One Night Only by Catherine Walsh

A Letter from Catherine Walsh

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading One Night Only. I hope you enjoyed it.Or did you just want to skip to the end? If so, you’ve gone too far. Go back! If you did finish it and want to keep up to date with my latest releases, you can sign up for my newsletter at the following link. Your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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I don’t think I ever wrote anything as quickly as I did Sarah and Declan’s story. They both appeared in my mind as fully formed, messy people and thankfully ones I wanted to spend a lot of time with. These characters became friends I could escape to every day. So too did their world. I loved imagining myself on the streets of New York or wandering through the Irish countryside (especially as the latter felt so close yet so far away at the time). Usually when I’m writing I’ll catch myself with a big frown on my face but this time I kept noticing myself smiling, a rare occurrence for someone who looks naturally very grouchy. I hope it brought a smile to your face too.

I'm now working away on my next book, but in the meantime, you can reach me via my Twitter or Instagram account below. I would love to hear from you.

All my best,

Catherine xx

