Barbarian’s Bride by Ruby Dixon



I'm getting whiplash from Dagesh's emotions. I watch as he storms into the cave, his tail swishing back and forth. It's clear he's agitated about something, but what? He said we had sex wrong but…I've never come so hard in my life. There was absolutely nothing wrong in that for me. Maybe it was the position? He didn't like holding me up? Doing it outdoors? Was there some custom we skipped over?

And how soon can we do that again?

I watch him make fire in the small pit in the center of the cave. It's mostly dark inside, with a bit of light spilling in from the entrance behind us and a bit more provided by our glowing blue eyes. I can see just enough that this cave is rather rough-hewn, with a few stalactites dripping down from the ceiling in the back. It looks like someone else's stuff is already here, which is odd to me, but then again, what about this entire situation isn't odd?

"So, Dagesh," I say brightly when I can't stand the silence any longer. "What's the rest of your name? Or is it just Dagesh?" I try to say it like he did, but I'm pretty sure I fumble it spectacularly. "Dageesh? Dayuush? Oy vey. You're a bit of a tongue twister."

He glances up at me, so handsome, and his expression is baffled. "Dagesh is all of my name. You have more of a name?"

"Well, yeah. On my birth certificate I'm officially Nora Esther Leah Broder, after both the grandmothers, but I just go by Nora." I smile at him and sit down near the fire, because it feels strange to keep standing near the cave entrance with my ass to the breeze. I tuck the tunic down over my lap, hiding my pussy in an attempt to be modest just in case he doesn't like boldness in a girl. "You?"

"I am just Dagesh."

I practice saying it again, trying to swallow the “G” sound like he does, and I know I mangle it badly when a hint of a smile touches his mouth. "I'll get it right eventually, Dagesh."

"However you say it, it is beautiful," he promises me. "Human tongues are perhaps a little different."

"I can show you my tongue later, if you like," I say, giving him an encouraging smile. "I think you'll like it even if it's different."

He places something round on the fire, washes his hands with a bit of water from his water skin that he keeps at his belt, and then gives me a woebegone look. "We should talk, my No-rah."

Oh no. Is this the breakup conversation already? I've known him for like, half a damn hour. "Let me guess…you don't think it'll work out between us?" I keep my voice light, trying to hide the hurt that's brimming through me. How is it that I land on an ice planet and get a fated mate and get dumped? That has to be a record.

Dagesh runs a hand over his mouth, looking sad. "I am a bad mate for you."

"So you're getting rid of me?"

He pauses. "What?"

"What?" I echo.

"I do not follow."

"That makes two of us!" I cross my arms over my chest, trying not to cry. "You're dumping me?"

"Dumping you? But you are already on the ground." He tilts his head, as if regarding my feet.

"You're breaking up with me?" Then I realize that can be misinterpreted too, if you're not familiar with English. My breath hitches. "You're ending things between us? You don't want to be my mate?"

"What? No, that is not it at all." Dagesh moves forward, scooting to my side. He reaches out and brushes his knuckles gently against the side of my face. "From the moment you opened your eyes, I could look at no one but you, No-rah. You are everything I have dreamed of as a mate. There is no other female that I want."

"But?" I prompt, wiping a tear that spills down my face. "There's always a but."

He grabs my wrist and twists my hand, turning my palm face up. There's the mark of a fingerprint on my skin—unsurprising given our vigorous wall sex, and I've always been the type to bruise easily. "That, No-rah. That is why I am a bad mate. I was unkind to you. Our mating should have been…better."

"We'll practice," I promise him. "Unless you don't want me."

"Practice," he muses thoughtfully. "This is a good idea." He clasps my hand in his. "I wish to be a good mate to you, my No-rah. Forgive how I touched you earlier?"

"I…guess? Okay? I swear it was fine—"

He shakes his head, his khui singing loud in the quiet of the cave. "It was not. It can never happen again."

Never is an awfully long time. "What about it was so wrong? Can I ask that? Because I don't understand. I feel like we're both new to each other and we need to talk this out."

Dagesh nods at me, his thumb stroking over my fingers. I have to admit, I love that he's grabbed my hand and keeps touching me. I love all of the gentle caresses and how he can't keep his hands off me. It makes me feel cherished…despite his worrying words. "I was rough with you," he confesses. "Your back is scratched up. You have bruises. I did not take the time to be gentle with you. This was my mistake. Next time, I will be gentle."

Oh. I exhale deeply, relieved. "But we're still going to have sex, right?"

"Do you still want me after the way I treated you?"

Do I still want him? Is he kidding? Right now, I would cheerfully shuck the remnants of my clothes and climb all over him if I knew it wouldn't freak him out. I have to remind myself that he' was a virgin as of an hour ago. This is all new to him. If he just wants to do sweet, gentle sex because he doesn't like how rough turns out, I understand. He won't be the first vanilla guy I've ever dated.

Except…this is my mate. I'm still humming, my cootie singing as much as ever.

But then again, this is also an ice planet. Maybe it's time to give up the past. Maybe I just couldn't have fantastic sex with human guys because they couldn't fulfill my needs. Maybe an alien can.

I grab his braid and drag him toward me, smiling. "How about we kiss and I show you just how much I want you?"

His gaze slips to my mouth and then back to my eyes again. "This is…a mouth-mating, yes?"

"Oh yes." Actually, a mouth-mating sounds a lot sexier than just kissing.

"I have never done this before."

I'm dying to point out that he'd never had sex before and he did just damn fine with that, but it's clear that Dagesh doesn't think so. And now that I've brought up kissing—excuse me, mouth-mating—I really want to see what it's like to kiss him. I get on my knees and crawl over to his side, mindful of the fire. He stays seated, his gaze locked on me, but I can hear his khui humming wildly. His tail flicks and I glance over at it…and realize that my mate is completely and utterly naked and I hadn't noticed until just now.

Okay, he's not completely naked. He's wearing his furry boots. But his loincloth and leggings? Gone. I vaguely remember him tearing them away just like he tore mine, and my breath quickens. "I'll kiss you first," I offer to the fascinated alien. "Then you can tell me if you like it or not."

And I place a bold hand on his thigh. His very naked, very big and muscular thigh.

Dagesh's breath quickens. Mine does, too, and I reach up and brush my fingers along his jaw, guiding him toward me. Our faces are more or less level, but I'm on my knees and he's seated on his ass because he's so much bigger than me. I guess I'm a size queen, because I absolutely love the size difference between us. It turns me on like crazy. "Just a quick kiss," I whisper to him. "Nothing big."

I keep my hand on his thigh even as I lean forward. I want to reach over and grab his cock, to stroke him until he's hard and aching and so he'll take me hard and fast like he did before. He's an until-very-recently virgin, though, and I have a feeling I should move a little slower. So I brush my lips over his in the lightest of kisses. I press my mouth gently against his once, twice, three times. Then, I pull away.

He looks confused. "Why is it called a mouth-mating if that is all it is? Not that it was not nice—"

So greedy. I press my lips to his again, and this time I use my tongue. I make the kiss deeper, wetter, my lips moving over his in utterly explicit ways. I mouth his full lower lip, then tease it with the tip of my tongue. I run it along his upper lip, and I tease him with tiny flicks. I make the kiss as utterly filthy and blatant as I can until he opens up for me.

Then, I really taste him.

Using my tongue and my lips, I put every bit of longing into the kiss. I caress his tongue with mine, I lick him deep. I bite on his lips and then thrust my tongue into his mouth in a simulation of fucking. He's hesitant at first, as if he's not quite sure what I'm doing, but his hand is locked on my elbow, as if he's not about to let me get away before we figure this out. Just when I'm about to pull away, Dagesh slides his tongue against mine.

I moan with need.

His tongue has ridges, just like his chest. Those ridges drag against my tongue, teasing it as he mimics my movements, licking and sucking at my mouth with enthusiasm. I slide closer to him, locking my arms around his neck, because I want more of this. I want more of these devouring kisses, and as Dagesh grows in enthusiasm, I rise to meet him. Pretty soon, we're making out so intensely that I'm dazed, my world ceasing to exist outside that delicious mouth and wicked tongue.

When he breaks the kiss, I whimper a protest. "More."

He groans, burying his face against my neck and kissing me there. All right, I like this, too. I run a hand through his now-messy braid, freeing his hair as he kisses and nips at my neck. I'm panting with excitement, waiting for him to fling me down on the floor and have his filthy way with me again. "Let me mouth-mate you," he rasps, moving up to my ear and nipping it.

Oh mercy, this man is a fast learner. "I thought that's what we were doing?"

"Everywhere. I want to mouth-mate you everywhere." And he tugs at my tunic.

Does he think he needs to ask permission? Or that I'm shy? Oh, this sweet man. He could rip my tunic from my body and I'd be gleeful. I grab my tunic and drag it over my head, flinging it to the ground. Now I'm only in boots, too, and I boldly straddle his thigh, rubbing my pussy along one thick, plated muscle.

Dagesh groans, devouring me with his gaze.

"Where do you want me?" I ask, casually looping my arms around his neck again. "Against the wall? On my back? In your lap? Or—"

"I will make you a fur bed," he promises me, and kisses the tip of my nose. "Wait here."

And then he gets up, disentangling himself from my grasp, and heads to the back of the cave.

I want to pout like a toddler. Like I give a crap about soft blankets? I want him to ravage me. Frustrated, I watch as he grabs a roll of furs and unties a knot holding them together. He unrolls blanket after blanket, making me a cozy spot in the otherwise chilly cave. If I wasn't so perplexed by how he can just walk away from me like that, I might be happy about the furs. As it is, I just want to get on with the show.

Our kissing was amazing. I might have started it, but he'd quickly taken over and now I want more.

Dagesh eventually looks over at me and gestures at the pile of furs. "For you, my mate."

Does this mean we're getting on with the show? Because I am more than ready for round two. My khui is singing to his as loud as ever, and I practically race to the furs. I'm ready for more kissing. Or touching. Or whatever he wants to do. I sink onto them and then pat the furs next to me, encouraging him to join me.

To my surprise—and pleasure—he watches me recline on the furs, and as he does, he strokes his cock. And…oh. Oh wow, is that ever a cock. I don't know how I missed it before—too dark in the cave, I suppose—but Dagesh is both familiar and alien. He's got a big dick, all right. Given that he's an absolutely enormous alien man, I expect him to be size appropriate. He's bigger than any human man I've ever seen, and I can see the same kinds of ridges dancing along his shaft that grace his tongue.

Oh boy. How did I miss the ridges before? Maybe it was the angle of our bodies. Because my mouth is absolutely watering at the sight of that now, along with the prominent head, so flushed with blood that he's practically a bluish purple. He strokes his hand up and down his length, regarding me, and I bite my lip. "Are you just going to stand there all day or do I get to touch you again?"

"Soon," he promises. I'm disappointed when he lowers his hand. I liked watching him touch himself. I wasn't trying to get him to stop. If he wants to stand there and jerk off, I will absolutely enjoy watching every moment of it. Instead of stroking that beast between his thighs, though, he moves to the fire and stokes it with a nearby stick.

I want to scream in frustration. Weren't we just kissing passionately? Weren't we just having an amazing time? And now he's going to go and stare at…the fire? Oy vey. Is he being shy? Just a short while ago he was so deep inside me it felt like he was rearranging my organs. Why is he awkward now? Because he thinks he hurt me?

I reach out to touch his tail. "Hey, Dagesh, is everything okay?"

The moment my fingers brush over his tail, he jerks to his feet.