Still Jaded by Tijan


As I settled into a chair next to one of the windows, I grabbed a blanket for my lap. Then I took a deep breath and looked at my phone. I scrolled through the messages until I found Bryce's. The text stared back at me; it haunted me. So I took a deep breath, called him, and waited as it rang.

"Sheldon?" He sounded out of breath.

"Where are you?"

"I'm…," he hesitated. "I'm out right now.You're in New York?"

"My mom's gone. She needed someone to watch the apartment, and I wanted to get away."

"You're running away." He sounded as disappointed as Corrigan had been.

"Are you with her right now?" Corrigan might've said the affair was faked, but my gut said otherwise. I went with my gut.

"Oh come on. I'm in love with you and you know it. Whatever is on the television is because Mathias is pushing that with a publicist. They want to rev up this entire media about me. They think it'll sell more tickets, and the Suns will give me more money because of it.Theyjust want more money themselves. That's the bottom line. There's nothing going on with me and her."

He never answered the question. My gut sank. "Were you with her before I left Spain?"

There was a long pause on his end. And then, after what felt like an hour, he answered, "I have never cheated on you, not after I told you that I loved you in high school."

"When were you with her?"


"Tell me!" I shouted as my chest heaved. Then I clamped onto the sides of my chair and forced myself to stay seated. If I started pacing now, I didn't know what I'd do. I bunched my hands into the blanket and willed myself to think clearly.I can't get worked up. I cannot. I can't trash Denton's place. I could scare a moose.

"What do you want me to say, Sheldon? In high school, you got pissed if I didn't sleep with other girls. Then fast forward a bit and you can't handle it if I even look at one?"

I took another one of those deep calming breaths. It didn't work. "Are you kidding me?! You use that as a justification? I am fully aware that I'm not the mentally healthiest person around, but I'm not an idiot. I've been to counseling. You screwed another girl and you're blaming me for it?"


"Do you still have balls? Or did she take them?"

"Sheldon!" He growled into the phone.

Chair be damned! I shot to my feet and started to pace. He had the nerve—the bastard had the nerve to flip it on me. I was the reason why he screwed that hussy. I was the reason why she was still around. Me! I could've done him harm if he was in the same room. As I continued to pace, I felt my heartbeat skyrocket. This always happened. I'd get upset, start moving around, and before I knew what I was doing, I'd have half the room trashed—or I would've screwed my neighbor. Denton always had impeccable timing for situations like this.

"Sheldon, can we talk about this when you get back?"

"Now you talk to me like a reasonable person? Are you kidding me? Go and screw that bitch for me. Do me a favor and give her a tip afterwards. She earned it." I threw my phone across the room and screamed.How dare he?!

"Sheldon?" The doctor poked her head around the door. She looked apologetic. "I heard you yelling. Are you okay?"

"No! No. No, I am not. He has the nerve to blame me! Blame me! He's just like all the rest of them."

Sondra entered the room but leaned against the wall beside the door. Her hands were folded behind her back, and her gaze never wavered from me. "This would be the Bryce fellow that Denton mentioned? He plays soccer?"

"Yeah, he does." I expelled a deep breath and felt my soul go with it. I couldn't believe him. "Do you have that wine? I need to drink. I need to drinka lot."

She beamed and brought the bottle from behind her. "I thought you'd need some of this." Two glasses were in her other hand, and she filled both up, then handed one to me. As she placed the bottle on a small table, she folded into one of the chairs by the window. I gulped that glass down like it was water after a day in the desert. Without thinking, I handed it back and she refilled it. As I took it, I kept pacing. I couldn't do anything else.

She waved a hand in the air. "I am aware that I should be the responsible doctor and advise you against drinking when you're on medication. I'm good at my job, but I've heard your history from Denton. I'm sure your body can handle it. Bodies have a way of dealing with things. It's like magic sometimes. That's what I love about human anatomy."

I downed my glass and then filled it again. I didn't give a damn about human anatomy. "I can't believe him. Is this the same guy from high school I fell in love with?"

She frowned now. "Maybe you shouldn't drink…"

My heart was pounding, but I was so mad. I had flipped out on the phone. Corrigan said it had all been fake, but when I pushed Bryce about it, he acted guilty. He was with her. I know a lie by omission when I hear it. He was with her, which was why he started with the media set-up right away, but the cheating. Had he cheated? I was so confused.

The doctor stood back up and crossed the room to me. She didn't touch me; I couldn't have handled it if she had. She was taller than me by a few inches so she bent down as I stopped pacing. Then she gave me a reassuring smile. "I don't know much about your life, or about this soccer player, but I can see that you love him. I'm really sorry if he's done something to hurt you, but I also know there must be a reason you care about him so much." She chuckled, and it sounded self-deprecating. "You got a guy like Denton, superstar stud Denton Steele, interested in you, and you'restillinterested in this soccer player. Most girls would drop anyone and anything to be with someone like Denton, and I don't mean that because of his money. He's a good man, but that only tells me that you must really love this guy. And if that's the case, keep talking to him, keep listening to him, keep trying to work it out. I only know of two other people that Denton has brought here. That says something about you." Then she nodded again, smiled, and left.

Oh God.

Everything she said gave me hope, but then the pain came back. It was suffocating me. I took a deep breath and grabbed all the wine paraphernalia. The hallways were dark, but I let them be. Enough moonlight shone through the windows that I could see where I was going. A chill came over me as I entered the kitchen, but it felt refreshing. I'd been so heated about Bryce earlier and then from the wine later. I had cooled down since then, but it never bothered me to be a little cold. The kitchen windows overlooked a lake tucked in a valley. I sat in a chair and watched the water glisten under the moon. Denton's home was peaceful and exactly what I needed. I needed something to refresh me, help me look at things differently.

I stayed there the whole night, moving only once for the bathroom. I returned with a blanket and drew my knees against my chest. I rested my chin on my knees and studied how the lake seemed to change color while the sun rose. The doctor came in after sunrise, frowned at me, and grunted once. She made coffee and then left.

Sometime in the afternoon, I collapsed on my bed, but I still turned so I could look out the window. It was like I needed to watch the outdoors, like I was starving for it, but it wasn't long before I found myself woken up.

I grunted and rolled over. The doc smiled in an apology. She looked refreshed, like she'd taken a shower. "I need to change your dressings. You can go back to sleep after that."

I groaned but moved how she wanted me to. When she was done, I didn't register her departure or that she turned the lights off. It was night again…but I'd fallen asleep once more.

That became the pattern for a while. I'd sleep at random times and wake for a time when I'd look out the windows. Sometimes I watched television. I couldn't turn the channel when Bryce's team played. My eyes were glued to the screen. The doctor joined once, but she only noted how handsome Bryce looked. "No wonder you've got the hoot-n-nanny for him. He's lethal to the loins." Then she laughed, sipped some more wine, and snuggled underneath her blanket. Her snores kept me company for the rest of the game.

I turned the television off an hour later and stayed in my seat.

"I was at an awards show not long ago."

Denton spoke from behind me and dropped a bag in my lap.

I screamed and then clamped a hand over my mouth. "Holy shit! Can you announce your presence next time? I think Icrapped my pants just now."

Denton smirked and fell in the chair beside mine. He indicated the bag. "Look in there. I got goodies for you."

A movie, a book, and a scarf were in the bag. I pulled each out and flashed a smile. "Thanks, Denton. How'd you know this is what I always wanted?"

He stood and crossed the room. When he pushed a button, a portion of the wall slid away and a bar extended out towards us. My eyes went wide. How hadn't I found that nice little invention?

Denton poured a drink for himself and a second one that he offered to me when he resumed his seat beside me. "As I was saying before, I went to an awards show last week and, lo and behold, guess who sat in the two seats beside me."

I already knew where this was going. The same headache threatened to spill over me again. "Please don't."

"That enticing Spanish model who's hoping to become the next big thing in America. Guess who her date was. Guess, Sheldon."

I already knew. "Lance Armstrong."

Denton chuckled and sipped his drink. "No, no, no. Your one and only love." He finished his drink and gritted his teeth, as if it was sour. A hard look came over his eyes. "You didn't tell me he was cheating on you."

I closed my eyes. It was worse than I thought. "Because he still says that it's a lie to stir up buzz."

He should know a thing or two about that business, but when I looked, I saw that Denton was a frozen statue in his chair. Anger simmered in his eyes as he shoved out of the chair to pace in front of the television screen. "I don't know if it's a lie, but I don't care. Are you together now? Do you love him?"

I felt whipped by his words, no—I felt whipped by the unspoken words. He didn't ask if Bryce loved me. That was the real question for me.

I opened my mouth to answer, but I couldn't. The answer wasn't that simple, but maybe it was. Maybe I didn't want to hear what he was going to say because I knew what it would mean.

Denton stopped in front of my chair and gripped the sides as he trapped me. His eyes bore into mine, and I felt his breath on me. "You gave your heart to him a long time ago. I was there. I saw it. Did you take it back?"

I looked away, but Denton caught my chin and forced me to look at him. His eyes demanded an answer. "I…" I couldn't finish it. I didn't want to hear this. I didn't want to be any part of this. Then I cried out, "We broke up in Spain."

"And now? I saw you with him on those gossip shows. You were together then; I know you've seen him since. Right? You have, haven't you? Are you together now?"

I opened my mouth, but I had nothing to say.

That was happening a lot to me now.

Denton held my chin firm. I couldn't look anywhere but at him. "Love is love, Sheldon. I haven't committed to anyone for a long time. I'm only going to do it when I know she's the one. I thought, for a split second, a long time ago that I found that girl, but it only took one look at you, and I knew you weren't her. The reason why I'm so heated is because if I had you, there's no way in hell I'd be caught dead with someone else. Now, I saw Bryce's look. I saw it in his eyes. He was playing the part, and my guess is it's because his agent got him to do it like you said. But you hear me—no agent would make me do anything that would hurt the woman I loved. I wouldn't let them. A job is a job. A lot of people put their jobs first, but the relationship shouldalwaysbe first. When a job is gone, that woman is going to stay with you. The job won't do that."

"So you think he's with her because of his job?" Hope blossomed…

I felt faint and my heart was beating so fast, but I couldn't look away from his eyes.

Denton let go of my chin and straightened as he raked a hand through his hair in frustration. "I don't know. I'll be honest. He did look confused."

A whimper choked out of me. What did that mean?

Denton turned striking eyes to me. "Don't get me wrong. Confused or not, he shouldn't be where he is. He needs to get his priorities straight, and if he doesn't…"

I couldn't look away. The threat was there, brimming to the top. I waited with my breath held. I didn't know if I wanted to hear this, if I should hear this.

"I'm coming after you, Sheldon. I backed off because I saw you loved him, but if he's not treating you right then nothing's going to keep me away. I'm coming after you."

A shiver went down my spine and I gasped, already heated, from his promise. It rang in his words and in his eyes. I couldn't look away from him. Nothing else existed in that moment. Denton spelled it out, and I was excited. I should've been ashamed to admit that but I was. Four years earlier I would've thrown myself at him, but this time I jerked out of my seat. I stumbled to catch my balance because I couldn't look away. He had a hypnotic pull over me, a power that I hadn't felt in a long time.

It shouldn't have been from him, not now.

Then I rasped out, "Should I pass that message along?"

"Denton! When did you get home?"

The doc woke up. Talk about the most inopportune time. I moved to leave, but Denton stopped me. His voice was chilling, full of promises. "Sheldon."

I paused, but I didn't turn around. I didn't dare.

"I know both of them love you. You're going to have to make a choice, and if you can't choose either of them…"

I heard the unspoken words. He'd be there. I hung my head and hurried to my room. Once inside, I fell on the bed and curled up in the blankets. Something inside of me was reeling from what he said. There was something about Denton—who was I kidding? There'd always been something about Denton. When I first saw him in the hospital, I thought things were fine and in control. Then I thought he was a friend. Now I admitted that he wasn't at all.

I closed my eyes and heard his words again."You didn't tell me he was cheating on you."

I fumbled for my phone and dialed his number. When Bryce answered with a sleepy hello, I barked out, "Are you with her or not?!"


I sat up in bed and drew my knees against my chest. I held my phone in front of me. "Are you with her or not?! I have to know, Bryce."

"I'm not with her. What time is it? It's four in the morning. What are you—Oh. You're on New York time."

"You were at an awards show with her. You were her date. Are you with her or not?" It was a lie, it all about the media buzz, but I couldn't ignore what else Denton had said. Did it matter if it was a lie? Did Bryce care enough to stop it if it was hurting me?

"I'm not! Wait! What? What awards show?"

"It doesn't matter, Bryce."

Denton was right. Bryce shouldn't have even been in that position. He didn't need to make more money from the Suns; they were going to keep him. I knew how good he was at soccer.

"Wait a minute." He sounded clearer now, more awake. "What are you saying?"

I took a deep breath and jumped out of bed. I couldn't do this sitting down. "I'm saying that I've loved you for years now. I committed to you a long time ago. These other girls shouldn't be a part of us."

"We were broken up—"

"You dumped me."

"No, I didn't. You ended things and left Spain."

"You didn't come after me. You let me! You let me say those words, and you just sat there. You liked it. You were getting your freedom, and you wanted it!" Tears were rolling down my face. I ignored them. "You weren't there for me. I had to rely on Corrigan because you buried yourself in soccer. And when it was painfully obvious that things weren't good between us—you did nothing. You wanted soccermore, Bryce! You chose everything else except me. You're still doing it. You're with her!"

"No, I'm not. Mathias wanted this—"

"—I slept with Corrigan!" I cried out as my tears blinded me. "I slept with him, because a part of me fell in love with him. He was there for me. You weren't."

I waited with my heart pounding and chest heaving.

Bryce said nothing on his end.

"You still aren't here for me. You keep choosing her over me."

Bryce still didn't say anything.

I stopped and dry heaved. I held the phone with shaking hands. As I closed my eyes, I wanted to hear him say something. I needed to know what he felt, the slightest of an inkling how he felt, but there was nothing. When someone cleared their throat, I looked up and saw Denton. He didn't move or say a word.

I held his gaze and spoke into the phone, "I won't be with someone who doesn't make me his first priority. You were always first for me, Bryce. You always will be, even if we're not together anymore."

I waited and then saw Denton's reaction. He closed his eyes and his face seemed to shut off from me. He straightened in the doorway and nodded before he turned to leave.

Then I heard Bryce say, so faintly, "Okay, Sheldon. I understand."

He hung up, and I was left without any answers.