Adversaries by T.L. Hodel

My arms braced on my handlebars and leaned forward as Naomi skittered across the street, heels clicking on the asphalt. I watched the moonlight bounce off her golden hair that flowed like a waterfall down her back to that perfect ass tightly wrapped in black fabric.

Was she wearing a tiny little thong under that dress, or was she secretly a granny panties kind of girl? I couldn’t wait to find out.

“There she is.” Mannix bumped me with his elbow. “Let’s go.”

I held up my hand. “Not yet.”

Every muscle in my body was ready to ride over there and grab her now, but this shit had to go down a certain way. Naomi wasn’t the kind of girl to just fall in line. I’d have to break the bitch down.

Something I was very much looking forward to doing. Clive Prescott pretty much told us to go to hell, which is exactly where I planned on dragging his daughter.

The prick may as well have handed his daughter over on a silver fucking platter. Every carnal desire that cunt made me feel was going to be taken out on that tight body of hers.

By the time I was done with that little bitch, she wouldn’t be daddy’s good girl anymore. She’d be mine.

“What are we waiting for?” Mannix whined, “She’s alone. There’s no one out. We couldn’t ask for better timing.”

I glared over at him and reiterated, “Not yet.”

“You’re making this more difficult than it has to be,” he sighed and crossed his arms.

“Calm down.” Tanner slapped him on the back. “You can’t rush this shit.”

“It’s a kidnapping.” Mannix rolled his glare Tanner’s way. “Rushing is kind of in the job description.”

Tanner let out an exasperated breath.

“You see that?” He said, pointing through the bushes we were hiding behind at Naomi as she slipped into her sorority house. “That’s what we call an alpha female. Very hard to tame. You can’t just rush out and grab the bitch. You have to make a show of it. Charge into her pack and let everyone know who’s in charge.”

I was a little concerned that Tanner’s fucked up safari explanation actually made sense.

Mannix just snorted. “Okay, Davy Crockett.”

While we both arched a brow at him, Tanner was the one to question it.

“Davy Crockett?”

“Yeah motherfucker, Davy Crockett,” Mannix ground out at him. “You got a problem with Davy Crockett?”

“No, man. I ain’t got no problem.” Tanner held up his hands in defeat and shook his head, but I could see the smile tugging on the corner of his mouth. “Davy’s a cool dude. He’s got that raccoon hat and shit.”

Mannix grumbled under his breath and shifted his gaze back to the house. Thank-fucking God. I did not want another snow-cones-are-made-from-real-snow incident. I’d just fished Tanner’s scrawny ass out of some alley and brought him back to the clubhouse.

The first thing he did was get in a three-hour-long argument with Mannix. After which, he proceeded to annoy the shit out of Beast. I was honestly surprised the idiot survived puberty.

“How fucking long are we gonna wait?”

“Oh, relax,” Tanner snickered, “raccoons are nocturnal. There’s plenty of hunting left to do.”

Mannix’s unimpressed glare turned my way. “I’m gonna shoot him.”

“Careful, motherfucker. You may have fought at the Alamo, but I’m the quickest draw in the west.” Tanner pulled out his 9mm and spun it around his finger.

Mannix clicked his tongue off his cheek and arched an impatient eyebrow my way.

Honestly, I didn’t know what I was waiting for. We could’ve grabbed Naomi when she came out of that party down the street, but the only thing I could focus on was the yuppie prick with his arm around her shoulder.

I was so close to shooting that son of a bitch, that I had to send Tanner to drive by and scare him off. Which I knew would work because of the looks we got when we rolled onto campus. Guess the Reaper drive-by was good for something.

I fired up the engine and kicked my hog into gear. “Let’s do this.”

Tanner and Mannix straightened up and followed my lead. Our engines roared through the silence as we drove across the street and onto the bullet riddle yard. Despite what some thought, I did feel bad about that. It was never my intention to put those girls in danger. Naomi… well that was different.

Tanner and I stepped off our hogs and took the few steps to the door while Mannix stayed with the bikes to keep watch. The last thing I expected to see when we walked inside, was that crazy little blonde struggling to lift an unconscious girl on the couch.

The act itself wasn’t out of the ordinary. The tiny thing had her feet propped up against the coffee table and was using her back to push the other girl up. It was the outfit she was wearing.

We stopped and looked at her.

She stopped and looked at us.

Tanner propped his elbow on my shoulder. “Aww, isn’t she cute?”

Cute is definitely not the word I’d use. I cocked a brow at the way too big shoulder pad and pink tutu the girl was wearing.

“You want some help, Sweetheart?”

She glared at Tanner through the helmet on her head. “I can do it.”

“Well, you have fun with that,” I slapped Tanner on the back and then threw my thumb over my shoulder. “Naomi upstairs?”

“Yup,” Preston’s sister nodded and spun around to use her arms to roll the other girl up on the couch. “Her room’s the one with the prom queen sash.”

Of course, it was.

I left Tanner to deal with her and headed up the stairs. One good thing about crazy, most times, they didn’t give a shit what you were doing.

Sure enough, once I rounded the corner at the top of the stairs, there it was. A white sash hanging across a door down the hall. I stepped up and fingered the Ashworth emblem beside the words prom queen. Was this scrap of fabric really that important to Naomi?

This title didn’t mean shit in the real world. Half the prom queens I knew were now flipping burgers or sucking dick for a living. It pissed me off that she put this much stock in something so stupid.

Time to show the prom queen what her future holds.

I flung open the door and froze.

Various tiaras and way too many clothes took up half of the room, but I was more focused on the bed. Naomi’s head was back, eyes closed as her lips parted with quiet moans.

I licked my lips and slid my gaze over her heaving chest to the hand I could see moving beneath the pink silk sheet.

Fuck me.

“Damn. We have good timing.”

Naomi squealed, and I twisted my neck to glare at Tanner’s stupid smile.

There was no hesitation. I growled, “Get the fuck out,” and shoved him in the hall.

After that, I kicked the door shut and spun around. Naomi didn’t freak out or try to cover herself up. She simply sat up and stared at me with hatred burning in those light green eyes. I could literally feel the heat of her rage burning through the air.

“Enjoy the show?”

“Not as much as you.” My eyes landed on her pert nipples, pressing against the thin fabric of her white teddy. “Did you come, Princess?”

“That wasn’t going to happen,” her pink lips twisted in a sneer, “I was thinking about you.”

My dick twitched.

Yeah, you fucking were.

She arched a perfectly shaped brow as if daring me to challenge her. I held back the smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth and leaned against the small dresser next to the door.

Alright, Princess, I’ll play your game.

“Well, by all means, continue,” I waved my hand and crossed my ankles. “I’ve never been one to deny a lady her orgasm.”

“You wanna watch me?”

I damn near blew my load when she tore the sheet off her body and spread her legs. She was a thong kind of girl. The one she was wearing didn’t have much for coverage either.

I could see her juicy pink pussy right through that scrap of white lace. Almost fucking groaned at the sight, and then her fingers slid underneath.

“Fucking pervert.” Her finger twirled around her clit, making her mouth part in a gasp. “You like that?”

Fuck yeah, I did.

I could watch this shit all day. It was incredibly hard to stop myself from whipping my cock out and joining her. Especially when she dipped her finger inside her opening.

My cock got harder with every flick and swirl. Until I noticed something. When I looked up into her eyes, I didn’t see lust or need. I saw frustration. Ashworth’s perfect prom queen had no idea how to get herself off.

Now, this was interesting.

“How’s it going, Princess? That pussy ready to pop yet?”

“Of course not,” her jaw ticked, “you’re here.”

I pushed off the dresser and stalked over to her, taking my time to enjoy the moment. The smell of Naomi’s wet cunt, along with tiny little huffs of irritation. It was so fucking erotic. I couldn’t stop myself from crawling over her.

“I’m never going to come if you’re this close,” she breathed up at me.

“Is that the problem?” I tipped my head to roll my eyes down her curves. “Or is it because you have no idea what you’re doing?”

“Of course, I know what I’m doing.” She stopped fingering herself and glared up at me. “It’s my body.”

A slow smirk spread across my face. “I don’t think you do.”

That pissed her off. Her hand snapped out of her panties and swung at me. I snatched her wrist and sucked her fingers in my mouth, groaning as the sweet taste of her pussy exploded across my tongue. She tasted just as fucking good as she looked.

“Is this your idea of foreplay?” she snarled, trying to sound pissed, but I saw her shiver. “Cause it’s seriously lacking.”

My tongue wrapped around her fingers, sucking off every drop, before I slid them out of my mouth and slammed her arm down on the bed above her head.

“Foreplay would imply that I was going to fuck you.” I tsked and pulled her other arm up. “Let’s call this a lesson.” I leaned down and growled in her ear, “You have to earn my dick, Princess.”

“I don’t want your dick.”

Ignoring her snarls, I slid my hand down her stomach and over her hip to the scrap of lace nestled between her thighs.

“The pussy is a delicate creature,” I traced my fingers along the edge of her thong and up her wet slit. “Sometimes, you have to coax her into cooperating.”

Naomi shuttered out a breath and lifted her hips. “You can’t coax shit.”

“The clit for example,” I continued, “is so sensitive, sometimes you just need to add a little friction.” She gasped as I pressed down on her panties and swirled around her clit. “Lace is the perfect material to give a little bit of texture to the feeling. With the right amount of pressure…”

I pinched her swollen nub between my thumb and forefinger, attempting to pull a moan from her. Those pouty pink lips parted and sucked in a breath, but no sound came out.

That wasn’t going to deter me. Before we left this room, I’d not only get my moan. I’d hear her scream.

“Of course, there’s always the stubborn pussies.”

One flick of my wrist, I had her thong torn off and flung across the room. Her tight walls clamped around my fingers as I shoved them in her wet entrance, causing a deep groan to rumbled through my chest.

She was so fucking hot and silky that it took all my willpower to tame my aching cock.

“Those ones you have to go deep for,” I said while hooking my fingers to look for that spot that made women’s eyes cross. “Drag the orgasm out kicking and screaming.”

The instant I felt that spongy flesh, I went for it, pounding my fingers into her hard. Banging that spot over and over again.

Finally, she gave me what I wanted. Naomi’s back arch as her mouth spewed out cursed moans.

“Feel that, Princess,” I slid my tongue up her neck, savoring the salty taste of her sweat-coated ecstasy. “That’s a man controlling your pussy.”

Three more pumps and her nails were digging into my shoulders as she screamed out an orgasm that squirted all over my hand.

There was nothing more beautiful than a woman cumming. Naomi took that to a whole new level. Her entire body flushed as her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and I’d never wanted anyone more.

I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing a hold of her hair and slamming her head back.

“You’re gonna fucking do that again,” I growled and fucked her harder with my fingers.

Even though she shook her head, I got what I wanted. Orgasms were easy once the g-spot was triggered. A few good strokes, and she was going off again, this time, begging me not to do it again.

“No more,” she pled through the shudders rocking her system. “I can’t.”

As much as I’d love to keep this up all night and put the bitch in her place, I came here for a reason. There’d be plenty of time to fuck with her later.

“Get dressed,” I said, giving her pussy a good slap. “You’re coming with me.”