Fallen Crest Campout by Tijan



The plan had been to go easy on the alcohol tonight, since there were adults with us.

That’d been the plan.

What we were doing instead was each of us was fisting our own hard liquor bottle. Each had a cup with a mixer in there, but for the most part, we were drinking straight up.

Oh well.

None of us really cared; we were avidly listening to these women as we were sitting behind Heather’s camper.

They were loud as fuck, even being inside the camper. We could’ve been in our camper and still heard their shrieks—not to mention the leapfrogging. Jordan and Zellman had thought that was so funny, Cross had to stuff their own shirts in their mouths.

Though we hadn’t really needed to worry about Heather and her friends hearing us, since they were blasted.

Zellman whispered, “This is like live MTV shit.”

Jordan grinned. “Adults get on our asses for acting like this now, but fuck. We can do this same shit at their age? I’m in. Forget the stupid crew rules.”

I frowned.

Cross looked at him, leaning around me. “That makes no sense.”

Jordan paused, lifted his bottle, and shrugged. “It made sense in my head.”

Zellman just giggled. He’d been all about the giggling tonight. “I want to get laid.” He looked at me. “Can we call our girls?”

Cross answered for me, “No.”

“Why not?” He indicated to me with his bottle. “You got yours here.”

“We ain’t doing shit right now. This is a crew weekend.”

Jordan snorted.

Zellman laughed, holding his bottle in the air toward the camper. “Like you and Bren won’t slip away when we’re way past trashed, but whatever. It’s cool. I get it. Crew weekend with some free live entertainment. And I think the chicks left.”


Fuck. He was right. It was silent inside their camper.

Cross patted my hip, and I led the way.

One by one, we stood and crept out, each still holding our bottle. I couldn’t imagine what we looked like, but we hurried, like bonfire creepers, around the campfire, and instead of following them down the obvious path, I cut across toward the beach area. There was a thinning in the trees down here, one I knew the adults hadn’t taken the time to find.

I moved forward until we had crossed the beach access of their campsite too. We went to the far side of their site, moving up through the next campsite, which was empty, and entered a clearing in the woods. There was enough room to sit, but that wasn’t enough.

Handing over their booze, Cross and Jordan went back. After a moment they returned, carrying an entire picnic table. They placed it in the pathway that would’ve connected the Kades’ campsite to the empty site behind us. Setting it just beyond where any light might shine over us, each of us climbed up.

Butts on the table, feet where we would’ve normally sat, we hunkered down for another front row seat to whatever was about to unfold.

Cross leaned close, resting his hand behind me and his mouth came to my ear. “Z’s not wrong. I’m going to want to slip away later.”

A shiver of anticipation ran through me, and I nodded. “I know.”

I turned my head, just slightly, and felt his lips there.

I closed my eyes, inhaling, savoring this moment.

Then his mouth moved and his lips applied pressure.

Tingles spread through me, and a full-on shiver went down my spine.

I leaned forward, and we were silently making out.

Then Jordan coughed. “Not fair.”

Zellman answered, right next to him, “Exactly.”

Cross chuckled and left another nip against my lips before he moved away. “Fuck off, you two.”

They both started laughing, but silently.

Then we tuned in, because shit was getting good over there.