Always Crew by Tijan

Oh man. I don’t think there’s anything I can write here to express how I’ve felt writing this series.

I loved writing Fallen Crest, but there was something about Roussou that pulled at me. I wanted to explore what universe that we glimpsed through Channing and wow, when I started writing the first few chapters, I got chills.

Bren was such a dark character.

I’ve written dark before, but I don’t think any of my characters have touched what Bren had. And the love she has for Cross, Jordan, and Zellman. I will truly miss these guys.

Thank you to everyone who has loved the Crew Series right along with me.

Thank you to my agent, to my proofreaders, my beta readers. To the admins in my reader group. Gah. So many! Rochelle Paige, Eileen Robinson, Crystal Solis, Amanda Wooden, Christina Santos, Debra Anastasia, Helena Hunting, Ilsa Madden-Mills, Pam Lilley, Elaine York, Paige Smith, Kara Hildebrand, Chris O’Neil Parace, Amy English, and seriously so many. You guys were always around when I either had a quick question or a long voice message, lol! I know there’s so many, but I’m trying to remember who has helped from Crew, Crew Princess, and has still hung with me through Always Crew. The ladies in Tijan’s Crew and Tijan’s Audiomen. You all are seriously so amazing. I’m so extremely blessed to have you ladies in those groups. Your enthusiasm and positivity, it gives me the extra boost of energy sometimes I need to keep writing, keep editing, get one more chapter done on my project. You all have no idea.

I don’t quite remember when I first thought of the idea for this book, but I do remember writing it in my hotel room at RT in Atlanta. I believe I had just been playing around with the first chapters and in that hotel room, I had an aha moment where I knew I needed to get serious and really get going on the first Crew book, and now we’re here. I remember picking out the first cover for Crew and I got shivers. I loved it so much, and thank you to everyone who has helped share about these books and have stayed with me during these characters’ transition and changes.

Love, love, love!

I’m tapped out with words right now and I’m becoming a blubbering mess, so again-- thank you so much! From myself and Bailey.
