Always Crew by Tijan


“Bad news.” That was my greeting from Hawk the second I walked into work, as she was holding out my coffee.

I took a breath, just inhaling and had to decline. “Not today.” I eyed her warily as she frowned before handing off the coffee to Bonbon. Yeah, that’d been a shock to me, too, when we learned our new employee had passed her test. She was a certified bounty hunter, and I’d never been more terrified in my life, for the bail jumps.

“And what’s the bad news?”

“We got a Red Demon on the boards today.”

I groaned. That meant I was staying in the office, and seriously, not today. I was needing some action.

“But,” she piped up, smiling, and after working with Hawk for this last year, that smile never got old. She was my second or third type of family. I didn’t want to decipher the different groups, but I knew Hawk would take a bullet for me and the feeling was reciprocated. “We got a call from your brother. The guy they’ve been chasing popped up down here. They’re heading down, but wanted to see if a couple of us could help out.”

“That’s more like it.” There was a whole blooming feeling in my chest.

Hawk’s smile just got wider. “I thought so. Also, your brother said since he’s sending Congo. That you’re more than able to call in some of your own crew members.”

The door opened. The sunlight flared inside before a silhouette blocked it, shading us. As soon as the door shut, I saw Zellman heading our way with his own special glower on his face, but I already knew it was him because he pulled into the lot right after me.

He was still texting when I walked past his truck and rapped on his window.

“Fight with Angeline?” Please. No more. I thought they got their shit together, finally.

The glower turned into a scowl, which was totally different from Zellman. He growled. “Not because of why you’re thinking. She just texted, said Veronica needs a place to stay. The Nut Buster is going to be staying with us for the next two months. I’m going to go crazy. I’m going to turn into Bonbon.”

She breezed past us, saying, “White van. Offer is always there.”

His head reared back as she went into the bathroom and he visibly shook. “Will she ever stop with that?”

Hawk shook her head. “No way. Not until someone actually takes her up on the offer. Then she’ll probably hump them from happiness.”

“Can’t your man take her back?”

A snort/grin was his response. “Brock ordered a new champagne bottle to be brought to the office when she announced she was coming to work with us, for an entire two weeks. Two weeks. And Brock doesn’t drink.”

Speaking of Brock and how they were more open that he was her man, I asked, “You’re heading back there this weekend?”

She sobered, nodding. “Yeah. You’ll be okay?”


She indicated to me, her eyes darting down. “You know. Today’s your last day for awhile and all.”

“Oh.” Warmth spread through me, sending little tingles to my toes and all the way to the back of my neck. It sucked today was my last day on the job, but the reason was a whole new chapter in life. “I’ll be fine.”

Zellman grunted. “Cross redid an entire room for them, just to have sex in. Those two have always been like rabbits once they got together and came out of not-ever-being-secretive at all, but—”


He lifted up a shoulder, throwing his arm around my neck and pulling me in for a hug. “Come on, B.” His forehead rested to the side of mine. “Thick and thin. Crew forever and all that shit. You know I love you, but you and Cross, fucking rabbits. And yeah, that pun is totally intended.” But he hugged me tight for a second and he said quietly just for me, “You know I love you. Always crew.”

I did. I tipped my head back, letting him see that I was happy. I patted his chest. “Always crew.”

“Well, now that we’ve had your daily ‘crew’ moment, I’m also letting you know that I put calls in. Suit up and head out to meet your brother’s man, and you’re supposed to pick up your man and Jordan, too.”

Sometimes they joined in, but only when it was approved, and I was more than down with that.

Zellman and I went off, grabbing our gear, and he headed out first to the parking lot.

I was stepping out from the door, checking my phone when a text came through.

Cross: Old times.

Me: Old times. Leaving now.

Cross: Good. I’ll be ready.

Zellman shot forward in his truck and leaned over to shove open his door for me. “Come on, B. After this bail jump, we’re going bowling to celebrate.”

Zellman still sucked at bowling. Zellman was also the one who asked to go bowling.

I got inside. “That sounds good.”

And because I couldn’t help it since finding out, I moved my hand to my stomach.

Yes. I was happy indeed.

We had a baby crew member coming.

From: Tazsters

To: Everyone

Subject: champagne and dancing around holla




The BEST Twin

They better name her after me.