Fated By Starlight by Krista Street

Chapter 11


Twenty-four hours later, Eliza was back in our apartment, chipper, and healthy again—as if the river incident had never happened—which meant Charlotte insisted we finally head out for a celebratory girls’ night, even if we were running a day late.

“Which should I wear?” Eliza asked. She held up two outfits from the fae lands. One was a frilly skirt that looked like puffy cotton candy. The other was a neon-green jumpsuit with glittering silver stripes running up the legs and arms.

“Um . . . neither of those.” Charlotte snatched them from her, then shoved a pair of skintight black pants and a sleeveless white silk halter top into her hands. “You’ve got the arms for this, but you gotta keep yourself glamoured. Can you do that for eight hours?”

My eyebrows shot up. “Eight hours? How long do you plan to be drinking?”

Charlotte waggled her eyebrows. “All night, but we’ll be dancing too. What fun would it be to drink and not dance?”

Eliza cocked her head and slipped into the black pants. “I’ve never been to an earthly bar before. Are they like salopas in the fae lands?”

I shook my head. “No, there’s no leminai. Our alcohol is much less potent, and since there’s no magic, we have actual servers called waitresses or waiters.” In the fae lands, salopas—the fae version of a bar—had bartenders but no servers. Magically enchanted glasses and trays served the patrons.

Eliza grinned. “It still sounds most wonderful.”

“Most wonderful indeed,” Charlotte replied before digging in her drawers again. “Now, as for you . . .” She eyed me. “How about this?” She held up a black miniskirt and a long-sleeved sky-blue off-the-shoulder crop top. “You’ve got the body to pull this off.”

I eyed the miniscule material. “Will anything be covered?”

She laughed. “Come on, girl. Put it on.”

I did as she said but couldn’t stop from tugging on the skirt. It barely came to mid-thigh, and the shirt left a good two inches of my abdomen showing. Not to mention the low-cut off-the-shoulder top left an abundance of my cleavage on display. Like half of my boobs. I surveyed my appearance in the full-length mirror as Charlotte let out a wolf whistle.

“Holy shit, girl. You’re gonna have every hottie in Boise panting after you when they see you in that.”

My eyes widened. I wasn’t a prude, but I also preferred being dressed in public.

I started taking the top off. “How about I wear that—”

“No way.” Charlotte grabbed my hand before I pulled the shirt over my head. “Wear it. Trust me. We won’t have to buy any drinks all night.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

She laughed. “You want us to buy our own drinks?”

“Well, no, but I’m more afraid of what the guys buying us drinks will expect in return.”

Charlotte made a disgusted sound and slipped into a sleeveless button-up dress that she left half undone in the front. At least I wasn’t the only one showing off boobage.

Turning to the mirror, she twirled her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head. “If some dude thinks that buying a woman drinks means he’s automatically getting laid, then he needs to join the twenty-first century.”

Eliza giggled. “I’m quite excited to see what humans are like at drinking establishments. I haven’t met many.”

I laughed. “They’re not much different than fairies. Just no magical tricks up their sleeves.”

Eliza smiled at me serenely. “In that case, don’t worry about the clothes, Avery. If any humans get too demanding, I’ll give them a friendly shove, or if that doesn’t deter them, I can always bite.” Her lips pulled back, giving Charlotte and me a full view of her wicked teeth.

Charlotte burst out laughing, and I soon joined in. As innocent and naïve as Eliza seemed, she was also a full-blooded fairy, which meant she was significantly stronger than any human male, and one bite from her could tear out a person’s artery.

“If only I had enough magic to defend myself,” I muttered as I tugged at my shirt again.

Charlotte slung her arm around my shoulders. “No matter. That’s why you’re here, right? To learn how to get out of tough situations if they arise?”

“True, but other than being so sore I can barely walk up a flight of stairs, I haven’t learned shit about escaping a crisis.”

∞     ∞     ∞

An hour later, we slipped into my Explorer in the SF garage, and after passing the security checks, we were out of the Supernatural Forces headquarters and cruising down the foothills. The setting sun set the landscape aglow. Fresh summer air flowed in through our open windows, and excitement coursed through me.

It had been so long since I’d gone out for a night with girlfriends. During my last year at university, I’d been so immersed in my studies, that I’d neglected my social life. Thanks to Charlotte, that appeared to now be remedied.

“Where is that bar you heard about, Charlotte?” I asked her as we drove into Boise.

Since it was Saturday evening, the sidewalks were full of people strolling between the restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues.

“Just at the corner up there. We better look for a place to park.”

I found a spot on the street two blocks past the bar. When we stepped onto the sidewalk, a few heads turned in our direction.

Charlotte held her chin high, looking the picture of complete confidence, while Eliza looked around with wide-eyed delight. I, on the other hand, managed to plaster on a smile and feign indifference to the attention we were creating. Even though I felt half naked, I wasn’t going to let that ruin my evening.

Our heels clicked on the wood floor when we stepped into the bar. Although it was only early evening, it was already packed and Blinding Lights was blaring from the speakers.

“I love this song!” Charlotte exclaimed as she began moving to the beat. She propelled us to the bar and slid onto one of the barstools. Eliza and I propped ourselves on the stools at her side.

The bartender came over—a big, burly man with a full beard and paunch stomach—and gave us a once-over. “You ladies have ID?”

We all pulled out our drivers licenses. One of the first things the SF provided for new recruits was in-state identification for instances such as this.

After inspecting our IDs, the bartender’s shoulders relaxed. “What can I get you?”

I opened my mouth to order a mojito, but Charlotte placed her hand over mine. “Nothing just yet, thanks.”

The bartender shrugged and moved to other patrons farther down the bar.

I raised an eyebrow at Charlotte, and she rolled her eyes. “We’re not paying for our drinks, remember?”

“But what if nobody offers to buy us any?”

“Trust me. That’s not gonna happen.”

Sure enough, not even two minutes passed before a group of college-aged guys made their way toward us. Since my internal radar didn’t even vibrate, I knew they were all humans.

Eliza swiveled on her seat and flashed them an innocent smile. Her white teeth were square, her glamour job utter perfection. “Good evening, gentlemen,” she said. “What a fine evening to be in this drinking establishment, don’t you agree?”

Charlotte muffled a laugh as the guys paused.

“What she means is what are you boys up to?” Charlotte asked coquettishly, leaning back against her stool to prop an elbow on the smooth bar top. The tallest one’s gaze dipped to her boobs on display.

The stiffness in the guys’ shoulders eased as Charlotte charmed them to our sides. Within minutes, the three of us held free shots as our new acquaintances circled us like vultures.

We talked and laughed, and while the conversation was trivial, it was fun. I didn’t catch half of their names, but the guy standing closest to me, Tim, seemed intent on keeping my attention. He was probably around six feet with khakis and a collared shirt. He had preppy frat boy written all over him.

“Have you lived here long?” he asked and gave me a lazy smile.

“No, actually, we all just moved here. We’re roommates and new to the area.”

His eyebrows rose, his smile broadening. “Is that right? You should let me show you around then. What part of town do you live in?”

“Oh, just north of here.” I kept my answer vague and wanted to kick myself for not thinking of a better cover.

But he didn’t seem perturbed. “What are you doin’ tomorrow?”

I was about to answer when a change of energy shifted the air. A wave of alpha werewolf power wafted toward me, eliciting goosebumps on my arms. The long-sleeved low-cut top did little to alleviate the chill from whoever had entered the bar.

“Shit,” Charlotte muttered under her breath. “Our commander just arrived. I wonder if he was sent to keep an eye on us.”

I shifted uncomfortably on my stool as Tim tried to engage me in conversation again, but I tracked Wyatt’s movements like a hawk.

He scanned the room until he spotted us. Nostrils flaring, he stalked to the other side of the bar. Since he was so tall, he rose over most of the humans, his large build making him look intimidating and lethal. My stomach curled as a burst of lust shot through me. Damn, he’s hot as sin.

Wyatt took a seat on the opposite side of the room, never bothering to acknowledge us. I had a feeling Charlotte was right about him being here to monitor us. While we were all grown women, we were also new to the Supernatural Forces. No doubt a babysitter had been sent to make sure we didn’t do anything against protocol.

“Should we go say hello to him?” Eliza asked innocently.

Charlotte shook her head. “Definitely not. In fact, I think it’s time we danced.” She hopped off her stool, and the tall blond who’d been doing his best to enamor her grinned devilishly.

“You lookin’ for someone to dance with?” he asked.

“Thought you’d never ask.” She twisted her finger around his shirt before tugging him toward the dance floor.

The second they hit it, Charlotte swayed her hips and lifted her arms.

Tim looked at me expectantly. “What about you? You wanna dance?”

Another shift in energy peaked my internal radar. Across the room, a waitress set a tall beer in front of Wyatt, which he picked up and half downed in one swallow, but his glower didn’t abate.

He still hadn’t looked our way, and from the irritated expression he wore, I guessed babysitting was the last place he wanted to be. A moment of guilt stole over me.

We’d essentially stolen his Saturday night. Still, babysitter or not, we were here, so we might as well enjoy ourselves.

“Why not.” I hopped off my barstool and followed Tim to the dance floor.

Eliza squealed in glee and joined us as the third guy pulled her into his arms.

The dim atmosphere, flashing strobe lights, and steady beat soon distracted all of my attention from our commander.

I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the moment. Alcohol swam through my veins, making me lose my inhibitions. I swayed on the dance floor with my girlfriends around me, getting lost in the music, until two male hands gripped my waist.

My eyes popped open to see Tim staring down at me hungrily. He pulled me tighter against him, my hips flush against his. His pupils dilated, and the telltale sign gave away his arousal.

I inched back. I didn’t mind dancing with him, but I wasn’t a humping pole. More and more humans joined us, and by the end of the song, the dance floor was packed.

I closed my eyes again since Tim had backed off, but then stiffened when his hot breath wafted against my ear. “You wanna come home with me?”

I opened my eyes to see Tim staring at my cleavage. I’d always been well endowed, and the top Charlotte had forced on me left little to the imagination.

“What do you say?” he asked, and pressed against me more. His erection rubbed against my stomach but did nothing to excite me.

I ground my teeth, then opened my mouth to tell him off for rubbing on me like a sex mannequin, when another rush of power flowed over my skin like prickly needles.

I stiffened and swept my attention to the other side of the room.

Wyatt still sat on his dining chair. An empty glass of beer sat in front of him, and his second was already half consumed. A terrifying scowl filled his face, and it was directed entirely at Tim.

“So? What do you say?” Tim pushed, rubbing himself on me again.

I shoved him back. “How about we just dance?”

His jaw tightened, but he nodded. “Sure, we can dance.”

I moved to the beat again and inched closer to Charlotte and Eliza. Charlotte’s hands were still in the air as she waved her arms in tune to the music. She was a natural on the dance floor, which wasn’t surprising.

Most werewolves were incredibly intuitive with their bodies. At least in that department, I could claim the same. While I didn’t have a full-blooded werewolf’s height or strength, I did inherit a natural inclination toward coordination.

I was just beginning to enjoy myself again when Tim’s breath wafted against my neck for a second time. “You’re really fucking sexy, you know that?”

I glared at him, trying not to let him interrupt my dancing. The dude was seriously getting on my nerves.

But then his hands curved around my hips to cup my ass.

I gasped. Motherfucker.

“I’d love nothing more than to feel your tight—”

Tim’s hands were suddenly ripped off me. A wave of power slammed into my chest that was so strong my breath seized in my lungs.

“What the hell?” Tim exclaimed.

My mouth dropped when Tim landed two yards away sprawled across the dance floor.

Wyatt towered over him, rage strumming from my commander in waves.

Eyes widening, I gulped. I hastily reviewed the last few minutes on the dance floor. Had I done something? Said something I wasn’t supposed to? Was I in trouble?

“I’m sorry, did I—”

“We need to leave,” Wyatt cut in, his tone clipped.

Flustered, Eliza twirled around, as if searching for whatever rule we’d broken, while Charlotte pouted. But despite their surprise and irritation, my squad mates went to grab their things.

Wyatt stopped them. “It’s only Private Meyers who needs to return to headquarters. You’re welcome to stay and enjoy your evening.”

Eliza cocked her head, her purple hair glinting off the flashing lights while Charlotte frowned. “But if Avery’s in trouble, then surely—”

“It’s regarding the Institute. It doesn’t involve SF business.”

My stomach dropped. “What?”

“We can still come back,” Charlotte offered.

But I shook my head as worry strummed through me. “No, it’s fine. Stay. Enjoy the night out. Really, it’s okay,” I added when my squad mates tried to protest. I shoved my Explorer’s keys into Charlotte’s hand. “Drive safely on your way back.”

Her fingers curled around the key ring before she stuffed it into her dress’s pocket. Even though we’d all been drinking, I wasn’t worried about them driving back to headquarters drunk. Werewolves and fairies metabolized alcohol differently than humans. It would take more drinks than what Charlotte was downing to impair her driving.

I grabbed my things and followed Wyatt toward the main door.

Tim watched us, seething.

Outside on the sidewalk, the moon shone down on us. The air was still warm, a summer breeze flowing through the streets, as laughter, music, and conversation drifted in the air.

The downtown was alive, and the night was just getting started.

But my night had come to an abrupt halt.

“Sir, did I do something wrong?” I asked as Wyatt led me toward his vehicle at a clipped pace. “Is that why the Institute contacted you?”

Wyatt ran a hand over his face but didn’t reply.

A sinking feeling formed in my stomach. This couldn’t be good.

I mentally reviewed the handbook of rules the Institute and SF had sent me before my first day. I didn’t recall anything I’d done that had broken protocol, but I must have done something.

“Major Jamison? If I’ve done something against SF protocol, I’m very sorry.”

“You didn’t do anything against protocol.”

Confusion filled me, and with every step I took, my alcohol-laden brain cleared a little more. Come to think of it, why was Wyatt only telling me this now? If he’d come to the bar to retrieve me for ambassador business, why did he have a drink first? And why did he wait so long to approach me?

“Sir, what’s going on?”

Wyatt ran a hand over his stubbly cheeks again, the power off him beginning to simmer.

I sucked in a breath, wondering if the humans we passed on the sidewalk could feel the volatility swimming beneath my commander’s skin. It felt like molten lava was burning through me.

“I’ll explain in the truck,” Wyatt replied. He stopped at a black F-150 before opening the door for me.

Flustered, I climbed into the seat. No guy had ever opened the door for me before.

But before I could compose myself, Wyatt slammed my door shut and was on the other side slipping into his seat.

The engine roared to life before he deftly swung out of the parking spot and gunned it toward headquarters.