Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


When I walk into the bathroom Tess is standing at the mirror, a towel wrapped tightly around her body. It’s obvious that she’s been crying in the shower, but I don’t mention it and neither does she. My little kitten likes to appear as strong as possible, and even though she is tougher than any woman I’ve met before, that doesn’t mean that she isn’t allowed momentary lapses.

“These should fit,” I tell her, laying out some clothes on the counter for her. “But if they don’t, I have others and your apartment will be cleaned out and your own things moved here soon enough.”

She doesn’t glance at me or the pile of clothes. “You always keep extra clothes around for the women you kidnap?” Her voice is cold and sharp, like a knife, and she looks at me in the mirror while waiting for me to respond.

“You’re the first woman ever to stay here,” I tell her, and I see the flash of surprise on her face. “And I didn’t kidnap you. I saved you from being killed.”

“Being killed at your hands.” She spits the words at me and turns, clutching the towel so that it doesn’t slip.

Ignoring how easily I could tug it out of her grasp and get an eyeful of what she’s got going on, I instead meet her gaze. “Not just mine. Do you really think that anyone in the Bonanno family wants you walking around right now? You’re a fucking liability, Tess. Lucky for you, I happen to have a thing for foul-mouthed liabilities with cunts as sweet as pie.”

This makes her scowl. “That won’t ever happen again.”

“Yeah. It will. Get dressed.” Crossing my arms on my chest, I wait for her to do what I’ve told her to, but she doesn’t move. “Now, Tess. We have a tour and some ground rules to go over. Unless, of course, you’d prefer me to lock you in one room. You can stay in there all fucking day for all I care.”

“I’m not getting dressed in front of you.” She stares at me like she honestly thinks that I’ll back down. Fuck, if this were something I was dealing with at work then I’d just put a fucking bullet in her head and tell her to stop being such a cunt.

Problem is, I like her cunt, and I want more of it.

“I’ve seen it already, Tess, or did you forget? Get dressed. I want to watch.”

She stands completely still for a moment, then reaches for the stack of clothes, flipping through them until she finds the black lace thong I put in there for her. Holding it up with one finger, she glares at me. “A thong? Really?”

“Your ass doesn’t need underwear,” I tell her, grinning. “But if you’re determined to cover up at all then you get a thong.”

“Asshole.” She mutters the word quietly to herself but I still hear it. She dresses quickly, like that’s going to stop me from seeing her body, pulling on the thong and bra first, then slipping into the tank top and jeans. Everything fits like a glove and when she’s changed, she gives me an angry twirl and faces me. “Happy?”

“Fucking thrilled. Come on.” She hesitates, then throws her towel over the shower door before falling into line behind me. “Like I said before, you have full run of almost the entire house. But there are some restrictions, both for my safety and yours. The kitchen is off-limits unless I’m in there too. You can’t go into my bedroom, or my study.”

Turning, I glance at her collar. It’s still blinking the way it should, and I’m pleased. I’ve had it for a while just in case, but this is the first time that I’ve ever used it on someone. Collars this sophisticated aren’t very easy to get your hands on, just because of the implications of what it means to have a human collar, but I’m always able to get whatever the fuck I want.

When this shipment came through a year or so ago, I had all of the collars destroyed except for this one. The man who made them knows that he’s not allowed to make more or he’ll have the Bonanno brothers on his front porch.

It’s one thing for me to have a collar like this that I can use when I want to keep someone like Tess. It’s something else entirely for this to be available to anyone who wants it.

“So, what? You’re just going to keep me here and hope that I don’t break out?” I turn to look at her, then take steps towards her until she’s backed up against the wall. She’s breathing quickly and her pupils are dilated as she looks at me.

Tess can try to pretend all she wants to that she doesn’t want to be here with me, but I’m not stupid. It’s written all over her face. She’s as attracted to me as I am to her.

“I’m keeping you here,” I say, “until you can admit that I’m the best fucking option for you. You’re not going anywhere, Tess, at least not without me at your side. You want to read in the library? Fine. You want to curl up on the sofa and watch TV? No problem.” I flip my hand at her to really drive my point home. “What you need to know, though, is that you belong to me. I took you in. I saved you. You’re mine.”

“Fuck you.” She has the balls to stare me straight in the eyes as she swears at me. “You think that I’m going to listen to you? You think that I’m okay with being your little pet? Fuck that.” Anger comes off of her in waves. If I weren’t Marcelo Bonanno I might actually be afraid of her right now.

“Listen, Kitten,” I say, brushing her hair back from her temple and lightly tracing my fingers along her cheek, “you can fight me all you want, but every animal can be broken. It doesn’t matter how long you think you can hold out. You’re mine.”

“I’m not an animal,” she says, but her voice is softer than before.

Chuckling, I loop a finger under her collar and give it a gentle tug. “You’re wearing a collar, Kitten. Seems to me that you’re my little animal. More than that, though, it seems to me that you’re my little virgin. Am I right?”

The flush on her cheeks tells me that I hit the nail on the head and I feel my cock twitch in my jeans. I’ve wanted to fuck Tess from the moment I saw her outside the bakery. I’d be stupid if I didn’t want to fuck her.

But now that I know that she’s a virgin, I want her even more. I want to take my time with her, make her stretch and open up for me. I want her to scream out my name when I shove my cock deep into her tight, virgin cunt.

“Listen, my little pet, I have shit to do. You know the rules. If you fuck up and break them I’ll know because I’ll have to pick your drooling body up off of the floor. Get it, got it, good?”

She doesn’t look at me when she nods and I reach out, lightly touching her chin and tipping her head backwards. If I’m going to keep Tess then she needs to learn to respect me. She has to learn that when I’m talking to her I expect her to look at me and respond.

“Answer me.”

“I understand,” she mutters, but that’s not good enough for me. When I squeeze her chin harder between my fingers, she gives a little gasp, her eyes flicking up to my face.

“Try again.”

“Yes, sir.”

Fuck, hearing those two words from my kitten fills me with raging desire. Before I can think about what I’m doing, I press her against the wall and kiss her, my mouth demanding. My tongue sweeps across her lips until she opens them, then I explore her mouth, taking my time to kiss her as fully and deeply as possible.

She’s fucking delicious. When I pull back she doesn’t say anything, but does reach up and touch her swollen lip. Good. Kitten needs to learn that there’s pain in the pleasure that I’m going to give her. I have no doubt that pretty soon she’s going to come to me begging for it.