Her Reckless Rockstar by Gena Snow


Chapter 22





I sit next to the hospital bed, watching Tristan sleep peacefully after the surgery.

The doctors have removed the bullet from his arm, which fortunately didn’t penetrate deep to create much damage. The doctor says it would heal within a month.

The news is all over the media in the past day and Tristan is now a hero.

“He takes a bullet for her. That’s what true love is!” Fans posted thousands of comments like this, along with hearts and kisses.

I feel responsible for his injury and I’m not sure whether his fans will ever forgive me, but as long as they love him, I’m glad.

Tristan’s eyes flutter open and he blinks when they focus on me. “Am I in heaven?” he asks.

I chuckle. “What’re you talking about? You’re alive, husband.”

“Husband?” he squeezes my hand. “I must be dreaming. Having such a gorgeous woman call me her husband. The bullet was worth it!”

He’s cracking a joke but I cry instead of laughing. “That was so reckless. You scared me.” I’ve turned into a crybaby lately, shedding more tears I’ve shed since I was born.

“Don’t cry, baby,” he brushes my tears with his thumb. “I’m fine.”

“I love you,” I say and kiss his cheek. “I did even before you took the bullet for me.”

He grins.  “I love you, too, Avery.” And then he cups my face and kisses my lips. “Would you marry me if we weren’t already?”

I understand what he meant. “Of course I will, Tris. I’ll marry you again and again if you wish.”

“Great,” he grins. “We should have another wedding, and we’ll attend it sober.”

“That’s a fantastic idea.”