Shadow Empire by Bri Blackwood



Istood near one corner of the large room and watched the crowd, avoiding anyone who wanted to strike up a conversation. I was still angry about not being able to find Malcolm, but I knew I was getting closer, and I couldn’t wait for him to pay. I shifted my thoughts as I could see a woman a short distance away trying to catch my attention, but I didn’t give in. Small talk or fucking that stranger wasn’t on the agenda tonight, but I couldn’t stop the thoughts of potential extracurricular activities with the woman who just entered my parents’ home. How I wished the crass images flying through my mind were on the table.

I noticed when Grace walked into the room because all eyes turned to her, whether she wanted them to or not. The way her dress flowed over her body would be enough to make anyone stop and stare, and that was before I got a glimpse at the slit that went up to her mid-thigh. Thoughts of how her legs could end up around my waist by the end of the night left my mind just as swiftly as they entered. There was no way that I was taking it there after all these years.

That didn’t mean the thoughts didn’t populate in my mind, however. Images of her lying across my bed had played a starring role in many dreams, but I knew it was a line I shouldn’t cross. Even as someone who listened to no one. My conscience told me that no good would come of it and I valued Hunter’s and Grace’s friendships too much to take things there. But that never stopped the thoughts I had about bringing her into my world.

I stood by and watched as she graduated from medical school and made a name for herself in medicine. I was without a doubt confident that she was one of the best damn doctors in the world and that was why I knew Anais was in good hands when I called her to help. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.


I turned my attention to my twin, who was talking enough for the two of us. I grunted in response.

“Grace has your attention?” He raised an eyebrow and watched as she walked toward the bar.

“Hardly.” I knew as soon as the lie fell from my lips that a smirk would appear on Gage’s face. “Don’t even start.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I’m sure you don’t,” I said, before turning my gaze back to her. I could use another drink if I was going to have to deal with my brother’s shit tonight. There was a conversation topic that I wanted to talk about, but knew we couldn’t here, though I knew it would get him off my back. “When you talk about why you aren’t around as much, then we can venture down the path that you want to go down.”

The smirk disappeared within seconds. “Hunter couldn’t make it tonight?”

I shook my head in response, noting the shift in conversation, but I added nothing to it. I was too busy wondering what Grace was up to.

“You know you could go over there and talk to her, right?”

I glanced at Gage briefly before shifting my gaze back to Grace. She was ordering a drink and I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A man was eyeing her in much the same way I was, and I could see in his eyes he was probably having similar thoughts. But was he going to make a move?

I shifted my stance slightly as I wondered what he was going to do, and my concentration was snapped when I heard Gage snicker beside me.

“Are you going to go over there and snap his neck, Ric?”

I debated whether it would be worth the consequences if I punched him in the face for shortening my name. He knew how much I detested it, yet still did it on occasion. But I didn’t because there was a more pressing matter at hand.

The man was moving closer to Grace, who had been served her drink, and I knew he was going to strike. And there was no way I was going to let that happen.

“Why don’t you do something useful and hold this?” I handed my empty glass to Gage and walked away before he could respond. I slowly made my way toward them, allowing the man to get in a few words.

“I was wondering if I could take you out to get to know you better. Maybe some place like Elevate?”

That’s when I decided to put an end to this. I took a step closer and placed a hand around Grace’s waist, pulling her to me.

“She’s not going anywhere with you, so cut the bullshit. You can leave before I escort you out. I don’t think either of us would want that, right?” The smile that was displayed on my lips was anything but friendly.

The man stared at me wide-eyed as his gaze jumped from me to Grace and back again. Grace was the first to speak.

“Just who do you think you are? Don’t talk about me as if I’m not standing right here and I can’t speak for myself. You can go to hell.” I could see the flames behind her eyes. It was taking everything in her to not lash out. I loved it.

“Look, I didn’t know that you two had something going on and I—”

Grace glared at me and said, “That’s because we don’t. Ignore him.”

The man in question looked between the two of us again before taking a small step back. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I know that I don’t want to be a part of it.”

“Excellent choice.”

“See you around, Grace.”

I almost growled, but he left without another word. All of my attention was now on Grace.

“How dare you.”

“How dare me? He was trying to proposition you to go to Elevate.”

“And? What does it matter to you? I’m an adult and can do as I please.”

“I was not going to allow you to go to Elevate with him.”

Grace jerked her head back before getting right in my face. “You don’t allow me to do anything. Now I’m going to leave before I cause a scene and embarrass you because I don’t care what they think about me.” Her brown eyes were shining brighter than I’d ever seen them before and not in a good way.

“We need to talk about this.”

Grace turned on her heel and walked away without a glance back at what she’d just left behind.