Adversaries by T.L. Hodel

Itore my arm out of Tanner’s grip and snarled, “Don’t touch me.”

“You’re the one that wanted to put up a fight.” He shrugged.

Was he really surprised? Of course, I was going to put up a fight. These assholes kidnapped me. Well, one asshole did, but the rest were complicit, and that was just as bad. If not worse.

I stopped in the hall and crossed my arms, to which Tanner raised a brow.

“You sure you want to play this game again?”

As much as I would love putting him in his place with a kick to the nads, I’d already tried that. I also tried slapping him, biting him, and scratching him. Guess how many strikes I landed?

Tanner wasn’t as big as Chase–I don’t think anyone was–but he still had bulging muscles. It wasn’t fair that he was also deceptively graceful. He dodged every single one of my attacks and pinned me on the ground in under two minutes.

“Well, Princess,” the corner of his mouth lifted in amusement. “You wanna go for round two?”

My gaze narrowed on the smugness sparkling in his bright eyes. If I didn’t hate him before, I sure as hell did now.

“Ugh, whatever.” I waved my hand and walked down the hall, taking the lead despite not knowing where we were going. I’d be damned if I was going to let Tanner lead me anywhere.

Squirrely bastard.

Tanner tsked and tipped his head to the right when I turned to go left. My eyes rolled in displeasure, but I followed his directions.

My bare feet padded on the cold floor, sending a shiver up my legs with every step. God, I missed my heels. Hell, I’d be satisfied with clothes that fit. I was still wearing the makeshift outfit I’d put together. Freaking Ava.

I hope she was enjoying this because when I saw her, I was going to kick her ass.

“This way, Sweetheart.” Tanner threw his thumb down a dimly lit hallway.

I eyed the door at the end. Where the hell was he taking me? A damn dungeon? We were in the basement of Chase’s club quarters, or house, or whatever the hell he called it.

It was shitty upstairs, and it was shitty down here. Though I did have to admit, the cement walls and floor I was walking through did give the basement an eerie ambiance. I almost missed the shag carpet.

Tanner stopped next to the door and leaned against the wall. “Go on.”

“What’s in there?” I asked while staring at the brass doorknob. The door was black, which didn’t exactly bode well for what was on the other side.

I grew up around shady people and learned early on that the color someone chose for something could tell a lot. Micha, for instance, his entire room was black with splashes of red, and that man had some dark desires.

Nothing like Logan Hudson there was seriously something wrong with that boy. Not particularly surprising given who his father was.

Chase was different. The last thing I expected him to have was an ominous corridor of death with a black door at the end. I didn’t like it when people were unpredictable.

That’s when you wound up with the happy school teacher, singing ‘Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows,’ as she mowed down a mall full of people.

I cocked my hip and nodded at the door. “After you.”

“Aww,” Tanner popped his bottom lip out and sang, “is the princess scared?”

“I am not scared.” Just a little unsure. “I don’t get scared.”


I scoffed at the disbelief openly displayed on his face, though it was the spark of amusement that pissed me off. With a firm eye roll, I swung open the door and stepped inside.


I stood there stunned for a second as the door clicked shut behind me. This room was kind of elegant, filled with black leather furniture and plush purple pillows.

My eyes swung from a pair of manacles hanging on the wall in the corner to a large four-poster bed at the far left end.

I’d seen a room similar to this once when Micha took me to his father’s ‘club.’ There were various playrooms set up in the underground of Malum.

This, I was not expecting, and I was slightly concerned. Why did men always set these places up in basements? Was there something wrong with the sun?

“What took you so long, Princess?”

I was so busy gawking at my surroundings that I hadn’t noticed Chase on the right side of the room. My brow lifted as he pulled a tripod out of a bag. Was he…

“Are you setting up a camera?”

He completely ignored me and continued pulling out equiptment.

“I am not letting you film me.”

Chase lifted his head and cocked a brow at me. “Let?”

Yes, let. Who the hell did he think he was? I wasn’t one of his little shanks.

“If I did do video–which I don’t–you would be the last person I did it with.”

It wasn’t a complete lie. I had done a video or two with Micha and Logan, but those were personal. If they got out, they had just as much to lose as I did. What did Chase have?

Worn-out jeans and a shag carpet. Shag! I still couldn’t believe that. Come on, biker boy, join the rest of us in this century.

“Let’s get one thing straight.” He straightened up, rolled his shoulders back, and strutted over to me. “You’ll do whatever the fuck I tell you to. Wherever I tell you, whenever I tell you.”

Is that so?

I stepped right up and glared in his eyes. “Or what?”

“Or daddy will get a better video than I had planned.”

That’s what this was about. Chase would try and make me cry, so daddy would break and give him what he wanted. Fuck that. I wasn’t going to help him do shit. If he wanted me to fight him, then I’d do the exact opposite.

Activate sex kitten mode.

I dropped my head enough so I could peek up through my fluttering lashes. “You gonna teach daddy a lesson?”

He gave me nothing in response. No twitch in his stern expression, or glint in his stare. Just a huff as he crossed his arms and leaned back, saying, “That’s the plan.”

Hum. That usually worked. Guess I’d have to dive deeper in my seductress repertoire. Spotting a whip hanging on the wall behind Chase, I sauntered slowly around his large frame. Making sure to put an extra sway in my hips.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I purred and reached out to stroke the whip. Delicately caressing the leather strands as I glanced over my shoulder at him, “Rough me up a little?”

The first cracks in his stony exterior started to show. I had to hold back a smirk as Chase forced a swallow down his throat and licked his lips.

“What are you doing?”

“You wanted me to put on a show.” I made my way to the bed and wrapped my fingers around one of the posts. “That’s what I’m doing.”

Chase’s gaze darkened as he rolled his eyes down my body and back up. Something about the way he was staring at me, with that same glint in his deep brown orbs that I saw in the video, caused a shiver to wrack through my system. For half a second, I forgot what I was doing until he cleared his throat.

“What kind of show are you going to give me, Princess?”

Was he calling my bluff? Alright, let’s see you call this Mr. Mathers.

“What kind of show do you want?” I pulled my bottom lip in my mouth and crawled up on the bed. Surprisingly this mattress was soft. Why the hell didn’t he sleep down here?

“Should I finger myself again? Get my pussy nice and wet? Or maybe,” I arched my back, presenting my ass, and gave one cheek a firm swat. “You want to spank me?”

God, please spank me.

My brows furrowed at my thought. That video I came across may be stuck in the back of my brain, but that didn’t mean I wanted the brute to spank me. My gaze landed on Chase’s large hands, twitching at his side.


How was he so calm? If my heart was pounding a mile a minute, then his should be visibly throbbing. He should be panting right now. I was practically serving myself up on a silver platter. How many girls of my caliber would even play this game with him.

Pay attention, Naomi. You’re in charge here. Not him.

My lips curled as I slid off the bed and stalked back over to him.

“You seem confused, Mr. Mathers.” I could’ve sworn I heard him groan. “Maybe you want me to do something to you?”

I stepped up to him and dragged my finger down his chest. Tracing lightly over the hard ridges under his shirt. A plain white Walmart t-shirt should not look that good on anyone.

“Don’t get any ideas, Princess.” Chase grabbed my ass and yanked me up against him. “You’re not that good an actress.”

Pushing my anger down–no one called me out–I slid my hands around his hips and grabbed a handful of his ass. “I’m not acting.”

Which was a real problem because a large part of me wasn’t playing a façade. I literally had to stop myself from moaning a little at the firmness of his ass.

“You wouldn’t be trying to get me to finger your hot little cunt again, would you?”

Dirty talk should not be this hot.

“Oh, no,” I gave him my best pout and lifted up to whisper in his ear, “this is about you.”

“Uh-huh.” Chase leaned in, grazing the rough hair on his cheek against mine. “Prove it.”

I reared back and glared up at the smug smirk on his lips. Did he think that would scare me off? That the possibility of having to touch him would make me run away and hide under the bed like a child.

He obviously didn’t know me at all. I didn’t back down. Ever. If I had to, I’d take this shit all the way. It was just sex.


Keeping my eyes on his, I slowly lowered to my knees. Once I was down there staring up at him, Chase arched a brow. I could practically hear the challenge in his thoughts.

My hands moved to his belt, unfastening the buckle while pulling the leather strap through the loops. If he thought he was going to win this, he was wrong.

My stomach flipped as I opened his jeans, and his dick sprang free. It was a lot bigger than I thought. I might’ve gasped a little when the angry head jumped out at me. Who doesn’t wear underwear?

Someone who’s planning on fucking the shit out of you, that’s who.

“Well, Princess, are you just going to stare at my dick,” Chase tipped his head, causing a lock of brown hair to flop to the side, “or are you going to do something with it?”

Was I going to do something with it? I’ll show him what I was going to do with it.

My hand shot out, wrapping around his hard shaft, and oh my god, was it hard. And hot, and thick, and smooth. Everything a nice cock should be and then some.

I couldn’t stop myself from stroking him. Tightening my fingers as I pulled my hand along his length and twisted just a little at the head.

This time Chase openly groaned, which not only spurred me on but caused my pussy to clench.

He got harder in my hands as I continued to work him while watching the tip of his cock glisten with precum. I’m not sure why or what demon possessed me, but for some reason, I leaned in and licked him, scooping up the drops with my tongue.

“Fuuuck,” Chase groaned and speared his fingers in my hair.

No guy had ever reacted this way when I touched him. I mean, they liked it and got off, but Chase was almost feral like he didn’t just want me to touch him he needed me to. I was mesmerized by it. And a tiny bit afraid.

“This is a one-time thing,” I said, not sure who I was trying to convince, “it’s not going to happen again.”

Case rolled his eyes down at me and panted out, “Whatever you say.”

“I mean it,” I reiterated.

“Sure thing.”

He wasn’t getting it. Just because I might be slightly attracted to him didn’t mean I was going to give in. This I’d chalk up to an experiment.

“Don’t go expecting me–”

“Naomi,” Chase said, cutting me off.


“Shut up and suck my dick.”

My jaw dropped. He did not just say that. Yeah, okay, it was kind of hot, but you didn’t talk to a girl like that, especially one that had your dick in her hand.

“You listen to me,” I snarled up at him, “no one talks to me like…”

“Oh, for fuck sakes,” Chase growled and shoved his cock in my mouth.

I tried to pull back, but his grip on my hair was so tight, all I could do was hold onto his thighs and ride it out.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he ground out, making me gag on his length, “can’t you shut your fucking trap for once?”

I muttered back a response that even I couldn’t understand. My mind was too occupied with how he felt thrusting down the back of my throat. I was high class.

This shit shouldn’t be turning me on, but it was. The harder he fucked my mouth, the wetter I got.

“You’re so fucking infuriating.” Thrust.

“I want to beat the bitch out of you.” Thrust.

“String your ass up and whip you until you fucking listen.”

I moaned despite myself, which spurred Chase on. His face twisted in a combination of hatred and pleasure as he pounded into my mouth harder.

I don’t know when things shifted, but at some point, I joined in my own abuse. I wanted to please him. Not because I needed to win, but because when I met his gaze, I saw something. A spark that ignited a feeling deep inside. A sense I didn’t know was there. Possession.

He roared out his orgasm, spurting his release down my throat, and all I could think was mine.