Fated By Starlight by Krista Street

Chapter 29


The only emergency contacts listed for Avery were Bryce and Danielle Meyers—her parents. They were also impossible to get a hold of.

“Hi, you’ve reached Danielle Meyers, I’m not—” I hung up again. It was the fourth time I’d gotten her mother’s voicemail in the past three hours.

I placed my head in my hands. I’d been waiting at the end of the healing center’s hallway since the witches had booted me out of Avery’s room.

I knew I could go home. My apartment was only a five-minute walk from here, but I didn’t want to be gone if something happened.

Charlotte and Eliza had shown up, too, cutting their time in the fae lands short and wanting to stay as well. But I’d sent them back to their apartment, telling them that Avery would be okay but she was spending the night in the healing center.

All I could do was hope that was true.

Despite being forced to look calm for the sake of my new recruits, internally, my mind raced, and my only “job” to do while I waited was proving futile.

Avery’s parents were currently living in India, which meant it was afternoon there. It was possible they were working, which explained why neither was answering their phone. And there wasn’t much more I could do now except wait.

I hung my head. I’d already left three messages on both of their cells, hoping they would call, yet dreading when they did. Because how did I tell them that their daughter had suffered an unknown magical event? Or possibly been hexed? Worse, how could I tell them that it had happened under my watch? I was her commander. She was my ambassador recruit. What happened to her during her time here essentially fell on my shoulders.

“How are you holding up?” Bavar’s question cut through my thoughts like a blade. He sat down on the chair beside me, the vinyl squeaking in protest, then handed me a cup of coffee.

It was near four in the morning, so I took it and gulped a drink of the bitter brew, hoping the caffeine would help keep me sharp. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

He eyed the closed door to Avery’s room. “Wes wants to talk to you.”

“I know.”

“I can keep watch if you want to meet with him.”

I drained the rest of the cup and tossed it in the trash. A growl rumbled my chest.

Bavar eyed me warily. “I’ll keep watch. You can go. I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

I suppressed another growl, knowing he was only trying to help. I had a feeling the fairy knew how I felt about Avery, but that was a conversation for another day.

I stood and gave him a sharp look. “You promise you’ll let me know immediately when someone comes out of that room and lets us know what the hell’s going on?”

“On the Queen’s honor, you have my word.”

I tried for a lighter tone, knowing my friend didn’t deserve my agitated aggression. “That’s saying something, considering she’s your aunt.”

Bavar gave a mock bow. “Exactly. You have nothing to fear.” He grew serious again. “It’s okay, Wyatt. I shall alert you immediately, friend. Go.”

My instincts told me to stay, but I also knew I wasn’t of rational mind right now, so I stalked down the hallway.

My wolf whined, anxiety lacing his tone. Avery’s scent clung to her room’s doorway. Inside, I detected murmuring voices, but one of the witches must have cast a cloaking spell around the room since I couldn’t make out actual words.

My heart thumped when I sprinted down the stairs and out the door.

Earth’s nighttime sky shone above and reminded me of the night Avery and I’d shared under the stars. How long ago that now felt.

When I reached the main building, I scanned myself in. The halls were quiet, only nighttime staff on duty, yet Wes’s light was on in his office when I reached the top floor.

He sat at his desk, the holographs alight around him. A six-foot-tall globe shimmered in the middle of the room, highlighting various SF members’ locations throughout the world.

“How is she?” Wes asked. Despite being pulled from bed at one in the morning, he looked alert.

“I don’t know. They haven’t given me an update.”

Wes paced near his windows. “I’ve been in touch with my fae informants. To the best of their knowledge, Avery was the only one who suffered from whatever magical malady that comet created. If it was caused by the comet.”

I tried to voice that it was good news no one else had been affected, but I couldn’t. Anger rose in my gut that Avery had been the only one singled out. Not that I wished her condition on anyone else, but dammit, why did she have to be the one?

“I was also told that you used a portal key and have been quite protective of her since she returned.” He stopped pacing to face me, his face impassive.

“She’s under my command, sir. It’s my job to protect her.”

“I’m aware of that, yet once you brought her to the healing center, your responsibilities regarding her well-being stopped. And I understand it’s normal for a commander to stay with an injured recruit, but I’ve also heard of your territorial responses.”

I clenched my jaw. Considering this was our second serious conversation about my behavior, I knew where this was going, except this time I didn’t care. If it meant I would be fired from my job for staying by her side, even if Avery hated me now after how I’d treated her, so be it. I wouldn’t leave her. I would win her back, groveling if I had to. I would do whatever was needed to make things right with her.

But the one regret I would have to live with? Marcus. I’d let him down.

I’m so sorry, brother.

Wes sighed. “I’m on your side, Major, even though you may not believe it. If Avery survives this, I’m tasking you with her safety and uncovering answers to explain what happened to her.”

I cocked my head. “Sir?”

“Wyatt,” Wes said with a deep sigh. “I believe Avery may be your mate. You might not have known it, but I’ve been monitoring your behavior. While you haven’t broken protocol since our last conversation, your feelings for her are obvious. I’m a wolf. I know the signs, and I think it’s time that you consider the fact that you and your wolf have chosen her as your mate and what that will mean for your future. You don’t need to worry. Your job here is secure. Your admirable control has proven you’re worthy of maintaining your position.”

My mouth went dry. I couldn’t reply. Wes knew that Avery was my mate. And she was. I felt it in the depths of my bones, only I’d been trying to fight it, thinking it was best to wait until I pursued her. I’d wanted what was best for her, believing her dream was what mattered most.

But I’d been a fool.

She’d had feelings for me. I’d seen them that night she showed up at my doorstep with the plate of cookies, but I’d rejected her, distanced myself, and treated her appallingly—all in the hope that I wouldn’t shackle her to a long-distance relationship that proved too stressful and difficult.

Wes studied me, no doubt scenting the depth of my remorse.

“I’ve been amazed at your control over the past few months,” he said quietly. “A lesser wolf wouldn’t have been able to resist the pull of his mate, yet you did what you felt was right for her, even though it sacrificed your happiness in the process.” He came around the front of his desk. “But if you let her leave without telling her how you truly feel, it will destroy you.”

I hung my head, and my chest swelled. The thought of Avery leaving my life . . .

My wolf howled.

ButI’d been willing to do that for her. I would do anything to ensure Avery’s happiness.

I shook my head. “Her dream is becoming an ambassador, sir. It’s not being tethered to me.”

Wes put his hands in his pockets. “She won’t have the chance to be an ambassador if we don’t figure out what happened to her.”

My head whipped up, my heartbeat turning erratic. “But the healers, they’ll save her. They’ll fix her—”

“I don’t know if they can, Wyatt.”

“No! She can’t die—”

Wes raised his hands. “She’s still alive, but I’ve been in this business long enough to know that what happened to her in the fae lands won’t be fixed tonight. Therefore, if she survives, we’ll need answers to explain what happened to her. If not, whatever event created her sickness could have lingering effects or come back in the future to harm her. At this point, we don’t know, that’s the problem, but in my experience, events like these rarely have an easy explanation or solution. That’s why I need someone to delve deeper into this. Besides, if this happened to Avery, it could happen to someone else. Our ultimate responsibility at the SF is to keep all supernaturals safe, and unknown magic or hexes cannot be tolerated.”

He stepped closer until we stood eye to eye. “I’ve sent messages to Masters Mallory and Alarus, the gargoyle scholars here at our SF library, asking them to look into the Safrinite comet the second they wake up in the morning. And I’ve already sent a petition to the supernatural courts, asking for access to the Bulgarian libraries. Assuming, they eventually give us clearance, I’ve been in touch with Nicholas Fitzpatrick, our gargoyle scholar representative, as you’ll be working with him as he guides you through the intricacies of Bulgaria’s libraries.”

“Nicholas Fitzpatrick? The vampire?”

“Yes. If we’re granted access, you’ll need to be civil to him even though I know you don’t care for him given your history.”

My hands curled into fists, and I took a deep breath, trying to dispel my anger about the vamp. “What about the libraries in the fae lands? Have you sent word to those?”

“Not yet, those may require you to visit them directly.”

I gave a curt nod. “And what’s to become of my other recruits while I search the fae lands’ libraries?”

“Bavar will take them under his wing and will complete their training. It shouldn’t be hard. They have less than two weeks left. So, starting now, I’m giving you a three-month leave from the SF to uncover what happened in the fae lands tonight. Do you believe you’re up to the task?”

I imagined Avery lying on the ground unconscious as unknown magic spilled from her. My wolf snarled. He and I were in agreeance on this. We would give our life to protect her, and if uncovering what had happened to her guaranteed that, I would travel to the ends of the earth or the fae lands to find it.

“I’m up for it, but I can’t leave until she wakes up. I need to know that she’s okay.”

“Of course. In that case—” A buzz emitted from Wes’s tablet just as a call rang on my phone. Wes pulled his tablet from his pocket while I extracted my mobile.

Bavar was calling me, and Douglas—the sorcerer currently attending to Avery—was messaging Wes.

Dread filled my stomach as Wes tapped a button on his tablet. Before I could answer Bavar’s call, a miniature holographic image of Douglas rose from Wes’s tablet.

“Sir, you need to come down here,” Douglas said urgently.

Hearing his demand made terror flood my lungs. “What happened? How’s Avery?” I demanded as I silenced the call from Bavar.

Douglas startled, his holographic image turning toward me, as if he hadn’t realized I was there. “She’s alive, Major Jamison, but I don’t know for how long.” Douglas shook his head. “What we’ve found . . . I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The sorcerer turned his attention back to Wes. “Hurry. You need to see this.”

∞     ∞     ∞

Avery and Wyatt’s story continues in:

Born by Moonlight,book two in the Supernatural Institute series.

Download now on Amazon!

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Hello there! Krista Street here. Thanks so much for reading Fated by Starlight. I hope you enjoyed it, as I had a blast writing it!

Also, hopefully you knew that cliffhanger ending was coming so you’re not cursing me right now! I did my best to warn you in the book’s blurb and in the preface of this book (in hopes I wouldn’t catch you unaware), so hopefully you knew it was coming. :)

Expect more passion and twists in book two. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series. You’re in for an exhilarating ride!

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Krista Street