Mistletoe Kisses by Sam Mariano

Chapter Eight


Tonight I’m goingto lose my virginity.

Well, probably. I guess I can’t say for sure, but I’m going to try my damndest. After lying in my bed alone for three long nights, aching with arousal and twisting myself up in the sheets as I thought about Cal, I made my decision.

There’s no point wasting time not having sex with the insanely sexy Callan McLaren when I could instead spend that time totally having sex with him instead.

I want it. He wants it. We’re doing this. Nothing is getting in my way.

My brain tells me there are a lot of reasons to be more cautious than this, but my libido isn’t interested in any of them.

I got up extra early this morning so I could shave, file, exfoliate and slather lotion on every single part of my body until I felt my prettiest and sexiest. I applied a fresh coat of red nail polish, brushed and flossed my teeth, and spent extra time styling my hair and doing my makeup.

On one hand, I wish I didn’t have to wear my school uniform when I could wear something sexier, but on the other hand, Mr. McLaren clearly doesn’t mind my schoolgirl uniform since he started liking me when he only ever saw me in it. Maybe he even likes my uniform more than I know, so I should wear it for him.

Given my planned afterschool activities today, I pair a push-up bra with my sexiest button-down and make sure to leave the top couple buttons undone. I’ll wear a cardigan over it so I can tone it down during the school day, but as soon as the last student files out of Cal’s classroom, I’m going to peel it off and give him a little peek at what lies in store for him this evening.

I always thought I’d feel tense and nervous when I finally decided to lose my virginity, but I don’t feel any of that. I’m excited. It’s exciting.

He’s exciting.

I can’t think about him without my tummy fluttering, and I’m so smitten, I find myself smiling all day long. Reliving the pleasure he brought me when he pinned me to my car and buried his face between my thighs. Sex with him will be great, I just know it.

Before I go to Cal’s house, I stop in at the mall. Our paychecks came in a day early and I’d like to get mine in the bank so I can do some shopping tomorrow. While I’m waiting for my check, I see Marcie flirting with one of the male elves. He’s older than her, tall and buff. She’s dangling a sprig of mistletoe over her head teasingly as if trying to entice a kiss.

“All right, enough,” the manager says as he snatches the mistletoe out of her hand and rolls his eyes. “You two get back to work.”

He comes over with a stack of paychecks all in white envelopes, grabbing one off the top and handing it to me. “Here you go, Noelle.”

I look down at the envelope with my name and address on it. “Thanks, Joe.”

He nods before walking off, but my gaze catches on the sprig of mistletoe Marcie was playing with. It’s lying next to a few candy canes, and the sight of them reminds me of the day Cal first initiated this private lesson excuse to see me, when he teasingly told me to bring a candy cane.

I picture licking it when he wants me to be licking him, torturing him until he wants me so much, he won’t be able to restrain himself.

I flick a quick glance to make sure no one is watching, then I snatch a candy cane and flee Santa’s workshop.

* * *

It’s stilldaylight when I get to Cal’s house. The garage door is open this time, even though Cal’s car is parked in the driveway. I ease forward slowly, but just before I turn off my car, I see Cal on the porch, motioning toward the garage. It looks like he’s mouthing “Pull in” so I flash him a smile and a nod, then I ease forward until my car is parked inside.

As I’m gathering my purse, phone, and the bottled water I brought with me, Cal clicks the garage door opener on the wall and the door begins its noisy descent.

“Good call,” I tell him as I climb out of my car. “Just in case anyone drives by while I’m here. I’ll make sure to park in here every time I drive here from now on.”

He doesn’t say anything, just steps back inside to make room for me, then closes the door behind him.

This is a different entry into his house, so I find myself looking around. There’s a small bathroom and a laundry room off this short hall behind his kitchen. My attention catches and lingers on Cal himself, though. Something looks off; he almost looks a little sad.

The idea that he might be sad lodges in my gut for several reasons. I don’t know why he would be sad, for one, but it seems like the majority of the possible reasons my mind spawns on the spot involve me. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him since I left him here with his sister the other night. We’ve seen each other in class, of course, and he’s been distant, sure, but I didn’t think anything of it. I’m not an idiot; I know he can’t openly pay extra attention to me in class or people would get suspicious.

I reach out, absently placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a little rub. “Is everything okay?”

His nod feels a touch noncommittal and he doesn’t offer any verbal reassurance.

Unconvinced, I frown. “Are you sure?”

Rather than answer me again, he turns his attention to peeling off my coat. I try to shove away my concerns about his mood—no point spoiling our night together overthinking it. If something is wrong, then I’ll find out sooner or later.

For now, I’m going to believe everything is okay. After all, I’m here with Cal on a cozy December evening, and if all goes according to plan, we’ll spend a good portion of this night cuddled up naked together in his bed.

If that’s not a reason to smile, I don’t know what is.

“Are you hungry?” Cal asks as he walks away with my coat.

“Mm, I sure am,” I answer, lingering in the kitchen. “Are we going to make dinner again tonight?”

Cal walks back in. “Maybe if you survive your lesson.”

He sounds a little more enthused at the mention of our lesson. I wasn’t sure we were even going to keep up that farce. Obviously he never really invited me over here because he thought I needed help.

Just in case he doesn’t know I figured that out, I ask, “You still wanna do that?”

“We have to find out what happens next in the book, don’t we?”

I shrug, following him down the hall. I don’t mind at all, I just figured we could move on to the date portion of this evening now that he’s had his mouth on my most intimate parts.

A sense of happiness steals over me as he brings me into his bedroom again. I’m less interested in the desk tonight and much more interested in the bed. Since we’re in lesson mode, I up the demureness and look over at him.

“May I make a request, Sir?”

Pleasure dances in his eyes and he offers a brusque nod.

Eyes dancing with playful mischief, I ask, “Can we have the lesson on the bed instead of at your desk? I’ll still read to you, I’ll just be a little more comfortable that way.”

“Perhaps,” he says evenly. “What will you do for me if I do that for you?”

Feeling a little brazen given my plans for the evening, I hold his gaze and offer back, “Anything you want me to do.”

Just saying those words to him causes my arousal to stir, and I can see from the hard look in his darkening eyes, he feels the same way.

Now that we’re alone, I bend to put my purse on the ground, then I begin to unbutton the navy-colored cardigan I wore during the school day. Cal’s gaze follows my fingers as they work the small buttons up top, slowly revealing the swell of cleavage underneath.

I only make it to the third button, then Cal suddenly moves in front of me. He towers over me and sends a shiver down my spine, but he’s not looking at my face to see my reaction. His gaze is locked on my breasts, his mission to get to them so single-minded, he grabs my sweater and rips it open the rest of the way.

I gasp, half expecting to see buttons flying, but my sweater seems to have survived the ordeal. I’m not sure, I don’t have time to check. Once he has me unbuttoned, he spins me around, pulling me back against him, and runs his hands from my shoulders down my arms before locking one arm around me, squeezing my breasts as he holds me tightly against him.

“I can’t fuck you, Noelle,” he states, as if he can see my hopes for the evening in what I’m wearing.

He probably can, so I don’t bother denying it.

“Why not?” I ask softly, my tummy fluttering as I feel the heat radiating off his body and seeping into mine.

“It wouldn’t be right.”

I almost think he’s joking about his reason, so I glance back at him. “What do you care about that?”

With deliberate tenderness and an almost pained look on his face, like it hurts to hold back, he reminds me, “You’re a virgin.”

“For now,” I agree. “I won’t be forever. Someone has to be my first, why not you?”

Cal sighs so faintly he probably doesn’t want me to hear it, but I can hear the regret anyway, and my hopes drop in response.

“Well, all right,” I say, trying to find a way not to feel rejected. “That’s okay. We can do other things. Whatever we want. No one’s going to know about this,” I add, since that’s probably part of his reluctance now.

Rather than let me go, he brings a large hand up to palm one of my breasts through my shirt. My stomach knots up with instant arousal, my head drifting back against his shoulder. “Someone could, though, couldn’t they?” he murmurs.

My eyes drift shut and I shake my head lazily as he pushes a button through and slides his hand underneath the soft fabric of my shirt. “They won’t,” I assure him. “If anyone starts to suspect anything, I’ll lie. We can be more careful.”

“You think that now.” His voice is so incredible, so deep and firm, like he’s in control and he knows so much more than I do. Just the timbre of his strong, sure voice sends a wave of languor washing over me. “You may not always feel that way, Noelle. What if I break your heart?”

“You won’t,” I murmur, with unreasonable confidence.

“I might.”

I frown, but it’s hard to hang onto any displeasure as his giant hand envelops my breast, kneading the soft flesh in the palm of his hand. It’s hard to focus on what we’re talking about when he touches me that way.

“Imagine the worst case scenario,” he continues, bringing his other hand around to finish unbuttoning my shirt.

“That we get caught?”

“No.” His voice is calm, reassuring, but I get the feeling he’s about to say something awful. “I find your charms a little too much to resist. I take you over to that bed,” he nods in the direction of his California king, “and obliterate every last bit of your innocence. I invade every hole, bend your body into a dozen different positions, fuck you six ways from Sunday, and fill that sweet untouched pussy full of my cum.”

“Oh my God,” I breathe.

“Would you like that?” he murmurs.

It feels like a trap, but I don’t even hesitate to lay down in it. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir,” I say quickly, sinking against him again. My heart is beating so fast, it’s beginning to take more effort to breathe normally. “Yes, Sir, I would like that so much.”

He stops lazily unbuttoning my shirt, letting his hand drift down to caress my ass. Tingles spread everywhere he touches and my knees weaken.

“It would hurt,” he tells me, releasing my breasts and trailing his fingers so lightly across my collar bone, I shudder.

“That’s okay.”

“It’s okay if I hurt you?” he murmurs, bending his head and pressing his incredible lips to my shoulder.

“Yes. I mean, you can’t help it. The first time—I know that would hurt.”

Still with that steady, leading tone, he kisses my shoulder and says, “It might hurt a lot. It might make you cry. Would you cry for me, Noelle?”

My heart thuds in my chest and I swallow, not entirely sure what I’m signing up for. “Yes.”

He nods, like I gave him the answer he expected. “And then afterward, after you opened yourself up and gave me all you had to give, what would you expect?”

An icy finger of uncertainty prods me, and I get the feeling I won’t like where this is going. He knows I won’t like it, too. He wants to say awful things and make me stop wanting him, because he knows if I want him, there’s a good chance he’ll give in.

And he calls me the coward.

Seeing through him before he’s even finished laying his trap, I stiffen my resolve and insulate my heart from what I know might be coming. “What do you mean?”

“Would you expect me to be satisfied with you? You, an inexperienced little girl I have to coax and teach every trick myself. Do you think you’d be enough for me?”

Ouch. That stings, but I know he meant it to, so I ignore the bite. “I don’t think I’d have any trouble satisfying you, Sir. I think you’ll find that as curious and open-minded as I can be academically… well, let’s just say that attitude probably extends to other areas, too.”

“You think so?”

A wave of uncertainty rocks my tummy, but I ignore the concern that I might’ve just challenged him. He only began this conversation wanting to scare me off, but now he might want to shock me.

“What if I have filthy interests, Noelle? The older a man gets, the more it takes to keep his interest. You’re young and inexperienced. A few flicks of the tongue and you’ll come on my face, but you might have to work harder for my cum, sweetheart.”

I can’t tell if it’s arousal or anxiety, but something twists in my gut. Judging by the throbbing between my legs, I think it’s mostly arousal. “I’m not afraid of hard work, Sir.”

There’s some movement, then he’s fisting my hair in his hand—hard. I gasp as he pulls me back roughly, trying to get my bearings as he drags me back toward his bed. My heart slams and I’m afraid I’ll trip, but he’s right behind me if I do.

Yanking me by the hair on my head, he throws me on the bed. I’m too alarmed not to show it, and I start to climb up on my elbows. Before I can, he grabs my hips and yanks my skirt down.

Holy shit. I feel my eyes widen, helpless as he climbs on the bed and prowls—there’s no other word for it, he prowls over me, like a famished lion with a helpless gazelle spread out before him.

It shouldn’t turn me on, him looking at me like I’m his next meal. It should probably scare me, and it does a little, but not enough to chicken out.

Cal climbs on top of me, his lusty gaze raking over my mostly exposed body. I’m down to my bra and panties, and I’m breathing so heavily from being scared that my breasts rise and fall rapidly, holding his attention.

I don’t know what he’ll do, but I’m not prepared for him to suddenly bury his face in my breasts, and I let out a little yelp. He kisses them roughly, quickly. He even bites, drawing another gasp of pained surprise out of me, then he’s turning me over on my stomach and his fingers are on the clasp of my bra.

My stomach does somersaults as I struggle to keep up. This isn’t going at all the way I thought it would, and I don’t know how far he’ll take this. I tell myself he can’t take it too far, because he’s the one who doesn’t want to fuck me. I came here prepared to give it up, so if he keeps playing chicken with me like this, he’s the one who’s going to lose.

I’m prepared to go all the way. He isn’t. He’s already shown his hand, so I feel a little more confident challenging him tonight, even though normally I wouldn’t.

As he unclasps my bra and frees my breasts, he presses a kiss to my shoulder blade. “Tell me to stop, Noelle.”

I don’t say a word. I’m flipped onto my back again so he can pull my bra off, then he tosses it behind him, looking down at my bare breasts.

His blue eyes are heated, his features set in hard, unbending lines, like he would devour me in one bite if he could. He looks at me like I need to call him off now, otherwise it’ll be too late and he’ll pound my ass into the bed. It’s a wordless threat, but I know he won’t see it through.

Rather than object and bail like a scared little virgin, I reach down and start to push off my panties. Cal’s eyes snap to the scrap of lace. I think he means to do something to stop me, but as I push the panties down, he’s more invested in having a peek.

I feel nervous and sexy at the same time as I wiggle my hips and push the panties lower, revealing my bare pussy for his hungry eyes.

His jaw locks at the sight of it, like it makes him angry how much he wants it. Now that I’ve revealed the goods, he loses his patience and pushes my hands away, fisting my panties in one hand and yanking them off more aggressively.

“That was a very foolish thing to do,” he tells me, tossing the panties on the floor and clasping a hand around my thigh. He yanks me sideways and grabs the other thigh, holding both open so he can get a better look at my pussy.

I flush clear down to my toes, lying here completely naked with my legs spread while he just looks at me. He studies my pussy like he’s trying to figure it out. After a moment, he looks tempted to lean forward and have a taste, but since he doesn’t, I can feel his probing stare like I’d feel his finger. Self-consciousness takes over and I try to wiggle free, but his fingers only dig into my soft flesh harder to keep me still.


The word slips out of me, and his gaze snaps to mine. A cold, detached flash of victory flits across his face, like he won a battle he knew he’d win, but hoped he’d lose. “Please, what?”

Please let me go.

I refuse to say that. I refuse to be the one to back down. Rather than fold, I up the ante.

“Please fuck my pussy, Sir.”