Fated By Starlight by Krista Street

Chapter 4


Nick let out a shuddering breath, and the small sparks from his fingertips lessened. “That was a test, sir? That wasn’t real?”

“That’s right,” I replied. “What you just experienced was a mock training session our witches and sorcerers created. That figure you saw emerge from the fog was a hologram, and the lightning was a magical trick. We use this training session for all new recruits on their first day.”

“But it almost hit me, sir,” Nick exclaimed.

“It was designed to miss you, Private, and make you think it would have killed you.” I waved to where the fictional sizzling crater had been. It’d disappeared now that the magical display was over. “I know it took you all by surprise, which was our intention. I’m sorry for the genuine fear it caused, but it’s something we do to all new recruits so we can gauge your strengths and weaknesses when a crisis arises. It helps us train you better.”

Nick ran his hands through his brown hair. Stress lines marred his features.

I forced myself to keep my attention on the tall, powerful sorcerer, even though I really wanted to look at Avery. She’d done wonderfully on the first test, asking sharp and succinct questions, pulling those at risk closer to the building, and even shielding them with her own body.

Her response was admirable, especially considering she had little to no magic to speak of. My wolf rumbled with approval too.

I frowned. It was the second time he’d shown a reaction to Avery since seeing her in the garage.

Despite my best intentions, my gaze inadvertently drifted to her. She still shielded Bo and Eliza. A flare of pride surged through me, but I was careful to keep my expression neutral.

“You all did well,” I continued. “None of you ran, which is always our biggest concern, because we work as a team here.”

Wes stepped forward. Since he was also a werewolf, he was of similar height to me, but since he was a hundred years my senior he had graying hair. His age hadn’t diminished his strength or mental sharpness, however. Most wolves lived active lives until at least two hundred years of age.

“Privates Baker, Larson, and Morris you showed true bravery.” Wes nodded at Nick, Chris, and Charlotte. “And Privates Lane, Sanchez, River, and Meyers—while you didn’t go on the offense, you also didn’t abandon your squad. You all stayed together, the stronger on the outside protecting the weaker on the inside. Like Major Jamison said, you all did very well.”

Zaden flinched. I knew the vamp didn’t like being pegged as a weaker one, but he would learn. Vampires had a natural tendency to stay alone or in a coven with other vamps. To work closely with other supernaturals, especially here, often proved difficult for them. But the fact that Zaden hadn’t run boded well.

Chris chuffed in his wolf form. I had no doubt if he was in his human form he would have given Zaden a satisfied smirk. The animosity that had quickly erupted between the two could pose troublesome.

I made a mental note to pair them together when group training started next week. One way or another, they would learn to work together, and given my experience with new recruits, I wasn’t overly worried. Most likely, by the time their three months of training finished, they would be teammates who trusted one another. Maybe even liked one another.

They just didn’t know it yet.

“Do tests such as this occur often, sir?” Eliza asked.

I dipped my chin to address her. “No, they don’t. Rest easy.”

She gave a relieved smile.

Bo shuffled his feet from behind Avery, his cheeks pink. He hadn’t shown much courage during his first test, but that could change. I’d have to monitor him over the coming weeks to see if that improved, although given his future position was in Magical Forensics, bravery in the field wasn’t as needed.

I stepped forward since I knew Wes needed to get back to the command center. “Now that your first test is done, the men can follow me. Your new uniforms are in your living quarters. I’ll show you inside and then lead the women to their barracks.”

Chris, Bo, Zaden, and Nick followed—Chris still a wolf. If he shifted now, he would be naked.

Wes nodded a farewell before heading back to the main building, which left Charlotte, Eliza, and Avery waiting outside for me to return.

I made quick work of it, leading the men to their second floor apartment, pointing out the uniforms in their rooms that they should change into, and then issuing an order to be outside again in fifteen minutes. From there, I silently retreated back downstairs. When I reached the front door, the women’s soft voices floated into the barracks’ entryway.

I paused. I knew I should join them, but Avery’s profile was visible through the door’s window. Her dark hair tumbled down her back, and her lips had lifted in a smile. The vision literally seized me in my tracks.

Gods, she’s beautiful.

“Shit, that was intense,” Charlotte muttered.

Her comment snapped me back to reality just as Eliza replied, “But you did most spectacularly! Do you always travel with your bow and arrows?”

Charlotte laughed. “Not usually, but my skill with the bow is how I got in here.” She bit her lip. “It’s a good thing my arrow hit that tree. What if it had sailed through the fake mist and hit an SF member?”

“I’m sure if anyone has the antidote for kuraia readily on hand, it’s the SF,” Avery replied.

She was right. If anybody had been hit by Charlotte’s arrow, we would have raced them to the healing center.

I finally pushed through the door and stepped into the morning sunlight. “The men are getting changed. You may follow me.”

Avery startled, her rich golden-brown irises fluttering to mine. She turned toward her bag. The movement made her lilac scent drift my way. That aroma was more enticing and appealing than any witch fragrance I’d ever encountered.


Inside me, my wolf again rumbled his pleasure. I curled my hands into fists, trying to stop the physical reaction Avery was having on me. Correction: us.

I paused to let the women collect their things. Avery made a move to lift her bag but abruptly dropped it, her gaze skittering nervously my way. She reached for it again, but I beat her to it, instincts roaring in me to help her.

My hand brushed hers before she lurched back. It was enough contact to send a ripple of pleasure shooting through me.

I tensed and straightened, then easily lifted her bag over my shoulder. “Follow me,” I said gruffly.

She opened her mouth to reply, but I was already striding down the sidewalk with her bag in tow. Fuck. I’d just reacted to her on instinct.

Not good.

Behind me, Charlotte murmured something to Avery, but I didn’t catch it since she spoke quietly and the wind carried it in the opposite direction.

Two buildings down, I stopped at the women’s barracks. “Women live here.”

I proceeded to show them the passcode to enter the building along with the holographic lock that hovered near the keypad. It registered SF members’ fingerprints when we rested our hand near it.

“There’s an elevator down the hall or stairs to the right.” I headed toward the stairs since it was faster and meant I wouldn’t be in a confined space with Avery again. Her scent and presence were doing my head in. Better to avoid that situation until I figured out a better way to handle my responses to her.

The women trudged up the stairs behind me, Avery at the rear.

“Your apartment’s on the second floor. Keys are inside, one for each of you. The holographic locks are also available should you decide to leave your keys at home.”

When I reached their door, I swung it open, revealing the small three-bedroom apartment with a compact living room and a kitchen.

I waited outside while the women proceeded to enter. When Avery passed me, she darted by, not looking in my direction.

My wolf rumbled. He didn’t like her skittishness and was upset that I’d made her nervous. And even though I didn’t want to admit it, I felt the same.

Grinding my teeth, I continued, “Meals are served three times a day in the cafeteria, however, you’re also allowed to cook in your living quarters if you prefer. Essentials are already stocked in the shelves. Now, I’ll leave you so you can get changed into your uniforms, which are in the dressers in your rooms. Report to the front of the men’s barracks in ten minutes.”

I stepped into the living room only enough to hand Avery her bag. She grabbed the strap on the far side, as if keeping as much distance between our fingers as possible. “Thank you, sir.”

I nodded but trained my eyes over the top of her head. Already her scent was distracting me.

Once the women were situated, I left silently and prowled back to where the men waited. Chris straightened like an eager puppy when he saw me, but images of Avery kept flashing through my mind.

It didn’t help when the women returned in their uniforms. The cargos clung to Avery’s soft curves, accentuating her flaring hips and round ass. And the T-shirt. Hot damn. With it tucked in, her full breasts were prominently displayed.

A growl threatened to erupt from my chest when both Zaden and Chris took notice. Arousal wafted up from both of them, making my nostrils flare, but Avery remained oblivious as she stood beside Charlotte and Eliza, her gaze darting about, seeming to fall anywhere but me.

Taking a deep breath, I did my best to squelch my territorial reaction, but my voice was still rough when I said, “New recruits, let’s finish the tour. Follow me.”