Fallen Crest Campout by Tijan



Two hours later and we were there.

I could see why Heather said we wouldn’t be bothered, because we were so far back in the woods I wondered if there was even internet. I knew that wasn’t rational, but seriously—we were in the back backwoods somewhere. Thank goodness for GPS because that’s the only way we found the camping site.

A sign finally appeared, proclaiming that we’d arrived at Broken Hills Resort.

Logan had a good chuckle at that name. I did not ask why, and Taylor hushed him when he tried to whisper something to her. Mason pulled up to a storefront that looked like it doubled as the check-in spot too. It was a little larger than a regular cabin, with log siding.

A bell jingled as we went through the door, and inside were several taxidermied animals, including a stuffed bear on its hind legs that gave me flashbacks of Harry and the Hendersons.

Mason paused when he saw the bear, glanced at me, and shook his head.

An older woman popped her head out from an office. When she saw us, she smiled widely and rolled out from the office in her chair. When she reached the counter, she grabbed a hold and heaved herself up. She smoothed a hand over her unruly gray hair. Nothing stayed in place, but she moved on to adjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose. She was a little heavyset and wore a beach cover-up over her clothes. It was bright pink, and grabbing one of the ends, she tucked it better around her waist and leaned over the counter.

“You must be the famous football star.”

Logan started laughing. “Way to go incognito.”

The lady had begun looking up some files, but she paused and lifted her head to frown at Logan. “Oh, we don’t pay no mind to who is who out here.” She found what she was looking for, pulled out a piece of paper, and went to the computer. “I just know we got a call asking if anyone here cared about football, and I said ‘No siree, sweetie.’” She looked back at Logan, seeming to think he was the football star. “I don’t know much about football, but I know you’re a bit small for the game. Maybe a safety, hmm? Long eyelashes.” She looked over at Mason. “You two brothers? You got the same lashes. You’re a bit leaner than him. He’s got those dark locks and you got more brown hair. And him, he’s got the size. Both pretty, though. But anyhoo, we’re a real football-following family here. Arsenal fans, if you get my drift. So y’all don’t have to get your panties in a bunch and think we’ll be selling your pictures to the Gossip Moon.”

Logan was speechless for a second. “How do you know we weren’t talking about real football?” He raised an eyebrow. “What if I’m an international soccer star that doesn’t play for Arsenal?”

“Honey.” She was so not impressed as she went to the printer. “You ain’t no soccer star. We follow rising boys coming up when they’re twelve in the clubs. You got me?” Not missing a beat, she slid the paper over in front of Mason and placed a pen beside it. “The call came in from a Heather Jax. She described you, said you could sign for the second campsite.” She waved at us. “You all got an adjoining site with hers, and you can hitch up a camper or do tents.” She pointed to a line. “Just sign there, and here’s your map for the facilities.”

Mason signed and took the map.

She slid another couple copies to me, winking. “For you and the women folk, since none of us were blessed with a stick we can pull out and aim.”

Taylor laughed behind me. “I love her.”

Logan patted Taylor on the arm and said under his breath, “She doesn’t think I’m a soccer star.”

Taylor laughed harder. “I know.”

The lady overheard and pushed her glasses up to her forehead. She winked at Taylor. “Honey, he can pass for one. I just know he ain’t.” She looked him up and down. “You got the looks, all right—all smoldering and pretty-boyish. I know my players. This guy, I can tell, is the real football guy. He’s quiet and hoping I won’t take notice.” She smiled at Mason. “You don’t got nothing to fear from me.”

Mason nodded. “Not really giving one shit either way, ma’am.” Picking up the last two maps, he turned. “Let’s go.”

And we were off.

I glanced back and noted the lady’s gaze had remained on Mason’s ass until the door closed behind us.

We climbed back into the SUV and Taylor announced, “She had spunk.”

Logan said, “She was okay.”

We all laughed at that.