Park Avenue Player by Vi Keeland




Chapter 17



I was shaking. Literally shaking. What’s wrong with me? I’d started this game, but now I was nervous.

Hollis and I hadn’t said a peep to each other this morning. I couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or angry at me for what I’d done. And he wouldn’t look at me long enough so I could figure it out.

Hailey and I had ended up having a busy day, so I’d had no opportunity to venture into Hollis’s bedroom to check things out. I’d taken her to buy clothes at Justice using her uncle’s credit card. We then went to Dylan’s Candy Bar and loaded up on sugar before returning to the apartment.

Now that we were back, Hailey had gone to her room while I worked in the kitchen, prepping dinner.

She entered the kitchen several minutes later and asked, “Would it be okay if I went downstairs to Kelsie’s?”

Kelsie was the only kid around Hailey’s age who lived in the building. I looked over at the clock. It would be about an hour and a half until Hollis came home. Since I knew her leaving would give me the opportunity to snoop like I’d been dying for, I was all for it.

“Is her mom going to be home?”

“Yeah. I heard her say it was okay.”

“Just an hour. I want you home before your uncle gets back.”


“Actually, I’ll walk you downstairs.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her. But I knew the type of stuff I’d pulled when I was around her age. At the very least, I needed to make sure she was going where she said she was.

Once I made sure Kelsie’s mother was really home, I returned upstairs to the empty apartment.

My heart raced as I made my way into Hollis’s bedroom.

I went straight for the pillow and lifted it to find my hot pink panties exactly where I’d left them the day before. Could he have not seen them? I pondered that—until I smelled them. They reeked of his musky scent. Could it be from the pillow? I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that my thong now smelled like Hollis. And that turned me on very much. I squeezed the muscles between my legs. I’d teased him about being a perv, but who was the perv now? That was all I could think as I sat there on his bed, sniffing my own damn underwear.

I didn’t know what to do. Did I continue this game? Or did I stop it and let him make a move if he wished to continue?

In the end, I slipped off my panties again. Except this time, I placed them in his bedside drawer. Make him look for them. Change things up.


The following day, Hailey and I rode bikes around the neighborhood and took lunch to Central Park, where we rollerbladed.

I’d specifically planned activities that would require Hailey to take a shower when we got back. Actually, we both had to shower. I went first.

After I got out and changed, Hailey went in.

Baaa. “Anna’s home!” Huey squawked as I waited to hear Hailey turn on the water.

Once I heard it running and was confident she was in full shower mode, I snuck into Hollis’s room.

I peeked under the pillow first. Nothing. I opened the drawer where I’d put the royal blue thong yesterday, and sure enough, there it was in the same spot I’d left it. I lifted it to my nose and was thrilled to find it smelled like Hollis’s cologne. This was it: proof. There was no way he hadn’t touched them.



Our little undie switcheroo game continued throughout the week. I had to admit, I was getting impatient. I kept waiting for Hollis to acknowledge what was happening, to say something—anything—and he never did. Neither of us budged. I guess I was secretly hoping it would lead to something more. But having a kinky underwear fetish and wanting a relationship were two different things, I supposed.

When Friday rolled around, I was more frustrated than ever. That afternoon, I dropped Hailey off across town for a sleepover.

Before heading home to Connecticut for the weekend, I decided to return to the apartment to clean up some dishes we’d left in the sink and feed Huey. Since Hailey was gone, I’d be able to skip out early and wouldn’t get to see Hollis when he came home from work. I had mixed feelings about that, but in the end, I opted not to stick around.

Before leaving, I took off my yellow thong and placed it under his pillow. I vowed this would be the last one. If nothing came of this, I wouldn’t continue the game.

I boarded my train back to Connecticut and was almost home when I panicked. As I rummaged through my purse, I realized my phone was nowhere to be found. Had I left it at Hollis’s place? That was unlike me, but my head hadn’t been on straight today. There was no way I wanted Hollis to have access to my phone! I’d always been too lazy to program a security code. That meant he would be able to look through all of my photos, some of which I’d taken years ago, when I was still married to Tobias. I used to sometimes send him a nude selfie to be a tease when I knew he was in a faculty meeting. And I had thousands of old pictures stored from previous cell phones that had been transferred over the years.

Shit.I needed to go back.


By the time I caught another train and made it back to the city, it was after 7PM. As I walked into Hollis’s building, I wondered if maybe I’d luck out and he wouldn’t be home. I knocked, but there was no answer, so I decided to let myself in.

After turning the key and opening the door, I got the shock of my life to find Hollis standing in the living room—with a woman.

She had long reddish hair and was dressed in business attire. The top buttons of her black satin blouse were undone to reveal just the right amount of cleavage. Her lips were painted red.

They were both holding glasses of wine.

This is a date.

I’ve walked in on Hollis’s date!

More than pissed, I felt…devastated.

His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw me enter.

“Oh…uh…” I stammered. “I’m sorry.”

“What are you doing here?” he snapped.

“I think I left my phone. I was on the train and had to turn back.”

“You should’ve called or…knocked or something.”

Is he serious?

“I did knock, but apparently you were too busy to answer! Anyway, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I was hoping you wouldn’t be home.”

“Next time please don’t use your key after hours.”

My ears burned. I couldn’t believe he was treating me so rudely. Fuck him. Not to mention, he was planning to give this bitch my orgasm—the one I’d earned by playing this little game all week.

I lifted my chin. “Who’s this?”

“This is Sophia.” He turned to her. “Sophia, this is Elodie, Hailey’s nanny.”

“Hello,” she said, looking me up and down.

“Pleasure to meet you,” I said, my tone bitter.

I pushed past Hollis and ventured down the hallway without permission.

“Excuse me,” he said to her.

He followed as I went from room to room. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I told you. I’m looking for my phone.”

“You can’t just barge in here like this.”

Without stopping, I said, “Are you kidding me? I spend more time in this house than you do.”

I finally spotted my phone on the bathroom sink… I didn’t remember bringing my phone into the bathroom at all.

Did he take it in here?

Has he been looking at my photos?

Rage filled me.

No way I was letting him fuck that woman with my panties beneath them.

I barged into his bedroom and tossed his pillow aside to retrieve my thong. I felt around the sheets. There was nothing there. It was gone.

“Hollis, where is it?”

He tugged at his hair. His jaw ticked. But he said nothing.

“I’m not leaving without my underwear!” I shouted.

At that moment, we both turned and noticed Sophia standing in the doorway.

She didn’t look happy. “What the hell is going on?”

“Sophia, I’m really sorry about this,” he pleaded.

“Yeah. So am I,” she huffed. “Goodnight, Hollis.”

Her heels clicked against the marble floor as she marched down the hall to the foyer. After we heard the front door slam, silence filled the air.

Huey’s voice rang out in the distance. Baaa! “Anna’s home.”

“Are you happy now?” Hollis finally said.

“No, I’m not. Because I don’t have my underwear.”

“Do you see how ridiculous this situation is?”

“Actually, I don’t. You’ve been fucking with my mind all week—using me to get your rocks off. Then, I innocently come back here to retrieve my phone—which you probably looked through—to find you getting ready to fuck someone else.”

“How is it any of your business who I fuck under my own roof?”

“It is my business when you’ve been playing with my mind.”

He took a few steps toward me. “You started the game, Elodie.”

I pointed at his chest with my index finger. “Are you smoking crack? You started this by stealing my damn underwear.”

“That was a mistake,” he muttered. “It was just a prank.”

“A prank…”

He swallowed and said nothing.

I snapped my finger facetiously. “Oh! Because thirty-year-old men in suits who work on Wall Street go around pranking people like little children all the time.” I blew a breath up into my hair and held out my hand. “Look, just give me my panties back, and I’ll be on my way.”

He wouldn’t say anything.

“Come on, Hollis.”

He bit his bottom lip and said, “I can’t.”


“Because they’re not here.”

“Where are they?”

“They’re…in the laundry.”

“The laundry?”

His voice was low. “Yes.”

“Why are they…” I stopped when I figured it out.

He gritted his teeth. “I came home and saw them, and…I… Anyway, I thought I had until Monday to get them back to you.”

I felt my eyes widening. Was I horrified or completely turned on by the fact that he’d used my panties to jerk off? I mean, I knew that’s what he did with them; I just didn’t know he did it with them. I guess this was new.

In a sense, I guess I couldn’t fault him. I’d led him on to do exactly what he did. I was just frustrated that he’d chosen to not see me as anything more than this game. He’d invited Sophia to spend the evening with him—not me. And that spoke volumes.

I looked down at my feet. “I thought maybe this was…leading to something. Then I walk in and find you with her.” Laughing angrily, I said, “I’ve been kidding myself. To be honest, I’m hurt, Hollis. And I feel like a fool for feeling this way.”

I let out a frustrated breath and walked out toward the door.

He followed me. “Elodie, wait…”

But I kept on going.


On the subway ride home, it bugged the crap out of me that I’d found my phone in Hollis’s bathroom, because I didn’t remember bringing it in there. If I’d learned anything about the infuriating man, it was that if my gut said something was awry, it probably was.

I wondered if he’d been checking out my photos, maybe collecting a little spank-bank material for his jerk-off session before his big date. That was the part that upset me most—the thought that he used me to get off before his actual date. I’d thought I’d put my job with Soren behind me, but apparently my only use to any man was my looks. My cheeks heated with anger.

Yet I couldn’t help but be curious what photo might have done it for him. I wasn’t even sure what was on my phone anymore. I looked around the subway car; no one was sitting next to me or would see my phone. It would be the perfect time to scroll through, so I clicked to my photo app. The very first picture stopped me in my tracks.

What the hell?

I lifted my cell for a closer inspection.

At first I couldn’t make out exactly what it was; all I saw was tan skin. But then I turned the phone sideways, and I gasped. Oh my God!

Oh my freaking God!

I knew those clothes and that hand. Hollis had used my phone to take a selfie—a close-up of his lower half. The picture was shot from the belly button down. His dress shirt was hanging open, revealing killer abs and a deep-set V, and his slacks were unzipped with one hand pushing down the band to his boxer shorts. It didn’t reveal his dick, but it was sure as hell close. The entire photo was all taut skin, veins, and little bit of neatly trimmed hair right above where his shaft would be.

My mouth hung open. It was, without a doubt, the most erotic photo I’d ever laid eyes on, and I was most definitely in a state of shock that he’d taken it. After a few very intense minutes of studying every nuance of the shot, I swallowed and finally managed to snap out of it. I needed to swipe and see if he might’ve left me something else. Unfortunately that was the only one—not that anything more was needed.

I had no idea what to make of this new revelation. I suppose his plan had been to up the ante in our little game. If I could leave something enticing behind, so could he.

But now things had changed; our game had been cut short by an abrupt ending. Which begged the question—what should I do with this now? Other than the inevitable—adding it as material for my own version of a spank bank: the rub club.