Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Fuck, Tess is perfect for me.

Even when she’s threatening to bite my cock off, I want her. She’s unlike any woman that I’ve ever met before. Anyone else in her position would either be crying and begging for me to let them go or would have already gone to bed with me in the hopes that it would make me more likely to free them.

But not my ferocious little kitten. She has her claws out and doesn’t appear to be afraid to use them. I watch as she eats, pleased that my little threat of a feeding tube worked. She is going to eat, whether she likes it or not, and I need her to know that I’m the one in control. Always.

Her eyes never leave mine as she eats. It’s hot as fuck, the amount of eye contact that she can sustain, and I can’t wait to have her eyes locked on me while my cock is in her. We’re both silent until she finishes, and then she pushes the plate towards me, her eyes narrowed into little slits.

“Good job, Kitten,” I tell her, and she lets out a small growl.

“Don’t fucking call me that. You don’t get to give me a nickname. You ruined my fucking life.”

“I ruined your life?” I ask her, grabbing her hand and pulling her from the kitchen. “I’m not your shitty foster parents. I’m not your shitty boss, or your shitty landlord. All I did was keep you alive when anyone else would have killed you, fed you, given you an incredible house to live in, and now I’m going to let you shower and give you fresh clothes. Please remind me again how I ruined your fucking life.”

We turn into the bathroom and I push Tess forward, nudging the small of her back so that she steps into the room. The bathroom is huge and even though I can’t see her face, I know what she’s probably thinking.

Everyone thinks the same thing when they see it. That the bathroom is huge, it’s outrageous, it looks like it belongs in a magazine. And to be fair, it is all of those things. I had it redone a few years ago so that it would be the perfect place to take a load off after a long day at work.

She has a choice between a huge tub and a large walk-in shower with glass walls and a rock floor. The windows on the side of the bathroom let in tons of natural light and the shower head can be moved to angle the water from any direction that you want when you’re getting clean.

Of course, I keep it stocked with everything that a guest might need. I don’t have a lot of them out here but I always want to make sure I have everything that a guest would want.

Tess takes it all in and then turns to look at me, a scowl on her face. “You can’t be serious about me showering here. I fucking hate you, Marcelo.” Her voice is still strong but I can’t help but notice the small tears shining at the corners of her eyes. Sure, my kitten has claws, but even kittens feel lost and scared sometimes.

“You’ll feel better after a shower.” When she doesn’t move, I step forward, fingering the hem of her shirt. I can’t wait to see her naked. “Strip, Tess. Get clean.”

She shakes her head, bright spots of color appearing in her cheeks. “You can’t make me.”

Fuck, I love that she said that. Without any warning, I grip the hem of her shirt and yank it up, pulling it swiftly over her head. She lets out a little gasp and reaches up to try to grab it and hold it in place, but I have it over her head and onto the floor before she can stop me.

She’s now in her running shorts and a cute little sports bra. I knew that under her clothes she’d have the perfect curves for me, and I wasn’t wrong. A soft growl escapes my lips as I grab her hip and pull her closer to me.

She doesn’t want to step any nearer but I’m stronger that she is and she finally relents, her body pressing right up against my hard cock. It throbs in my jeans for her and her eyes widen when she feels it.

“You can shower on your own, Tess, or I can help you.” When she doesn’t respond immediately I reach up, lightly trailing my fingers down her neck and across her collarbone. Goosebumps break out on her skin as I touch her and she gives a little shiver, either enjoying what I’m doing or completely stuck in place at the feeling of my fingers on her skin. Whichever it is, she doesn’t pull back.

My fingers trace down her sternum, running over the curved tops of her breasts. Tess sucks in a breath at the feeling as I drag my fingers across her skin, her eyes snapping up to meet mine.

“Looks to me like you want someone to help you get clean,” I murmur. This breaks the spell and she takes a step back from me, shaking her head.

“The only thing that you can do for me is take this fucking collar off and let me go,” she says, but her voice isn’t as strong as I’ve heard it before. There’s something husky to it, her desire for me bleeding through even though she doesn’t want to admit it to me or herself.

“That’s not what you want and you know it,” I tell her, closing the gap between us. This time I slip my fingers into the waistband of her shorts and underwear, tugging them down together in one swift motion. Tess freezes, her body going rigid as the fabric slips over her skin and falls uselessly to the floor, but she doesn’t move.

She can’t back up, not really. Not with the counter right behind her.

Fuck, I want her. Heat flushes through my body when I see her standing there in front of me, so perfect, so untouched. Without thinking about what I’m doing, I grab her by the waist and lift her, sitting her on the edge of the counter. It’s just like I did in the kitchen, only this time I’m inches away from her naked cunt.

“Let me see you,” I tell her, resting my hands on her knees and pushing them slightly open. Tess shakes her head, her mouth forming the word ‘no’, but no sound comes out. “Tess,” I growl. My cock throbs for release and I know that I have to taste her or I’m going to lose control. “Let me see you.”

“You can’t,” she says, but I ignore her and push her legs open. Her muscles strain against me, but I’m stronger than her. She’s in great shape and obviously works out all the time, but that’s not enough to keep me from getting what I want, and I fucking want her.

“Fuck,” I breathe, then drop to my knees in front of her, grabbing her by the backs of the knees so I can pull her forward. Her body scoots forward, her pussy right in front of me for the taking. “You’re mine,” I remind her, looking up at her, then I lick her, taking my time to make sure that I taste all of her.

She’s fucking delicious. I lick her again, slipping my fingers into her tight little cunt, then flick my tongue across her clit. A moan escapes her even though I can tell that she’s trying to keep quiet. I like that she’s trying to be silent and failing. My fingers hook into her and I slip them in and out, marveling at how tight she is.

For the first time, I realize that she might be a virgin. The thought is thrilling. I lick her harder, sucking at her skin, circling her clit first with my tongue and then my thumb.

Her knees jerk and her legs threaten to clamp around me, but she holds them open. A moment later, I feel her hand on my head. She fists my hair, yanking it so hard that the pain shoots through my body. I dive deeper into her, devouring her, making sure that I don’t miss a single drop of what she has to offer me.

“Marcelo,” she moans, and I swear that my name coming from her lips is the sweetest fucking thing that I’ve ever heard. If she says anything else, I don’t hear it. Her thighs close hard against my ears and I lick and suck her, my fingers working her hard until I feel her shudder and shake as the orgasm rolls over her.

She quivers around me, her cunt tight around my fingers until I finally pull them out of her. She’s a virgin, I know it. I finally stand, pushing on her thighs to rise to my feet.

Tess’s eyes are hooded but her mouth is partly open as she pants through her pleasure. Grabbing her by the back of the neck, I pull her closer, my lips landing on hers. She tastes amazing and I want her to know it. Our tongue tangle for a moment before she pulls back, planting her hands on my chest to push me away.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she cries. Her eyes are wide and her lips are swollen from my kisses. She clamps her legs together and stares at me in horror. “No. You can’t...don’t do that.”

“You fucking loved it,” I tell her, leaning down and grabbing her by the back of the neck so she has to look at me. “You fucking loved it Tess, don’t lie to yourself.” She won’t look at me and frustration rushes through my body.

Standing, I run my hand through my hair, remembering what it felt like to have her gripping and pulling it. “Clean yourself off if you feel that fucking dirty,” I tell her. “I’ll bring you clothes.” Turning, I stalk from the room, but she calls out before I leave.

“The collar? Take it off for me to shower.”

“It stays on,” I growl, then slam the bathroom door behind me, silently cursing myself. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I wasn’t supposed to go down on her, not yet, but I was so fucking frustrated with her. The fact that she didn’t even seem fazed by it pisses me off. She’s still more interested in getting out of here than she is in being mine, that’s clear.

That’s going to have to change.