Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


“Ijust really want you two to get along,” Tess says. She’s holding my hand tight, her face turned up to mine. I can see the excitement written all over it and even though I don’t want to share her with anyone tonight, I nod, then kiss her lips.

“I’m sure that she and I are going to get along just fine seeing as you two are so close,” I tell her. Tess gives a little squeal and wraps her arms around me, pulling herself close to my body.

I never thought that I’d want someone touching and loving me like this. My entire life I’ve done well to keep walls built up around me and keep out anyone who might try to knock them down, but Tess walked right through them like they weren’t even there. Salvatore had told me that this would happen when I found the right person.

I guess that the bastard knew what he was talking about after all.

Kissing Tess on the forehead, I pull away from her. “I love the cookies, by the way,” I tell her, grabbing one from the counter. When I take a bite, her eyes go wide and she smacks my hand.

“Don’t ruin your appetite.”

I drop the cookie to the counter. “For you? Never. All I can think about is what it’s like to press my mouth up against your cunt, to feel you shiver on my tongue when you cum.” My voice is so thick and full of gravel that even I can hear it, and Tess’s mouth drops open.

“See?” I say, lightly running my finger along the top of her bottom lip. “You’re ready for me right now.” Even though I know that Kristen will be here any moment, I want to have my cock slipping between Tess’s perfect lips. She snaps her mouth shut and smirks at me.

It makes my cock hard.

“That’s for later,” she says, deking out from between me and the counter. “You be on your best behavior, Marcelo, and we’ll do whatever you want tonight.”

Whatever I want?” I call after her, watching her ass as she sashays out of the kitchen. When she’s out of sight I groan, adjusting myself through my pants. “Why the fuck did she have to have someone coming over tonight?” I mutter to myself.

If I don’t get to stick my cock in her cunt at least once a day then I’m in a foul mood. This morning I had to leave the house early so that Salvatore and I could get some shit done. It was hard as hell leaving my kitten curled up in the bed. She sleeps naked, giving me easy access to her body, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with her and take her for my own.

But duty called.

Sighing, I leave the kitchen, running my hand through my hair as I walk into the living room. I can practically feel the excitement coming off of Tess. She keeps checking her phone and suddenly runs to the front door, throwing it open.

“She’s here!” Even though I’m not nearly as excited about this dinner as Tess is, I’ll do anything to make her happy, and I walk over, putting my hands on her shoulders as we look out the door together. A little Civic pulls up in the driveway then a young woman gets out, slowly looking around her like she’s not sure that she has the right house before she finally turns and looks up at us.

“Kristen!” Tess cries out her friend’s name and takes off running across the porch and down the steps to see her. She’s thrilled, and even though I can’t see her face, I know how happy she is.

Selfishly, I want Tess to myself tonight. But I can wait. I feel like I waited my entire life for her. I told her a while ago that she could call her friend, but I think that she was afraid to actually pick up the phone and make the call.

Now, though, I’m sure that she’s wondering why in the world she waited as long as she did. The two women hug, spinning each other around and I can hear Tess laugh. Even though the sky is a little cloudy, they’re standing in a patch of sunlight and I can see it glinting off of the rock on her finger.

She’s mine.

I could stand here and watch my Tess be happy all night long, but there’s other shit to do. She asked me if I would be willing to grill tonight instead of hiring someone to do it for us, and I wander back into the kitchen, grabbing the steaks from the counter before heading out onto the back deck.

The smell of the grill fills the air back here and I lift the lid, cleaning the grates before putting on the steaks. They sizzle immediately and I season them before shutting the lid and turning around.

Tess is behind me. I never heard her come outside, but she’s staring at me like she honestly can’t get enough of me. Her eyes flick down my body and she bites her lower lip hard as she approaches.

“Where’s your friend?” I ask, turning to look at her. “You didn’t tell her the truth about how we met and scare her off, did you?”

Tess grins and shakes her head. “She had to pee, so I directed her to the bathroom on the third floor.”

“Why so far away?”

Tess grabs my hands and squeezes them. “Because I wanted to thank you, Marcelo. I had no idea that I could be this happy. My whole life I’ve been running away from things, never toward them. I never once stopped to consider that there would be something out there worth going to, not away from.”

I know exactly what she means.

“You’re my rock,” she continues. “I know that that sounds cheesy, but you saved me when I didn’t think that anyone could. Or that they’d want to.” A slight pause, and then she continues, faster than before. “I don’t want a big wedding. I want to marry you out here on the deck. Tonight.”