Take My Breath Away by Ali Ryecart

Chapter Twenty-One


“I’ve had to have my house fumigated. I’m sure I’ve got fleas. And a rash somewhere I shouldn’t have a rash.”

“My dog doesn’t stink and he doesn’t have fleas. If you have a rash somewhere you shouldn’t, then the least said about that the better.”

Elliot’s voice on the other end of the phone is as calm and measured as always, and I grin.

“I won’t charge you for the men in hazmat suits, nor for the industrial sized pot of flea powder. We won’t mention the ointment I’ve been forced to apply three times a day. As I’ve already told you, you owe me for the trauma of having your dog in my house.”

“His name’s Jasper.” Elliot’s sigh is exaggerated, bordering dramatic, and my grin stretches wider. “And here was me thinking you were happy to do a good friend a favour in his hour of need.”

“And I was, which now means you can do me a favour in return. Well, technically it’s two favours. I want to take you up on your offer of using the cottage, for a long weekend—”

“That’s no problem at all, I’ve always said we’re more than happy for you to use it. I have to be honest and say I’m a little disappointed you’ve not already been down.”

A tinge of hurt colours Elliot’s words. The truth is, it’s not that I’ve not wanted to go, but I’ve always had the invite to go with him and Freddie, and I wasn’t sure I had the strength to witness their lovefest. Being a gooseberry’s never been my style.

“Whenever you suggested it, it’s never been the right time. But the right time is the weekend after next — if you and Freddie aren’t using it of course.”

“I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to come down with Freddie and me… Hold on…”

I’ve already taken the time from work. Official time, with lines through diaries. No appointments, no interruptions. I’m not sure when the last time was I did that. It sends a ripple of excitement through my belly, but it’s not the only reason.

“That’s absolutely fine. In fact, due to various commitments we have, we won’t be going down for the next month. But you said you had two favours to ask?”

Ah, this is potentially the trickier bit. I lick my lips, finding them drier than they should be.

“I want you to give Perry a couple of days off, either side of the weekend.”

The silence stretches out like chewing gum. Telling him I want to take Perry is provoking all sorts of questions. I can almost hear the wheels turning.

“Are you sure that’s wise?”

“It’s a long weekend, Elliot. I can do with the break, and so can he. Perry’s waxed lyrical about your little love nest—” I wince, relieved my friend can’t see me. It’s a bitchy bite back to his question because going away for the weekend with Perry is, indeed, anything but wise. “He said it’s lovely, and like you say, I’ve not been down yet.” My words sound as limp as wet lettuce.

“Has he started looking for a place yet? I keep meaning to ask him, because I’d want to have a good handover with the new person.”

Elliot’s words both rattle and rile me.

“Yes, but he’s not having much luck.” If Elliot can hear the thank God for that in my voice, he doesn’t say anything. “I’ve suggested concentrating his efforts after Christmas would likely yield better results. There’ll be more on the market.”

“Maybe there will, but it’s good he’s already got moving, seeing as he’s made his decision. There’s no point in him dragging his feet. Best for him, but for you too.”

“Why best for me?”

Another silence, followed by a small breath. I clutch my mobile tighter to my ear, as I wait for Elliot to speak.

“James, you know why. He’s fond of you, that’s easy enough to see. And you are of him. Don’t even attempt to deny it.”

“Fond. Such a quaint word. I like him, he’s become my friend and I’ve become his.” I’m being evasive, my response flippant.

Fond? More than fond, so much more…

My lips are so arid they could crack, and I sweep them with a tongue that’s as dry as old leather.

“Then just make sure you keep it at friends, because anything else would be dangerous.” Elliot’s words are as steady and level as the man himself.

“There’s nothing to be concerned about, because we’re—”

“I’m not talking about Perry. It’s you who’s in the most danger.”

Elliot’s words all but floor me. My grip on my phone almost breaks my fingers and I force myself to relax.

“I’m not in any danger, I can assure you. Or not the sort of danger you’re alluding to.”

My throat closes up, making it hard to speak. Elliot’s words have pierced me to the bone, and drawn blood.

“You’ve no need to be concerned about me. I’ve been there and I’ve got the T-shirt, as they say. You’ve known me long enough to know that beneath my soft and fluffy exterior, I have a heart of stone and a severe allergic reaction to emotional attachments. Anyway,” I say, desperate to navigate my way out of the perilous waters I’ve found myself in, “if you now have second thoughts about the cottage, I understand.”

“Of course you can stay there, you little runt.”

Runt. James’ less than complimentary nickname for me, he’s called me that since we were at school together. I let out a soft breath. Elliot’s still my friend.

“He’s not said anything to me about time off. Is he aware you’re doing this?”

“No, but I know how much he enjoyed staying at the cottage and in Love’s Harbour. I want to surprise him.”

Whatever Elliot thinks of that he keeps to himself, and I’m grateful for it.

“If you want to keep the surprise you can tell him yourself he’s got the time off. I’ll text you arrangements, how to get the key we keep down there, and so on…”

We talk for a little while longer before we ring off.

A few days away, just Perry and me, I can’t help but feel the thrill of anticipation. I’m excited by the thought of it and only hope he will be too. The niggles and doubts about whether or not I’ve done the right thing are shoved aside, because in all honesty I don’t know. But there’s one thing I do, and that’s that I can’t wait to tell him when he gets home this evening.

* * *

“I spoke to Elliot earlier.”

I pour us both another glass of wine. We’re in the garden under bright but chilly early evening sunshine, the bad weather of the last few days behind us.

“There were no concerns over Jasper, were there?” A shadow of worry crosses over Perry’s face. I’m determined to wipe it away.

“Not at all, but I did tell him that as we did him a big favour he needs to do one for us in return. Next weekend, the cottage is free and it’s ours if we want it. Well, actually Friday to Monday, so a long weekend.”

Perry’s looking at me with wide, surprised eyes and my breath catches in my throat because I hope he wants it, I really do hope. His smile’s the answer I’m looking for. Slowly and quietly I let go of the breath I’m holding, and the tension in my shoulders I didn’t even know was there relaxes.

“Really? You and me? Is he okay with that? I mean, he’s my boss… But I have to check I can take the time off.”

“Elliot’s fine with the both of us going down there.” It’s not totally true, but that’s for me to keep to myself. “I’ve already cleared it with him, so next Friday and the following Monday you’re not at work. Nor is it coming out of your leave, because—” I hold up my hand to stop the protest I can see forming on his lips. “Because you did him a big favour at the last minute and Elliot understands that. I didn’t have to persuade him into granting free leave if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It’s never a problem looking after Jasper, he’s adorable, so Elliot didn’t need to—”

“Yes, he did. And he has. He owes you for looking after the poo end of things, and me for saving the ugly little mutt’s life even though he doesn’t, and won’t, know about that. So, do you want to go or not?”

I’m going to look an idiot if he says no, but that fear’s blown away by Perry’s sunshine-filled smile.

“God, yes. Of course I want to go. And thank you, for thinking of it,” he says, his smile now tinged with a hint of self-consciousness, but it lasts only seconds as his smile turns mischievous. “But how will you cope, in a cramped cottage in a clapped-out English seaside town? Will we have to engage the services of a butler to attend your every need, wish and desire? Somebody to lay a choccie on your pillow? And what about the five-star luxury spa treatments? Perhaps we can arrange for the technician from the nail bar to come and give you a mani-pedi? She’s a lovely lady who also doubles up as chief fryer in the chippie.”

“It will be utter hell. The smelly countryside and the grey English sea are to be endured, not enjoyed. God alone knows where I’ll find a decent Americano. I doubt if they’ve even heard of such a thing. But I’m willing to suffer the privations for your sake. If I keep my head down and don’t make eye contact with the locals I should be safe.”

It won’t be hell, of course it won’t, because I’ll be with Perry. As for all my needs, wishes, and wants being attended to…

Perry laughs and shakes his head. It warms me more than the fleece jacket I’m wearing, or the alcohol from the rich red wine and I know without any doubt I’ve made the right decision.