Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Honestly, I wasn’t sure what Marcelo would say to that. He’s dressed more nicely than I am, still wearing his clothes from work, but I’m barefoot in skinny jeans and a loose top. It’s certainly not what most brides would wear on their wedding day, but I’m not most brides.

Never in my life did I think that I’d even get married. I didn’t think that I was worthy of someone loving me like that, so why in the hell would I dream about a wedding? While most girls my age were talking about what kind of flowers or cake they’d want for their big day, I was busy trying to stay the hell away from my foster father.

It wasn’t exactly conducive to me planning my nuptials.

Ever since Marcelo put this ring on my finger, I’ve been trying to think about what that meant for me. For us. I’m sure that he would give me a huge wedding if that’s what I wanted. He has the resources to make my wildest dreams come true, but I don’t have any big dreams.

He’s my big dream.

“Right now?” Marcelo locks his eyes on me like he’s doing his best to see how serious I am. “You want to get married tonight? Here?”

I nod. As I do so, I feel excitement coursing through my veins. It’s as if I touched a live wire. It’s crazy, and I know that, but it’s what I want, and I really hope that he’s going to let me have it.

“Done.” Marcelo drops one of my hands and pulls his phone from his pocket. My breath catches in my throat as I watch him and wait to hear what he’s going to do.

“Salvatore. I need you to get a priest and get over here. Bring Airy. Now.” He pauses, listening. I can hear Salvatore’s voice through the receiver but I can’t quite tell what he’s saying. “I don’t give a shit what you wear. Just get here as fast as you can.”

He hangs up without waiting for a response and I kiss him, going all the way up on my tiptoes to reach him. “Thank you,” I whisper, my lips brushing against his as I speak.

“Anything for you.”

“What’s going on out here?” Kristen walks out onto the deck, giving me the side eye. “You two need me to leave so that you can have some privacy?”

I turn to her, grinning. “Nope. Not at all. In fact, I need you right here with us because you’re going to be my maid of honor.”

* * *

Everything is moving faster than I thought that it could, but I love it. Once I realized that I wanted to marry Marcelo tonight, with Kristen at my side, I didn’t want anything to stop me. I sigh with pleasure as I look around the back deck. The fairy lights are all on—I liked them so much I told Marcelo there was no way we were ever taking them down—and Kristen and I picked bouquets from the garden, placing them on the tables and even wrapping some in ribbon I found in the kitchen junk drawer.

There’s something really comforting about knowing that even a man like Marcelo, who has his life perfectly planned out, has a kitchen junk drawer.

My best friend turns to me, holding her flowers tightly in her hand. “Are you sure about this?” She eyeballs what I’m wearing. “I mean, you know that we can get you a dress and do this another time, right? You don’t have to do this right this second.”

“I want to.” I’m talking to her but I can’t take my eyes off of Marcelo. He’s standing with Salvatore and the priest, the three of them talking in low tones. I wish that I could hear what they’re all saying, but there’s no way to involve myself in their conversation without being rude. Even Airy is leaving them alone.

Tearing my eyes away from my future husband, I look at Kristen. “I need to, Kristen. He’s everything to me. He’s my life and my breath. Everything about him makes me feel alive, and I’d do anything for him.” My voice catches and she touches my shoulder.

“Please tell me that you’re going to say that during your vows.”

I hadn’t thought about my vows, but I nod at her anyway. “Something like that,” I manage.

The next moment, before I have an opportunity to go into a full-scale panic that I haven’t really thought this all out and that I should take some time to make sure that it really is the perfect day, Airy walks over to me and puts her hand on my arm.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of calling a violinist I know. She just got here and she’s going to play for the ceremony. Do you have any songs in particular that you want?”

I have no idea.

Instead of answering, I glance at Kristen.

“I have a list up here,” she says, giving me a grin and tapping her head. “I know that you didn’t plan out your wedding when you were younger but you’re in the small minority here, Tess.” She and Airy talk for a moment, then Kristen grabs my arm and pulls me with her to the house. “You stay here until she starts playing. I’ll be up there waiting for you with Salvatore and Marcelo, unless you want me to walk you down the aisle.”

For a moment, I consider her offer, but then I shake my head. “I’ve got this,” I tell her, feeling strong. “Thank you.”

She kisses my cheek and hurries away, standing up by the priest with her flowers clutched in her hand. A moment later, the soft sound of a violin begins and I take a deep breath, finally walking toward a future that I’m excited about.