Fallen Crest Campout by Tijan



The guys were down at the beach, and they wanted a few things: a bottle of Jack, a couple blankets, and a lighter. I volunteered to come back to get them because I knew this crowd the best. That said, though, I didn’t really know them that well.

I knew Heather. Loved Heather.

I knew Channing. Loved my brother. Obviously.

But the rest, I’d only met them once or twice, seen them a few other times, but they all left me with different vibes. I was okay with Sam and Mason the most, and that was me being lenient with that word.

I didn’t adult well.

That wasn’t meaning me being an adult.

That was me meaning I didn’t like adults.

Logan, I didn’t know about him. He was wild and unpredictable. He had a lot simmering under the surface, and I could literally see the anger there. He wanted to let it out, but he wasn’t because he was an adult. Adults couldn’t just be. They had to suppress, and that Logan dude was tired of suppressing. He had shit to say, so I was hoping the liquor they were buying would tip the balance and he’d erupt. That shit would be fun to watch.

As for the rest:

Nate, my opinion was being held in check with him. He seemed like a whole ‘stay tuned’ issue.

Matteo, I didn’t know his problem. He seemed nice, but something was going on with him. I didn’t like it and my read was to steer clear of him, and again, I had no reason why I was picking that read from him. I just was.

As for the other girl, Taylor. I liked her.

I might not like adults much, but I could read adults. I read them really well, and I was reading that Taylor was in a mass amount of pain. She was nice and lovely on the surface, but there was stuff inside her. Stuff that people either weren’t feeling or stuff that she hid well, like extremely well. Even her man, the wild suppressing one didn’t seem to be checking in with her. He was all up in his head, doing his thing and leaving his woman to do her thing, but after watching her a little, I saw that was her thing.

She flew under the radar because that’s what she wanted.

She didn’t get her due credit.

I was giving her the due credit because I liked her. I almost liked her more than Heather’s best friend. I mean, if I was going to be put in an apocalyptic situation where I had to choose who to be quarantined with? I’d choose Taylor over everyone else.


I surprised myself with that answer, but then I tuned back into their conversation.

I was standing behind our camper and the girls had all decided to get rip-roaring drunk (not their words, but I was paraphrasing because I could tell that was their meaning) and I was rethinking our whole plan for the night.

Forget about grabbing the supplies, I went back to get the guys.

We had a whole show that was going to stream live and in person for us tonight.