couldn’t take anymore.

I shift again. This time I shift the wrong way and Noelle feels the hard bulge beneath her. I can see it in the way her eyes widen and she steals a glance at me, but she quickly looks away, knowing as well as I do that nothing can be done about it.

It’s hard to focus on anything else when I want to fuck her so badly. Vaguely, I hear Noelle and my sister conversing about Christmas shopping and exchanging ideas about what to get loved ones who are hard to buy for, but all I can think about is Noelle on the floor between my legs taking my cock. Consequently, the hard-on does not go away, and it takes every shred of decency I have (not something I have a lot of to begin with) not to haul Noelle off the couch and down the hall to my bedroom so I can get some relief.

It’s not long before Noelle says she needs to go home. Carla says goodbye and remains on the couch. I walk Noelle to the door, wondering at the feasibility of following her outside and making her get me off in the dark alcove of my front porch. It’s cold as fuck out there, though. I’m surprised Noelle’s pussy didn’t frost over while I was eating it. But then I’m not; my tongue had her melting hot.

I follow her outside anyway. Noelle backs herself up against the brick wall behind my door and looks up at me, all remorse and innocence. “I’m so sorry, I totally blew it in there. I slipped and then I didn’t know what to say.”

I shake my head dismissively, leaning an arm against the side of the house and moving in close to her. There’s little point in pretending I don’t want her now, so I don’t. Her eyes light up with surprise when I bring a rough hand up to caress her jaw.

“I like this costume, you know?”

Noelle smiles, her green eyes dancing with pleasure. “It’s your Christmas spirit,” she tells me.

I shake my head. “I’m pretty sure it’s the shortness of that skirt.”

“Well, I’m supposed to be wearing candy cane stockings underneath, but I took them off in the car.”

I frown, cocking my head curiously. “Why?”

Now her cheeks flush a pretty pink that isn’t from the cold, and she shoots an almost sheepish look up at me. “I had this fantasy…” Biting down on her bottom lip, she shakes her head and breaks my gaze. “Never mind.”

“Oh no,” I tell her, tipping her chin up so she has to look at me. “You’re finishing that thought. What kind of fantasy?”

She tries to look down again, but I won’t let her lower her chin, so only her eyes can escape me. Keeping them down while she admits her dirty secret, she says, “I… When Percy started talking to me in class, I had a feeling it pissed you off.”

“It did,” I offer dryly.

“And then I had this mental image flash to mind of you bending me over your knee and… spanking me. And it was so hot, and I got really turned on picturing it, but in my fantasy, you pulled up my skirt and spanked my bare ass. So I took off the tights, just in case.”

I blink at her. She half-undressed in the car before she came in… just in case I wanted to spank her naughty little ass.

When I don’t speak, she adds, “So they wouldn’t be in the way.”

The corners of my mouth tug upward. “Yeah, I got it.”

Dropping her gaze again, she says, “That was really embarrassing to admit.”

“Embarrassing is not the word I was thinking,” I tell her, my fingers moving tenderly along her jaw.

Her gaze locking with mine, Noelle lifts her smaller, softer hand and curls it around mine. She doesn’t move my hand away or even press it closer to her face, she simply hangs onto me. For the first time, I really get a glimpse at some of the hopeless infatuation I feel for her reflected back at me.

“I wish I could stay longer,” she says softly.

“It’s probably better that you don’t.”

There’s yearning in her gaze, undiminished by my words, but she nods anyway. “You’re probably right.”

I am right, no probably about it. I know in the depths of my soul I need to get away from her and catch my breath before I see her again, but she sounds so disappointed, before I can stop myself, I’m asking, “Are you free tomorrow?”

Regret touches her delicate features and she shakes her head. “I blew off a lot of homework and studying tonight so I could work on the insane assignment you gave me today. I’ll need to play catch-up tomorrow.”

“You shouldn’t have done that,” I murmur, bringing my other hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “That assignment is for after your school assignments are already done.”

“I know, but I was inspired,” she mutters, her hands absently squeezing mine. “I’ve been turned on all day, it’s been terribly uncomfortable.”

It’s such a prim complaint, I could almost laugh at her. I don’t want to hurt her feelings though, so I restrain myself and settle with a small smile. “We’ll see each other Thursday, then.”

“Thursday is so many days away,” she complains.

I like the admission inherent in her words that she’s eager to see more of me, despite what a bastard I can be sometimes. To remind her, I say, “Well, if the wait starts to feel too long, you can get started on your extra credit.”

Noelle rolls her eyes indulgently, a small smile touching her lips. “I told you, I already did it tonight.”

“Not that one. That’s your regular assignment. If you want extra credit, you’ll have to write about me spanking you.”

“Oh.” A little more spirited, she looks up at me and says, “I still think that’s crazy. I mean, no one’s going to go through my laptop so we’re safe as long as it’s on there, but I don’t even know how to get you these naughty writing assignments. I can’t put them in your school dropbox. I’m afraid to print them at my house in case the paper gets jammed—sometimes once you fix it, the printer spits out the page it was printing before the jam, and all I need is for that to happen and then someone else finds it. I can’t email it to you—again, paper trail.”

I can’t help smiling at her earnestness in trying to cover my tracks. “Listen to you. Paper trail,” I say, rolling my eyes.

Her eyebrows rise with no small amount of attitude. “Well, excuse me for looking out for your job. One of us has to do it—doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be you.”

Moving my hand behind her back and ushering her away from the cold brick and toward the stairs down off my porch, I tell her, “You just do the work, I’ll worry about getting it discreetly.”

Glancing back over her shoulder before she starts down the steps, she asks, “What about your sister? I’m not sure she totally believed me.”

It’s cute that she thinks there’s even a chance Carla believed her. “Don’t worry about that, either. I can handle my sister.”

Despite that claim, once I get Noelle in her car and on her way home, I dread going back inside the house. This has all happened rather fast—much faster than I imagined it would—and while Noelle is young and more easily satisfied with less explanation as to my motives or concerns, my sister won’t be. Noelle assumes I know what I’m doing. Carla will think I’m being impetuous, and she’s not entirely wrong.

I’m no more than through the front door and Carla is up off the couch, crossing the living room like there’s a fire on the other side.

“Have you lost your fucking mind, Cal? You’re dating a student? One of your students, I assume?”

“I don’t want to talk about this,” I tell her, shaking my head.

“I don’t care,” she says with wide-eyed disbelief. “What could you possibly be thinking?”

“That I like her,” I say simply, meeting Carla’s gaze. “This is none of your business, and we don’t need to talk about it.”

Ignoring the latter half of what I said, she goes on. “You like her more than your job? More than your reputation? Because she’s gonna cost you both. Hell, maybe more than that. Is she really legal, or was that a lie, too?”

“No, that wasn’t a lie. She turned 18 a couple months ago.”

Carla shakes her head, looking at me in disbelief. “You’re a decade older than her, Cal. She’s too young for you, and your student. You have to end this now, before you get caught.”

I can’t. I don’t let the words slip past my lips because they’d do more to prove Carla right than wrong.

I’ve been doing my best to ignore this attraction since shortly after the school year began. I hadn’t even noticed Noelle the first couple of weeks; she was just another face in the crowd. Obviously, I don’t check out my students, and I’m not open to thinking about any of them that way. It was never a struggle before Noelle.

Sure, there are attractive senior girls in every class, and much of the time they come strutting in at the peak of their physical attractiveness, hair and makeup helping them look older than they are, dressed in the shortest skirts they can get away with, treating the dress code like a challenge and doing their best to sex themselves up despite it. I’ve had more than a few of the bolder ones attempt to express their interest in me, too, and I’ve always been amused by it, but never tempted. I knew the trouble they were looking for, and I didn’t want any part of it.

Noelle never did any of that. She’s not glued to her phone, taking selfies and checking herself out before class starts; she’s too busy actually preparing for class so she can learn something. She’s not bending over in her too-short skirt and glancing back to see if I noticed; she’s anxiously pulling at the sleeves of her sweater, trying to hide herself from view. She never made an openly suggestive comment about how she might be interested in extra credit if I had any to offer; she tried to hide from me in plain sight, like she knew the havoc that would be unleashed if I noticed her.

She’s just different. I can’t even explain why. There’s something about her that draws me in, and I’m greedy for it. I want it all to myself and I don’t want her giving any to anyone else.

I probably should have controlled myself better. When Percy Bennett asked her out, I shouldn’t have given in to my baser urges and snatched her away. If she wanted to waste her time with him or anyone else in her grade, I should have let her.

Trying to lower her voice and approach this more calmly, Carla says, “She seems like a nice girl. If you let her down gently and maybe just explain all you stand to lose, hopefully she won’t be vengeful. How far has it gone? I mean, obviously…” She trails off, glancing toward my driveway.

I know I don’t have to answer her, but the rational part of me is interested in hearing the opinion of a sane adult who isn’t as invested as I am. I’ve told myself I’ve gone too far to turn back now, but maybe that’s just an excuse to go farther. “That’s as far as it’s gone.”

Carla nods like that’s a relief. “Okay. Good. Well, oral sex is obviously still way over the line of appropriate behavior, but it could be worse. How long has this been going on?”

Sinking back and leaning against the wall, I murmur, “It’s new.”

“That’s good, too,” she says, gaining steam. “So, you just made a mistake, that’s all. I mean, it’s a really bad mistake and I can’t believe you did something this reckless, but there’s no sense dwelling on that. We need to get you out of this before someone finds out, though, Cal. You’ll lose everything you’ve ever worked for.”

I look up at my sister soberly. I can’t rationalize the certainty of my sentiment, so I don’t bother telling her that if I give up Noelle, I might be losing something worth much more.