Kate and the Kraken by Honey Phillips

Chapter Twenty

A’tai fumed as he carried his mate back to their quarters. He should have known better than to return to Kapenta, or to have allowed his mother to dress Kate in such a provocative outfit. As soon as they had entered the ballroom, other males swarmed around her.

“You can put me down now,” Kate said from her position over his shoulder.


“You’re overreacting. One little dance—”

“It was two dances, and I saw the way he was looking at you,” he growled.

He had been forced to dance with Lady P’tris— who was old enough to be his grandmother—only to return and find Kate twirling merrily around the dance floor in the arms of a Kaisarian prince. When he had tried to reclaim her, he had been waylaid by people wanting to offer their congratulations.

“He was telling me that the new Emperor’s mate is human. Is that true?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” His hand clamped down even tighter on her delightfully round ass and felt her wiggle against him.

But he had every intention of finding out. If it was true, how many males would decide that having a human mate might ingratiate them with the new Emperor? Would they come looking for his female? He would never let his mate go, not even to the Emperor himself.

His instincts demanded that he assert his claim on his female, but they were still in a public area. He refused to let anyone see more of her luscious body than had already been revealed by the incredibly sensual dress. Although it did have one advantage… He adjusted his grip, letting his hand slide into the opening high on her hip so he could touch her soft skin directly.

He heard her breath catch as he touched her damp, silky curls.

“A’tai, you’re acting like a caveman,” she protested, but she pressed into his hand.

“There are no caves in Kapenta.” He slammed through the doors to his quarters and raced up the stairs.

“It means you’re acting like a primitive male,” she gasped as he threw her down on their bed.

“I feel like a primitive male,” he growled as he loomed over her.

The dark green gown was an erotic contrast to her pale skin, as dark as his moa when he entered her, and her skin shimmered with golden powder as if reflecting her arousal. Her nipples thrust against the silky fabric, so close to the deep neckline that a single movement would reveal them to his hungry gaze. He pushed the fabric aside, his mouth watering as the tight buds were revealed, already swollen and waiting.

He could not resist, leaning down to pull a rosy nub into his mouth. She arched into his touch, and his limbs stirred, anxious to restrain her, but he wanted her free to prove that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He curled his tongue around that taut peak and tugged, and she buried her hands in the thick strands of his hair, pulling him closer.

“You are mine, amali,” he growled against the damp flesh and felt her shiver.


He kissed his way down her soft stomach, then waited for her to spread her thighs. Her legs quivered, and then she slowly parted them, revealing her flushed folds, already glistening with arousal. He ran his tongue through the sweetness, then concentrated on her pleasure bud as she shook beneath him. One of his limbs slid into her channel and her body arched so violently he was almost dislodged, but still he did not restrain her into the mating position.

He looked up at her as more of his limbs curled around her swollen nipples.

“Are you going to fight me, Kate?”

Her eyes were dazed with pleasure, and he saw her struggle to focus on his words. “What?”

“Are you going to fight me?” His limb slipped free, seeking her tight bottom hole.

“Why would—oh my God.”

More arousal coated his tongue as his tip entered the tiny channel. His moa was so engorged that the mere brush of the sheets was agonizing.

“Are you going to fight me?” he asked a third time.

“No. Why do you keep asking?” His question finally penetrated and she frowned up at him.

“Because I want to know that you will give yourself to me. Completely. Willingly. Without restraints.”

He saw the understanding on her face.

“Completely. Willingly. Without restraints,” she repeated. “I love you, A’tai.”

He surged inside her, her incredibly tight cunt made even tighter by his limb filling her bottom hole. But she was the one holding on to him. She was the one pulling him closer. She was the one locking him against her body as his climax roared over him and hers echoed it in an endless wave of pleasure.

His jealousy was forgotten as he pressed soft kisses to every part of her body he could reach.

Her eyes were still closed, but her lips curved as she spoke.

“Okay. You can be a caveman whenever you want.”

The next morning,A’tai returned to his quarters feeling tired and grouchy. Last night had been immensely pleasurable, and he had wanted to spend the morning in bed with his mate. Instead he’d been forced to leave her in order to attend a tedious breakfast meeting, followed by a meeting with the other Houses concerning the algae issue—which had not gone well, but at least it was done. If they chose not to listen, it was no longer his problem. Perhaps he could still join Kate in bed…

No, he decided after glancing at the Sisters. She would be up by now. Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t persuade her back into it. Possibly even repeat the exquisite experience of the previous evening…

When he couldn’t find her in his study or the living room or the small dining area, he decided she must still be in bed. It had been a late night after all. His moa throbbed in anticipation as he slipped through the bedroom door. But the curtains were open, an untouched morning meal on the table by the window, and the bed empty. His mate had disappeared.

“Uauna!” he roared.

The shopping expeditionwas turning out to be surprisingly enjoyable, Kate decided. A message had arrived from E’lofi not long after A’tai had left. Uauna had delivered the message and sent a very young, wide-eyed maid to help her dress. He had also helpfully provided her with a small coin purse.

“I wasn’t really going to buy anything,” she said, trying to refuse. “Although I do have some kind of funds…”

At A’tai’s insistence she had accepted the account he had offered her, as well as the deed to the farmhouse, but she had no idea how to access it.

Uauna waved a dismissive hand. “Any major purchases will of course be charged to House Maulimu. This is simply for any small purchases you should wish to make.”


“You do not wish to disgrace the House,” he said firmly, and she sighed and took the purse.

She found E’lofi waiting for her in the forecourt of the palace, accompanied by two very large, imposing males.

“My bodyguards,” the girl explained. “It’s quite unnecessary but Papa insists, right, Leatino?”

“Yes, miss.”

“I thought we would start with clothing,” E’lofi continued, scanning Kate’s outfit.

“Am I dressed inappropriately?”

“You look very nice,” the other female said quickly, and Kate decided that meant yes.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“That shade was more popular last season, and hemlines have changed. But it’s quite acceptable,” E’lofi added hastily.

Kate sighed. After an entire lifetime of paying little attention to her clothes other than making sure they were clean, this wasn’t going to be easy.

“I really don’t know much about fashion,” she confessed.

“Don’t worry. I’m an expert.” E’lofi laughed as they started walking, the two bodyguards falling in behind them. “And the gown you wore last night was divine.”

“U’rsul sent it.”

“Really? She must like you.”

“I think it’s more likely she was afraid I would disgrace the House.”

“Perhaps. She does have exquisite taste.” E’lofi gave her an impish smile. “But so do I.”

The seamstress E’lofi took her to turned out to be very friendly. Faiofu didn’t even bat an eye at the fact that Kate was human.

“I’m quite used to offworlders,” she said airily. “Although it will be a pleasant change to dress one for our social events. Now I propose five or six tea gowns to begin with, an equal number of morning robes, and of course, the ball gowns. Nothing too elaborate, I think. It would be impossible to disguise your figure so we’ll accentuate it instead. Simple fabrics, perhaps, designed to follow your curves.”

“That seems like a lot of clothes,” Kate said, overwhelmed by the prospect.

E’lofi and Faiofu laughed.

“It’s only the beginning,” E’lofi assured her. “Assuming you intend to participate in the season?”

“I’m not really sure.” I hope not.

It turned out that the seamstress’s idea of simple fabrics was not the same as Kate’s. But despite her doubts, it was easy to get swept away in the excitement as the beautiful materials were draped over her body, then pinned and tucked to determine the most flattering lines. Overwhelmed by the sheer number and variety of options, she let E’lofi and Faiofu make most of the decisions. Nothing as vulgar as cost was ever mentioned, but she left suspecting they had spent quite a lot of A’tai’s money.

“Now that you’ve seen one of our most exclusive shops, you should experience the other side,” E’lofi said cheerfully. “Let’s go to the market.”

“Miss E’lofi,” Leatino said, a warning clear in his tone. “You know your father doesn’t like you to go there. He thinks it’s too dangerous.”

“Just a quick trip?” E’lofi gave the big male a pleading look. “I know you won’t let anything happen to us. Please?”

Somehow Kate wasn’t surprised when he sighed and agreed. As she had told Kate the night before, the girl was extremely good at getting what she wanted. But as Kate stared wide-eyed at the bustling market, she was glad Leatino had given in. The market reminded her of a cross between a middle eastern bazaar and a bar from a science fiction movie. It was the first place she had been where there were almost as many aliens as Mafanans.

The packed stalls were covered by brightly colored canopies and offered an astonishing variety of products for sale. Vendors yelled out their wares or bargained heatedly with their customers. E’lofi skipped along, choosing a tray of sweets here, a collection of glittering bracelets there, and a number of other small, colorful items. Her bodyguards stoically took charge of her purchases.

Kate trailed along behind her, content just to observe, until they passed a stall heaped with colorful scrolls. They reminded her of the scrolls so frequently piled on A’tai’s desk, and she stopped to look.

“Very ancient,” the vendor assured her, rushing to her side. He was a weathered Mafanan male. “And very rare.”

“I’m sure.” She suspected they were more likely mass produced in this world’s version of China, but they were beautifully done. A deep green scroll caught her eye, and she recognized the name Namoa in the intricate script.

As she debated purchasing it for A’tai, a small body barreled into her side and she looked down to see a young Mafanan boy. He gave her a wide grin as he apologized, then started to dart away.

A big hand clamped down on the boy’s shoulder instead.

“Return it immediately,” Leatino ordered.

“Return what?” she asked.

“He picked your pocket.”

Sure enough, her small collection of coins had disappeared.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the boy whined, just as E’lofi came rushing over.

“What happened?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.

Leatino turned to tell her, and the boy took advantage of his momentary distraction to wiggle out from under his grip. He turned to run—and collided with A’tai.

A’tai snatched him up and tossed him back to Leatino, his outraged glare never leaving her face. His whole body was flushed red with anger. Oops.

“Home. Now,” he ordered.

“See?” E’lofi whispered. “Intense.”

“Umm, yeah. Thank you for the shopping trip. I hope we can—”

She didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence before A’tai pulled her against his side and half-marched, half-carried her back towards the palace.

“Are your meetings finished?” she asked breathlessly.

“Yes.” His face could have been etched from granite.

“Do you have any more?” she tried again.

“Yes. But they will wait until I’ve dealt with you.”

That sounded disturbingly ominous, but her own temper was beginning to flare. “Why are you so angry?”

He came to a halt so quickly that she would have stumbled if he hadn’t held her upright. “Do you really want to do this now? Here?”

They had reached the forecourt of the palace and they were surrounded by interested faces.

“I guess not.”


He resumed the forced march, and she bit her lip and did her best to keep up. As soon as the door to their quarters closed behind them, he whirled around to face her.

“Where in the Sisters were you?”

“You know where I was—you just found me there.”

“After searching for you for over an hour. Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?”

“You weren’t here! You said you were going to be in meetings all day.”

“That doesn’t mean I didn’t want to know where you were. I expected to find you where I left you!”

“I’m not some kind of toy you can put on a shelf until you’re ready to play with me. First it was the lab, and now this.”

“I built you a lab!”

“So you wouldn’t have to let me out of your sight!”

They glared at each other, both of them panting. A door opened somewhere close by, letting in the sound of conversation, and he grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom. His grip was gentle, despite his anger, but inescapable.

“Don’t you know what could have happened to you?” he demanded, once they were in the bedroom. “The market is exactly the type of place where someone might try and abduct you.”

Her heart skipped a beat. Was that true? Or was he just being the same overly possessive male who had flipped out because she danced with another male? The colorful, bustling market had seemed safe enough.

“We had two bodyguards with us,” she pointed out.

He snorted. “Some bodyguards. They let that boy rob you. Would they even have noticed if someone tried to steal you away from me?”

The fact that he might have a point only made her angrier. E’lofi’s bodyguards had been much more focused on the girl than on her. She forced herself to take a deep breath.

“I promise you that I was perfectly safe. I know I should have left you a message, and next time—”

“There will not be a next time.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are not going anywhere without me again.”

“You’re insane!”

“Then you are responsible for my insanity. I will keep you safe if I have to keep you locked in this room for the next ten years.”

He turned and strode towards the door.

“A’tai, wait. Listen to me!”

“No,” he said and left, slamming the door behind him with an ominous click.

When she tried to open the door, she discovered that it was locked. Her eyes narrowed as her anger escalated. He thought he could confine her to their bedroom? They’d just have to see about that.

A’tai was still pacing angrilywhen his mother appeared at the entrance to his study. Despite his rage, he had been wrestling with the urge to return and apologize to Kate—even though she was clearly in the wrong—and the last thing he needed was to listen to more of his mother’s complaints. His first impulse was to demand that she leave, but since she so rarely made the effort to visit his quarters, it must be important.

“Do you need something, Mother?”

Instead of responding, she drifted into the room. She scanned the red still flickering on his skin, then moved away to casually examine the contents of his shelves. He prayed for patience.

“Where is your… mate?” she asked finally, fingering a colorful geode.

He started to tell her it was none of her business, then sighed. He suspected she already knew. “Confined to my quarters. She took a foolish risk, and I will not permit her to repeat that.”

“Yes, I heard.” U’rsul arranged herself gracefully in the chair by the window and studied his face. “You are so much like your father.”

“Is that what you came to tell me?”

She ignored him, studying her manicured hands. “You know, I really did love your father very much. I suspect you don’t believe me, but it’s quite true.”

He shrugged uncomfortably. “I believe you enjoyed having him care for you.”

“You really don’t understand.” She gazed out the window. “I was thrilled when he chose me as his mate. He was so big and handsome and ambitious. I dreamed of us working together to strengthen the House.”

He believed her. While he didn’t remember her participating in House affairs while his father was alive, she had been invaluable since then.

“You were very helpful after he died,” he admitted.

“And yet you never wondered why I knew so much?” Her gaze was unnervingly penetrating. “I was always interested, but I discovered early in our union that was not what he wanted from me. He wanted a helpless female that he could care for and protect.”

“I don’t believe you.” Or did he? He suddenly remembered a time when he was very young. His mother had taken him sailing, and they had been gone for most of the day. Despite a series of mishaps, they’d had a delightful day, but they had returned to find his father enraged. As enraged as he had been this morning.

“You don’t have to believe me.” His mother rose and adjusted her gown. “But consider this. What do you truly want? An intelligent female who will share your life? Or a possession that you can wrap in silk and only bring out to play with?”

Without giving him a chance to respond, she slipped out of the room.

“I’m not like that,” he protested to the empty room. But there was an uncomfortable ring of truth to her words. With her quick intelligence and her surprising perspective on things, Kate was more than capable of being a true partner to him.

And yet since they had arrived in Kapenta, all he’d been able to think about was how many ways she could be hurt. Or taken from him.

By the Sisters, his mother was right. He needed to find his mate and apologize. But when he opened the locked door, their chamber was empty. Kate had vanished.