Adversaries by T.L. Hodel

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

My palms flattened on Chase’s broad chest. Partially to stop the room from spinning, but mostly to push him off me. Neither of which worked.

His brow lifted, “You seem to think you have a choice.”

I don’t care to what voodoo God he prayed to make me come, no one told me what to do. He just got lucky, that’s all. I’d worked myself up before he got here, and it was my body, so one could argue that I gave myself an orgasm.

“Unless you think you’ll have a hard time walking?”

My eyes rolled at his statement. This time when I pushed him, he rolled off me. I shrugged off the shiver racing across my skin and sang, “Feel free to leave anytime.”

Chase was a large man, but when he sat up, the small bed the sorority expected me to sleep in looked tiny. Wouldn’t be a problem with my bed back home, which I wasn’t allowed to bring, because the bedrooms only had so much room.

“I don’t have all night,” he said while giving me a scolding stare.

“Like I said.” Despite the way my pussy clenched, I returned his look with a sneer of my own. “Feel free to leave anytime.”

I got up to go to the bathroom. Whatever the hell Chase did to me was halfway down my thighs. The only satisfaction I got was knowing that my orgasm got him too. His shirt was a little wet.

I, however, didn’t have to wait to clean up. Problem was, when I stood up, my knees buckled. Thankfully, Chase didn’t notice anything. He was too busy grabbing my hair and pulling me back down.

“Listen here, you stuck up, little cunt.” His face appeared above mine, growling down at me. “One way or another, you’re coming with me.”

I glared right back at him. “No, you listen to me. I don’t give a shit who you think you are. You’re nothing to me. Less than nothing. Go order one of your little biker sluts around.”

When his jaw clenched, I smiled a little.

“I wouldn’t knock those biker sluts, Princess. They have something you don’t.”

“And what’s that?”

Couldn’t wait to hear this.


My eyes narrowed. I may not be the most pleasant person, but I could guarantee that I had more tact than those tube top-wearing hoes.

“Now here’s what going to happen,” his dark eyes met mine. “You’re going to get your ass up, put some fucking clothes on, and walk out that door with me.”

Keep dreaming, asshole.

“I could end you with a single phone call.”

“Go ahead, Princess. Call daddy.” Something about the way he snickered when he released his hold on my hair flipped a pit of unease in my gut. “Save me the trouble of letting him know I took my payment.”

I sat up and eyed him. “What do you mean payment?”

“Daddy fucked up. Until he decides to man-up,” he shrugged, “you get to pay the price.”

He had to be bluffing. Daddy wouldn’t get tied up in anything scum like Chase had their hands in. Our town was run by powerful men. All of which had my dad’s back. They even made sure he stayed mayor.

“When Micha hears about this…”

“Who do you think sent me?”

My brows furrowed. Micha wouldn’t do that, would he?

“I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t really give a shit what you believe.” Chase huffed out a sigh and pulled me across the bed. “And I’m done arguing with you.”

Before I could blink, he had me hoisted over his shoulder and was walking out my bedroom door. This was a new predicament for me.

One I wasn’t quite sure what to do about? Six-foot tall girls didn’t generally get tossed over someone’s shoulder. Staring at the floor, which seemed so far down, wasn’t helping.

It took a few minutes for me to regain my bearings, but when I did, I went full force—kicking my legs while screaming and pounding into his back with my fists.

Know what that got me? Three hard smacks on my ass which was on full display, by the way, because someone tore off my underwear.

“Put me down, right now!” I demanded with a quick kick.

I could’ve gone completely feral, scratching and pulling his hair, but then I risked him losing his footing and both of us toppling to the ground.

And there was no need for me to get hurt. I mean, I didn’t want to break a nail before I had my next appointment booked.

I turned my head and looked over my shoulder at the asshole carrying me, “This isn’t funny.”

“Do you hear me laughing?” Chase stated flatly.

Tanner stepped up behind us and smiled at me. “I say we gag her.”

Managing to grab a statuette as we traveled through the entranceway, I hurled it at Tanner.

“Gag this.”

He easily ducked out of the way and tsked. “Didn’t daddy teach you any manners?”

Oh, he wanted manners, did he? I’d give him all the manners he wanted as I ripped out his heart. Please tell me this hurts, and thank you for dying slowly.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to dip into that uncivilized rage because, like a savior in an epic tale, Ava came running up.

“Wait,” she yelled as the front door opened and cool air kissed my skin, “she’ll need this.”

Ava held up a bag, and my face dropped.

Saviour, more like evil sidekick.

“Ava?” I swung my hands over the man kidnapping me. “Do something.”

“I did,” she smiled and pressed the bag into Tanner’s chest. “I packed you some clothes.”

You’ve got to be kidding me!

When Chase stepped outside, I thought I’d have a few minutes before I was tossed in a creep van or something, but I didn’t even get that because his damn bike was parked by the door.

No, I couldn’t be taken away in a safe vehicle like a normal kidnappee. No, I had to get tossed over a damn Harley.

I tried once again yelling at my friend as Chase sat down on the bike, “I’m being kidnapped here!”

“Okay, bye. Have fun,” Ava waved from the door.

“You are the worst friend ever!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure someone takes notes for you.”

Chase dropped me down in front of him, so my legs were wrapped around his waist, and I was staring right at him.

“I hate you,” I hissed in his face.

“Hang on, Princess.” With a loud roar, the bike came to life, vibrating up my bare ass. “It’s a bumpy ride.”

That’s all the warning I got before he took off. The only thing I could do was bury my face in his chest and hang on for dear life.

It felt like I was trapped on that bike forever. The rush past, whipping over my skin in sharp cold spikes. The only warmth I got was from Chase’s hard body, which I firmly wrapped myself around.

That didn’t help calm down my pulse. My heart was fluttering wildly, expecting my body to be flung off at any second.

Every time he leaned to turn a corner, I squealed and clung onto him harder. When we finally came to a stop, I was so tightly plastered against him, I may as well have been a second skin.

Of course, that didn’t last long. I lept off the bike and away from Chase faster than a kangaroo on steroids.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I snarled while flinging my hands in the air. “You can’t just throw someone on your bike and peal down the road like some maniac. Are you trying to kill me?”

Chase swept his hand over the Harley’s seat, and held up his fingers. Displaying the glistening wetness I’d left behind. “You seemed to enjoy it.”

I was tempted to yell that I’d almost pissed myself, except I would never do that. A lady was always proper and clean. Instead, I stamped my foot on the gravel ground and stormed away.

Yeah, it hurt walking on the rocky terrain, but that was nothing compared to ten hours in stilettos. So, bring on the jagged edges digging into my feet. I was going home.

Chase had other ideas. I’d barely made it two steps when I was scooped up in his massive arms.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I swung my arm up and slapped him in the face. “Away from you.”

My strike barely phased him. So, I did it again, and again, and one more time, until he flipped me over his shoulder again. This time he at least had the decency to throw something over my ass.

Not that I cared if the men hooting and hollering behind me saw anything–I knew I looked good–it was the principal of the matter.

Chase walked us into the clubhouse, and up the stairs, past the room, I found him in yesterday. I wondered if the vase had left a mark on the wall. Hopefully, they’d cleaned it up by now.

The room we entered appeared to be a bedroom or some kind of apartment. There was a bed in the corner, some crappy ass old couch next to a wall, and what looked like a monitor or television.

I didn’t get a chance to see well because Chase shrugged me off his shoulder and onto the most uncomfortable mattress. The springs squeaked as I bounced back against the headboard.

“Welcome to your new life, Princess,” Chase waved his hand over the area, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the tack shell patterned wallpaper.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is your life.” I picked a piece of fuzz of the scratchy wool blanket and flicked it. “Mine doesn’t have shag carpet.”

His brows furrowed down at the floor. “What’s wrong with my carpet.”

So much, I didn’t know where to start.

“I’ll let you figure that out,” I pushed off the bed and sprang for the door. “I’m going…”

I huffed out a sigh. On the other side, standing guard, was that big guy Chase had with him. His large hand reached out, shoved me back into the room, and closed the door.

“You’re not going anywhere unless I let you.”

I spun around and glared at Chase, who was leaning on a small desk with his arms crossed.

“Until daddy decides to play nice, your ass is mine. Every breath you take, every meal you eat, is because I let you.” He rose and slowly stalked closer. “If I want you to get on your knees, you better damn well drop.”

I cocked my hip and arched a brow at him. The day I got on my knees for this man was the day I burned my entire Jimmy Choo collection.

“The only words I want to hear out of your mouth,” his gaze darkened as he stepped up and puffed his chest out, “are yes, Sir, and thank you, Sir.”

Did he think this shit was going to scare me? Oh no, the big bad man was being mean. Please bitch, I reinvented the word mean.

“You’re going to use me to get back at my father. Is that your brilliant plan?” I tore off my teddy and moved in the last few inches, pressing myself up against him. “Go ahead, Sir,” I lifted my chin, rolling my eyes up to his, “use me.”

The only response I got was a nostril flare.

“Huh?” I turned my back to him and sauntered away. “That’s what I thought.”

Two seconds later, I was face down on the mattress, with Chase’s heavy hand pressing into my shoulder blades.

“You don’t decide when shit happens, Princess.”

“Whatever,” I grumbled back at him.

My body sunk into the bed, preparing to take what was coming. Imagine my surprise when the only thing he did was clip a handcuff around my wrist.

“Night, night, Princess.” He clicked in my ear before strutting across the room and out the door. “Get some sleep. You’re going to need it.”

I looked up at the metal chain attaching me to the iron headboard. “Son of a bitch.”