Sweet Spot by Stella Rhys



I’d wokenup a few minutes ago and I was still surprisingly relaxed despite the several things I should technically worry about. For starters, it was 10AM and I was alone. Lukas was nowhere in sight and judging from the feel of the bed, he’d been gone for awhile. On top of that, I couldn’t see my clothes anywhere and I didn’t even have my phone to call anyone.

But I did have to laugh at myself for leaving The Margot in such a rush last night that I didn’t even bother finding Sara to get my phone back. It didn’t even cross my mind because of whatever Lukas had done to me at the bar. I couldn’t remember when or how it started but with just a few words, he had me drunk off lust. The haze he put me in clearly lasted throughout the night because as I sat up, I realized I was noticing the hotel room for the first time, despite spending my night there.

It had been just a rush of skin, heat and need last night. I hadn’t even taken the time to look around and appreciate that this was easily the nicest hotel room I’d ever stayed at. Sunlight drenched the suite, bouncing off every shiny glass surface and bringing out the champagne hues of all the furniture. The bed itself was twice the size of mine at home and the only reason I felt compelled to get out was to check out the bathroom.

“Whoa,” I murmured, feeling delightfully girlish as my eyes fluttered about the shimmery white marble and cream tile. Next to the basin sink was a tall, white orchid I couldn’t imagine was real.

Just as I leaned over to finger the petal, I heard the front door open.

I spun around to find Lukas already watching me in the doorframe, a crooked smile drifting onto his lips as his stare slid up my naked body. He took his time admiring me as he removed his ear buds, winding the wire into a neat circle before tucking it into the pocket of his black sweats.

“Hi,” I said softly, recognizing that he’d just come back from a workout. The T-shirt he peeled off his torso was soaked in sweat and his hair was damp, tousled in a way that curved the edges of my lips.

“What?” he asked with amusement.

I shook my head. “Nothing. Just looking at you.”

“Same,” he said, breathing deep as he eyed me. “God, I want to put my hands all over you right now but I was just running and I don’t want to get you all dirty.”

“You got me pretty dirty last night, so by all means,” I smirked, giggling when my words compelled him to drop his bag immediately and come straight to me.

I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me, cupping my ribs and stroking his thumbs over my nipples till they hardened. I closed my eyes and breathed in his natural scent, getting hot the second he pressed my naked chest against his. I normally hated sweat – mine or anyone else’s – but Lukas’s set off something carnal in my body and before I knew it, he was palming my pussy. He let two fingers tease my wet folds as he kissed me back out into the bedroom. But instead of laying me on the bed, he surprised me by spinning my body and pushing my naked breasts up against cold glass.

“Lukas!” I gasped, opening my eyes to stare out the enormous window and over the Hudson River. My palms were flat against the glass as he shoved his sweats halfway down his thighs, already breathing hard. I heard the crinkle of a condom as his erection grazed my back and in seconds, his cock was rubbing against me. “Lukas, people will see…”

“Let them see how beautiful you are,” he murmured, groaning as I arched my back to sink my pussy down on his cock. “Holy shit.” He sucked in a sharp breath as I slowly swiveled my hips, grinding back against him, gradual with my pace till he was all the way inside me. “Fuck. Look at you, baby.”

A dirty grin spread my lips. Because the harder I rode him, the harder I pressed my tits to the window and as terrified as I was that someone might see, I couldn’t stop myself. It was a flood of sensation with the cold glass on my nipples and his steel cock pummeling inside me. It felt wild and wrong and completely out of control. But it also felt so. Outrageously. Good.

“You like that, don’t you?” Lukas demanded. A burst of heat shot to my core when he pulled a fistful of my hair. “You like showing those perfect tits off, don’t you?”

I didn’t want to answer because it was fucked up that I did. This was dirty. Pure filth. But I’d never felt sexier in my life.

“You turned me into this,” I panted, grinning because I knew what my sass did to him. With a low growl, Lukas palmed the underside of my ass. He caressed it gently for a teasing second – then he gave it a spank that echoed the room. A sharp gasp escaped my throat.

“I brought it out of you,” he corrected. My skin stung but before it could fully recover, he spanked me hard again. “But trust me, it’s been there,” he murmured, cursing under his breath as he felt my body’s reaction to his harsh blows. “Christ,” he whispered. “You’re dripping, baby. Do you hear it?”

His lips curved against my skin when I slowed down to listen, giving a little gasp at the sound of my pussy sliding over his dick. It was obscene. Like wet lips smacking. The sexiest laugh rumbled deep from his chest as I moved back and forth on his shaft slowly, the sounds of our sex getting me wetter, him harder, like a vicious cycle that ended in him growling as he slammed my hips down on his cock.


The pain and pleasure tore so hard through my body that it took a second for me to realize he’d moved us. He had me on his lap now as he leaned back in a chair, breathing hard between clenched teeth while watching me ride him. I could see his heavy-lidded stare on my ass as I watched us in the mirror. I wet my swollen lips as I watched myself.

“That’s right, baby. Look at you,” Lukas murmured. “Look at how fucking sexy you are. Look how you fucking spoil me with those beautiful tits.” He groaned. “This fucking ass. This tight pussy… Christ, you’re going to make me come so fucking hard, Lia.”

As if trying to beat him to the punch, my core convulsed.

As I came, the gravelly filth he murmured launched me even further off the edge. There were stars in my eyes as I felt him pull me back against his chest, his body stiffening under me, and his hands kneading my breasts hard as his orgasm hit. Sitting on top of him, I rode his powerful climax like a roller coaster, relishing in every lurch and spasm of his muscles.

I was amazed that I could do that to him. He was well over six feet of pure muscle but it was my body that brought him damned near to his knees. I loved the feeling. I already wanted more of it.

“Just… wow.” The words seeped from my lips as I rolled my head back on his shoulder, shaking my head for the fantasies I had even after climaxing.

“What?” Lukas smirked as he eased me onto my feet. I bit down on the tip of my finger. “I’ve never seen someone physically embody a dirty thought as hard as you are right now,” he laughed. “Tell me what you’re thinking about.”

“Nothing. Just wondering what it feels like without… a condom.”

His eyebrow shot up but he took several seconds to speak. “Are you trying to kill me right now? Jesus. I can only get so hard.”

I giggled. “I’m sorry, I just… never have. And you’ve been a lot of my firsts thus far so naturally, I had that thought. But let’s go ahead and move past it,” I said with a hint of sass that had him stalking me across the room.

“Seriously though, do you ever take a break from turning me on?” he grumbled, pushing me onto the bed and kissing me for a couple minutes. I let myself melt into the foamy mattress, enjoying the comfort of his weight on top of me and his smooth lips crushed over mine. I reveled in all of it. The hotel, the sheets – just being with a man as gorgeous as him. Whatever I was feeling in that moment, it was addicting and dangerous, and I recognized that thoroughly. I forced myself to feel guilty as I kissed him. And still, I couldn’t stop myself.

“What’s that face?” I asked when he finally pulled away to look me in the eye.

“Nothing. Just if you mean what you just said, there are things we can do to make it happen. But it’s your decision. I’m happy to have you however you’ll let me, so it’s your decision. In the meantime – ” He paused for effect. “We should probably get some breakfast.”

“Yes. I’m a hundred percent with you on that.”

While I washed my face in the bathroom, Lukas ordered off the room service menu. And while we waited for it to come, he presented the amazing surprise of what he had in his black gym bag – fresh T-shirts from his apartment as well as my phone, which Sara had apparently texted him to retrieve early this morning. After getting over the adorable fact that Lukas had gone to fetch my phone for me while I slept, I climbed back into bed, snuggled in his softest V-neck as I shot Sara a quick hello.

Unsurprisingly, she texted back within seconds.

SARA:So he’s a keeper.

ME:Good morning to you too. Also, what??

SARA:I texted him from your phone at like 7AM. He came right here, introduced himself proper, asked me why I was working on a Saturday, asked a couple questions about you…

ME:What’d he ask?

SARA:How long you and I have been friends. What you like to eat for breakfast. What you and I are usually up to on the weekends.

SARA:And then he saw one of your truffle boxes on my desk and asked to look at it so I let him. He asked if I’ve ever eaten your truffles and when I said yes and they’re the shit, he said, “She’s impressive.”

ME:Oh no

ME:That’s so cute

Screw cute – it was adorable. Apparently, Lukas Hendricks had the capacity to be adorable. Either that or I was just really into him. Crap, I thought, chewing my grin as I watched him across the room from the bed. He was unpacking the folded clothes from his bag, as if getting ready to settle in for another night. My toes curled against the plush mattress as he leaned over the duffel, giving me a wonderful view of the rippling muscles on his perfectly tapered back.

I groaned inwardly.

Double crap.

ME:Help me I think I like him

SARA:Girl help ME! You’re at a fancy hotel with an absurdly gorgeous man who ran all over the city for you this morning. And I’m at the office on a Saturday.

ME:He has cute friends if you’re interested but I know you’re not.

SARA:I know. I’m not. I have no time for it.

ME:Well I thought I didn’t either.

SARA:You THOUGHT you didn’t?

SARA:Wait a minute. Does that mean you’re changing your mind about letting yourself like him now?

SARA:Neighbors with benefits??? Yes???

SARA:Please. Let me live vicariously through you.

SARA:Come on. Just say it. You’re falling for this guyyyyyy oooooh yeahhhhh

ME:I can’t be because things don’t happen this fast

SARA:When it rains it pours, baby girl. It’s not a saying for no reason

I scrunched my nose, unable to argue Sara’s claims. When it rains, it pours rang bitterly true to me. In my head, it had a negative connotation but now, it was positive. At least I hoped it was.

Typing some half-assed response to Sara, I hit send and tossed my phone across the bed, giving up on trying to make sense of anything. Of course the second the thing landed, it rang loudly. Lukas laughed as he watched me ignore the call.

“You’re not going to pick up?”

“No. It’s just Sara giving me a hard time.”

Coming over, Lukas picked up my phone. “The name says Elaine Gardner.”

My eyes shot wide open. “Are you joking?”

“No. Who is that?”

“Omigod – the investor!” I hissed, heart pounding as I threw the sheets off my body and scrambled to Lukas at the edge of the bed. He laughed as I grabbed the phone from his hand, watching me curiously as I frantically answered the call on my knees. “Hello?”

“Lia? It’s Elaine Gardner.”

“Yes, of course! How are you?” I asked breathily, despite my best efforts to speak with some shred of professionalism.

“I’m well. I hope this isn’t a bad time… I just want to call regarding yesterday’s meeting.”

My stomach twisted. For some reason, her tone gave me a bad feeling. I wasn’t sure what it was but it must’ve been obvious because I felt Lukas give me a little squeeze. Blinking, I looked down, oblivious to the fact that I’d grabbed his hand out of pure nerves and anxiety.

“It’s not a bad time,” I said, preparing a smile, forcing myself to try and be graceful no matter what she decided.

“Right, well, I want to let you know that I really appreciated your presentation yesterday. I really did enjoy your product and even more than that, I enjoyed your vision for the brand. You’ve clearly thought about this for a very long time,” she said, breathing in audibly as she took a long pause. “At this time, I have a very similar company I’ve been looking to do business with…”


My shoulders fell. I heard Lukas murmur my name but I ignored him, hiding my wet eyes from him as I half-listened to Elaine talk about some other chocolatier with a similar product as mine. The second I heard “conflict of interest,” I pretty much tuned out.

“It’s okay,” Lukas whispered as I nodded along to both him and Elaine, trying my hardest to be an adult about all this. But the wave of disappointment was strong and despite surviving that first big hit, I was still reeling. As the rush of adrenaline finally subsided, I heard Elaine’s warm laugh on the other end of the phone.

My ears perked up.

“I guess what I’m telling you is that I liked your presentation enough to forego my relationship with the other company. I’ve chosen to work with your brand, Lia. And if it’s alright with you, I’d like to meet on Monday to begin paperwork.”

My mouth fell wide open. “Oh!” I blurted, bursting into laughter as Lukas cocked his perplexed head at me. I did my best to hold it together for the rest of the call but I was mouthing oh my God on repeat to Lukas and quietly freaking out as he did his best to muffle his big laughs.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.


I did it. It was happening. Three years ago, I was underemployed, miserable and living with a man who not so secretly wished for me to fail. Now I was living on my own, working on my own and perhaps just months away from opening my own shop in Manhattan.

The second I hung up, I burst into tears.

“Whoa, whoa. Why are we crying?” Lukas murmured, trying to dig my face out from my hands. “You got it, right? Lia. Look at me.”

When I finally looked up at him, laughing and crying at the same time, he broke into an adorably huge grin that made my heart swell even more.

“I knew it. You’re fucking unstoppable,” he said, cupping my cheeks and kissing my lips like he’d been waiting the entire call to. I tossed my phone aside as we fell back onto the bed again and this time, as I basked in the bliss of his lips and his body on me, I didn’t force myself to feel guilt. I let myself squeal when he said that he was going to order champagne and I giggled nonstop as he suggested – jokingly, I think – that we go to Spain tonight to celebrate. All rules and restrictions went out the window as we lay in bed, rolled around and fought about who would open the door for room service.

For once, in that hotel room with Lukas, I just let myself be.