One Night Only by Catherine Walsh


This book was written in the middle of a pandemic, which, and this may shock some, was not ideal. Despite all the challenges, I was so fortunate to have many people who not only gave up their time but also offered invaluable advice and support even as their own lives turned upside down.

Thank you to Rachel Helsdown and Heather Keane for their patience and enthusiasm over the years reading various first drafts and many screenshotted emails. To Jeanne-Claire Morley, Bex Dash and Áine O’Connell who all read early chapters of One Night Only and provided constant and much-needed support these past few months. To Tilda McDonald and Elizabeth Brandon for answering all my questions about contracts and for encouraging several glasses of wine with every call.

Thank you to Muiriosa Ryan for her kindness and excitement. Do you want to start a few hours late? has never meant so much to me before. Jen Porter, thank you for responding to every frantic WhatsApp message (especially during the time I forgot you were literally in labor. Whoops). Lucy Baxter, thank you for understanding every silent week from me.

To my editor, Lucy Dauman, who took a chance on my stories and pulled me brilliantly in the right direction. Thank you for your insight, your enthusiasm and your guiding hand on this journey. To the entire team at Bookouture who I can’t wait to meet one day, thank you for all being scarily good at your jobs. I know this book couldn’t be in better hands.

Finally, to Mam and Dad, thank you for putting up with me long after you should have had to. Thank you for encouraging and supporting me even when you didn’t fully understand what I was talking about. Thank you for my first laptop when I was fifteen. Thank you for opening the fancy pink champagne when I came home with the news that someone liked my book.