Original Sins by Faith Summers



Both men walk toward me in slow, measured steps.

Henry smiles while Georgiou looks me over like he’s assessing every inch of my body inside and out.

This is it.

Essentially the moment I’ve been waiting for all my life. It just came to me in the most unexpected way. In fact, I think unexpected might be too tame a word to describe this, but it’s the best word I can think of right now.

I take in a slow breath and try not to look like the terrified virgin. Although that’s exactly what I am.

I just can’t afford to fuck this up. I have to be a woman now. I became a woman the moment I decided I needed to escape my father. Now it’s time to be precisely that. Strong-willed and daring, that’s who I am. I’m not the weakling my father thinks me to be, and he’s not going to dictate how I live my life or who I marry.

So this is it. Time to up my game and do what I have to do to ensure my freedom and make sure this doesn’t blow up in my face.

“Hello,” Georgiou speaks first.

“Hi,” I reply.

“I’m Georgiou Giordano.”

I can’t believe this is the first time we’ve spoken or that he’s this ridiculously gorgeous.

With those thick dark brows and his chiseled, angular chin, he looks like a storybook prince. One step closer, and I’m enveloped in the musky woodland scent of his cologne.

“Hi, Georgiou, my name is Evangeline Ri—” God, I almost slipped up. “Montrose. People call me Evie for short.”

There’s no way he didn’t notice my mistake in my name, and I don’t think he thought I slipped up because I was so taken with him.

He doesn’t seem to care, though.

Good. But I need to be more careful.

He puts out his hand to shake mine, and I give my hand to him. He takes it, but instead of shaking my hand, he lifts it and brushes his lips over my knuckles while holding my gaze with those dark, mysterious eyes of his.

“A pleasure to meet you, Evangeline Montrose.”

The alluring, seductive scent of him works its way into me, as does the low timbre of his voice. Just as I’m about to get lost in him, he releases my hand, and Henry takes it giving me a smile that defines charm in every sense of the word.

My nipples pebble just from the sight of that smile on his handsome face, and I stare into his deep blue eyes that remind me of the Mediterranean Sea.

They’re so deep I could fall into his endless gaze.

“I’m Henry Dubois, Duchess.”


Did he just call me Duchess?



He kisses my hand too, and as his lips graze over my skin, I feel the kiss


My cheeks heat when desire stirs low in my belly and coils into my pussy with

such a powerful force, I clench my thighs.

I know I’m wet, and I’m sure if I don’t control myself, I’ll be leaking any second now.

That’s just the effect of them, and they’ve barely touched me.

It’s only when Henry releases my hand that I remember to breathe and talk. I have to say more than hello to them.

They’re both looking at me now like they want me to do just that, and I remember Gina’s caution about nerves.

The thing is, I am still nervous, but the attraction has worked its way into me and amplified those nerves.

The first thing I should do is thank them like I planned to.

“Thank you for….um….” My voice trails off as I realize saying thanks for buying me might not be the best thing.

Georgiou smiles at me and chuckles.

“Buying?” He fills in.

“Um, yeah. Thanks.”

My gratitude isn’t coming out the way I wanted it to sound.

“We don’t see it as buying per se,” Henry says.

“We see it as paying for an experience. Creating a way to meet you that we wouldn’t under normal circumstances,” Georgiou explains further.

“Oh, I see.”

I’m so stuck on what he said that I zone out for a moment—creating a way to meet me.

There’s a sentiment in those words I shouldn’t feel because, in theory, we just met, though I feel like the reclusive girl who no one ever notices and often calls the reject, getting her wish.

I don’t look like that kind of person, but that’s what my father turned me into.

Georgiou turns his smile up a notch. “Let’s put it this way, Duchess.” He leans closer, and I can’t help but smile at the pet name I now seem to have. “If I walked up to you on the street and asked you to give me your virginity, would you do it?”

All I can do is stare at him. I’m not sure if that’s some type of rhetorical question or if he’s serious.

I think he might be serious, which means either he might not know every woman would say yes, or he does, and he just wants my answer.

From the sinful look in his eyes, I feel like it might be the latter.

“Maybe,” I reply. Cordelia told me never to confirm anything. Saying yes in this situation might make me seem like a slut, and saying no just wouldn’t be good.

“Glad to hear it’s a maybe.” Georgiou winks at me, and I feel like I just passed some test.

When he straightens up, he glances at Henry, who’s already smiling at me with that charm again.

“What about me, Duchess?” he asks.

“Yes,” I answer, this time not thinking.

A ruthless grin lifts the corners of his sensual mouth, and I imagine him taking me precisely like that—ruthlessly.

“Look at that. I get a yes from the Duchess, Georgiou.”

A blush creeps into my cheeks, and I look at Georgiou, hoping I didn’t offend him.

“I didn’t mean I wouldn’t with you,” I say quickly.

“I know, your eyes gave you away, Duchess. I already knew you would before I asked the question.” Georgiou smirks. “This is just us getting to know you better before we see you tomorrow.”

Tomorrow.That’s when it happens. I’ll lose my virginity, and I’ll be different forever.

What will happen, though?Will I get to choose who takes me first, or will they?

God, listen to me.

“You have questions,” Henry states, cracking his knuckles.

“I do.”

“Then ask away.”

I look from one to the other. “How will it work?”

“We’ll see how it goes,” Georgiou answers. “Does it scare you that it’s two of us?” He rivets his gaze to mine.

I should say yes because it’s true. I was expecting one guy, and now I have two. But, when I really think about the question he’s asking me, I don’t actually feel scared because I’ve liked them both for so long. So, at least I can be truthful in this respect and tell the truth when it comes to my feelings.


They both exchange curious glances, and Georgiou returns his gaze to me.

“Good, you shouldn’t be scared of us. We won’t hurt you,” he promises, and that makes me think of Peter.

I don’t want to think of that bastard now, but it’s nice to be told I won’t be hurt. Not the way Peter was going to hurt me.

“We literally will play it by ear and how we feel. But, I get to take your virginity,” Georgiou adds. “That’s the only plan we have so far.”

Henry touches my chin and guides my face toward him. “What have you done before Duchess?”

Embarrassment creeps into me. I’m eighteen years old, and I haven’t done anything besides happen to stumble over a few porn videos at Cordelia’s house.

That’s it.

Crazy as my cousin is, she would never leave me alone with anyone when she took me to parties, and if she had to, one of her guards was always with me.

“I haven’t done anything,” I rasp.

I sound so lame, but the smile he gives me is the type you’d find on a person who just won a million dollars. I guess for billionaires like them, it would have to be a pot of gold.

“Is that so?”


“So you’ve never been kissed?”

I shake my head. “No. I haven’t been kissed.”

He tilts my chin higher, and the touch of his fingers smoothing over the edge of my neck sends a shiver of warm pleasure through me.

“Well, since Georgiou gets to take your virginity, can I have your first kiss?”

My breath hitches at the question because I’m surprised. “You’re asking me?”

“Your first kiss always belongs to you. It’s something you should give, and it shouldn’t be stolen or taken. So yes, I am asking. Will you give it to me?”

A lusty feeling steals over me. It conflicts with the sweetness in his words and the tenderness in his gaze.

What’s making me lust after him is how perfect he is. Suddenly the pleasure I previously felt coiling in my belly pulses through my veins.

I can’t think of anything better than getting to kiss him.

“Yes,” I reply, and with that, he lowers to my lips.

As he presses his mouth against mine, raw need meets pure desire, whispering to every secret part of me. It sets my entire body aflame with the fires of pleasure.

A sweet, tantalizing sensation luxuriates over my body in overlapping waves when we start to kiss, and my brain tumbles into overdrive.

Shivers build in my soul when he cups my face to deepen the kiss, and his tongue pushes into my mouth, forcing mine to dance with his.

The powerful sensation shatters my nerves, and every inch of my being comes alive with raw energy.

I moan into his mouth, and that’s when he releases me.

“We better leave it there, Duchess. I don’t want to break those terms of the contract before we’ve even begun.” He grins.

My lips still burn from where he kissed me, and I want more.

Georgiou shuffles, and I look at him, realizing he was just watching us the whole time. He looks okay with us kissing the way we did.

He leans in toward me, and I think he might take his turn to kiss me, but he doesn’t.

Instead, he points to his cheek.

“One here,” he says.

“You don’t want an actual kiss?”

“I do, but I won’t rob either of you of the memory of your first kiss. You can kiss me all you want tomorrow.”

He beckons to me again to kiss his cheek, so I do, and once again, I can’t resist the smile that comes to me.

He smiles too, and I remark again at how weird this is, but at the same time, not.

“We’ll send a car to get you tomorrow at six pm,” he informs me. “We’d like you to spend weekends with us and stay at our place at night from seven onwards. There will be instances where we’ll send for you during the day, but we’ll let you know beforehand so it won’t mess with your plans. Does that sound okay?”

“Yes, that’s perfect.”

“Good, by the same token, just let us know if you have any prior engagements.”

Like my actual engagement, the thought makes me sick. “I have one weekend where I have a family thing, but it’s not for the whole weekend. Just the Friday and Saturday.” Dad will be here on the Friday of that week and will, of course, expect to see me. Then Saturday is the party. “That’s it. I’m free otherwise.”

“That’s fine. We’re flexible. See you tomorrow, Duchess.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Henry winks at me, and I watch the two leave. I take a moment to gather myself, then I leave too and race to the room I left Cordelia in.

She looks like a walking timebomb. When she sees me, she shrieks, and it sounds like a combo of excitement and worry.

She rushes over to me for a hug and keeps hold of my shoulders when we pull apart.

“You saw what happened to me,” I say foolishly.

“Of course I did. Jesus H. We certainly know how to land ourselves in shit, but the thing about it is it’s not shit because it’s them.” She laughs nervously and releases me.

“I know.”

“What happened when you met them?”

“Henry kissed me. Cordelia, that was my first kiss.”

Her eyes fly open, and she brings her hands up to her chest. "Oh my God. That is so sweet. Did you kiss Georgiou too?"

"Tomorrow. Oh my God, what the hell have I gotten myself into. Cordelia, it's two of them."

"And they paid one and a half million dollars. That's what you call a pissing match, and they won. I dare say, though, that British guy was seriously hot. It worked out the way it should, though. How are you feeling?"

"I'm terrified but excited because it's them. Because it's them, this really does mean I have to disappear when it's over." The sad thought hits me and deepens when she nods.

“That was the plan. Don’t worry about it.”

“I do. I worry about that and messing this up.”

“Just be careful with everything you say.”

I won't tell her I almost gave them my real surname. "I will. Have either of them ever been to your place?"

"No. As a rule, I never invite guys who work with Uncle Donny to the house. I don't want them trying to get in my panties so they can use me to get to him. Please," she purses her lips together. "Not that Georgiou or Henry would need to."

"Okay, well, the rest is on me."

"Yes, and you got this. All you have to do is be careful. The universe is on your side, and it's like the planets have aligned to make your father less strict and less crazy. You can do this."

I nod and tell myself I can.

Tomorrow is the big day, and even though I'm worried, I can't wait to see Georgiou and Henry again.

And I’m spending the whole weekend with them.

I have a feeling that come Monday morning, I would have more than made up for my lack of sexual experiences.